Principal Palladino

October 20, 2024

Pennell Families,

Thank you to PTO and all of the families for an awesome Fall Fest. It was perfect weather with the full moon glowing orange in the background. The students had an incredible time. This is always one of the main events the kids look forward to and remember all year.

Related arts schedule days:

Monday is D

Tuesday is E

Wednesday is F

Thursday is A

Friday is B

Bus Behavior:

There has been an uptick in reports of unexpected behaviors on the bus. I have asked the teachers to review the bus expectations with their students, and I am asking you to help reinforce those rules with some conversation at home. Please remind your children to sit on the bus at all times, to stay seated, and to keep their hands and feet to themselves. It is an added bonus if they can also keep to inside voices while riding. I know it is hard for me to concentrate with just one child and my husband in the car when I'm driving, these bus drivers must have super powers with a full bus load of children. The more we can do to support them in talking with our kids, the more safe their travel to and from school will be.


Anyone picking up your child at dismissal MUST have the gold card with your family's name on it, or they will be asked to go to the office and produce identification so that we can check it with our system.

Upcoming Dates for your Calendar:

  • 10/23 Cookies and Clearances 6:00 PM- 7:00 PM
  • 10/25 Wear Pink Day
  • 11/1 Cookie Election (oreo or chips ahoy?)
  • 11/4 and 11/5 In-service days, no school for students
  • 11/8 National STEM Day
  • 11/12 PTO Meeting 6:30 in the library
  • 11/25 and 11/26 Fall conferences
  • 11/27 Half-day for students
  • 11/27 Trimester 1 Ends
  • 11/28 and 11/29 District closed for the holiday

Follow us now on Instagram @PDSD_Pennell


REMINDER: Permission slips are due Wednesday, 10/23, for the Health Hero PA Flu Vaccine clinic on Tuesday, 10/29. If you would like your child to be administered the flu vaccine on 10/29, you will need to have the signed permission into the nurse by this Wednesday.


Parent Tech Tip from our Technology teacher, Ms. Cameron

Parent Tech Tip from our Technology teacher, Ms. Cameron

What Is SEL? | Common Sense Media 



  • This is the last week and weekend of the Brandywine exhibit. The art officially comes down 10/22.
  • Starting October 23rd, your works will be available for pick up in the Museum Shop. Just stop by during open hours and give your name to the Shop staff and they will get it for you!
  • Thank you for a BEAUTIFUL show and being so easy to work with.

-Liesl, from Brandywine Art Museum




Thank you to everyone who came out to Fall Fest! It was a fantastic time as always. If you took photos, please send them to We couldn't do a big event like this without our amazing volunteers & we always need more of them, so please consider joining our committee or helping with set up & clean up next year!

Little Caesars orders are due THIS FRIDAY October 25. We cannot accept any late orders, so get them in! Delivery will be the week of November 11 - when we have an exact date we will share it.

Our next meeting will be November 12  at 6:30pm in the library & on Zoom.

Is Disney on Ice part of your family’s winter break plans? Use this link to purchase tickets & help support our 5th Grade Committee! Please share with anyone you think may be interested!


5th Grade Parents & Guardians: Join our FB group or email to be added to our email list for all the latest news.  Committee links are now on the PTO website


Details about all our fundraisers & events are always on our website. Make sure to follow our social media on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter!


PENNELL 2024-25


Please take some time this weekend to review the Pennell Handbook. Make sure to review drop off and pick up procedures in addition to birthday snacks and absent procedures.



Pennell's Website
Report Attendance
24-25 Instructional Calendar
Volunteer Clearance Information
Penn-Delco's Website
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