Principal Palladino

October 6, 2024

Pennell Families,

** Wednesday 10/9 is a half-day for all students. Dismissal is at 11:15.

Related arts schedule days:

Monday is A

Tuesday is B

Wednesday is C

Thursday is D

Friday is E

This week is Spirit Week leading up to Sun Valley High School Homecoming. Please join us in celebrating throughout the week with themed dress down days:

  • Monday - Philly Fanatic Day - wear Philadelphia sports gear
  • And/Or wear BLUE for World Day of Bully Prevention
  • Tuesday - Holiday Day - represent your favorite holiday
  • Wednesday - PJ Day - be comfortable for the half-day
  • Thursday - Team Color Day
  • Kinder = red, 1st = yellow, 2nd = black, 3rd = blue, 4th = white, 5th = orange
  • Friday - Spirit Day - wear your Pennell gear, show school spirit


Anyone picking up your child at dismissal MUST have the gold card with your family's name on it, or they will be asked to go to the office and produce identification so that we can check it with our system.

Lock Down Drill:

We will be having a lock down drill in the next couple of weeks. Teachers will be talking to their classes about what to do in the case of an emergency where we would need to stay in the building instead of evacuating. Our students had their first evacuation drill this past month, and did fabulously. Feel free to reach out to your child's teacher if you would like to reinforce the same language he/she is using in the classroom. I understand these drills can be unsettling, let me know if your child may need a visit with the counselor to work through any big feelings.

Upcoming Dates for your Calendar:

  • 10/7-10/11 Scholastic Book Fair
  • 10/8 PTO Meeting 6:30, 5th Grade Committee @ 6:00
  • 10/9 Pennell Pride Day
  • 10/9 Half-day for students – Teacher In-service
  • 10/11 SVHS Homecoming Parade
  • 10/17 Kindergarten Field Trip to Highland Orchards
  • 10/18 Full-day In-service – No school for students
  • 10/18 Fall Fest (rain date 10/25)

Follow us now on Instagram @PDSD_Pennell


No one is allowed to give anyone access to the building except the front office staff. This is part of our safety procedures. Please do not be offended if the recess assistants ask you to push the door bell, they are only following our safety protocols to ensure we keep our kids and the school safe. Thank you for your understanding.


Parent Tech Tip from our Technology teacher, Ms. Cameron

October 7 is World Day of Bullying Prevention. Join us in wearing blue on Monday to increase awareness. 


Parent Tech Tip from our Technology teacher, Ms. Cameron

Keeping Games Fun and Friendly



Book Fair starts tomorrow & we still need volunteers, especially Monday & Thursday. Sign up here. Family Night is Tuesday from 5-7.

The October PTO Meeting will be Tuesday at 6:30 in the library & on Zoom. We will have childcare available in the gym. Lots of fun things on the agenda, including Fall Fest!

Pennell October PTO Meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 486 463 0334

Passcode: 7TPRTK 

Pennell families are invited to participate in the Sun Valley Homecoming Parade on Friday night. Meet at the Aston Community Center at 5:30. Wear your Pennell gear (or blue & gold). All children must have an adult with them. Students get free admission to the SV football game, adults are $5 cash at the gate.

Flyers for our Little Caesars Fundraiser are coming home this week. Details are online - you can set up your online sales tomorrow! 

Fall Fest is next Friday 10/18. This evening event is for Pennell families only, but siblings are welcome & costumes are encouraged. Orange flyers are coming home this week but details are on our website. Sign up to volunteer here!

Pretzel Fridays continue this week. The 5th Grade Committee will sell soft pretzels at lunch for $1 every Friday - thank you for supporting our tastiest fundraiser!

5th Grade Parents & Guardians: Please join us Tuesday at 6pm in the library for our next meeting. Join our FB group or email to be added to our email list for all the latest news.  Committee links are now on the PTO website

Is Disney on Ice part of your family’s winter break plans? Use this link to purchase tickets & help support our 5th Grade Committee! Please share with anyone you think may be interested!


Make sure to follow our social media on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter!


PENNELL 2024-25


Please take some time this weekend to review the Pennell Handbook. Make sure to review drop off and pick up procedures in addition to birthday snacks and absent procedures.



Pennell's Website
Report Attendance
24-25 Instructional Calendar
Volunteer Clearance Information
Penn-Delco's Website
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