Mrs. Christa Palladino, Principal

September 10, 2023

Thank you for an incredible first week of school. We are still working on some improvements, but all in all it was great opening to our school year.

We look forward to seeing all of our parents this Tuesday, 9/12, starting at 6:30 PM for Back to School Night. You should have received a letter from me in your child's school bag with details for the night. If you cannot find the letter you can click on the link above for information.

We also invite you to our first PTO meeting this Thursday, 9/14, at 6:30 in the Pennell Library.

Kindergarten Arrival

All kindergarten students should arrive between 8:35 and 8:50 AM starting this week. Now that we have the morning routine down, we are confident that we can all arrive on time moving forward. Please display the yellow Kindergarten sign on your dash during drop off, so we can more easily discern which cars should pull into the kinder line. Please remember to also wait to pull all the way up near the stop sign, and do not exit car. A staff member will help your child out on the school side of the vehicle. We appreciate your cooperation.

** Monday we will send home a yellow kindergarten sign you should display in your dash in the morning so that we can more easily direct traffic.

First-Fifth Arrival

Please pull all the way up next to the playground if you are the first car, and remember to stay in your vehicle at all times while allowing your child to exit on the building side/driver side of the car. This is extremely important to mitigate the efficient flow of the car line.

Dismissal Procedures

Please write student(s) first names with large black marker as well to aid in the dismissal process.  Our youngest scholars are not recognizing their last names when calling them for dismissal.

Just like last year, please be patient the first few weeks of school as we establish our dismissal routine. It is imperative that we do it slowly and diligently to start until we are familiar with everyone's individual needs. I promise you that after the first 2-3 weeks, we will clear the building quickly and safely.

**Reminder: anyone picking up your child MUST have the blue card with your family's name on it, or they will be asked to go the office and produce identification so that we can check it with our system and your approved people.

Free and Reduced Lunch

Any family experiencing economic hardship is encouraged to apply for free or reduced lunch for their child(ren). Please click HERE for information about the program. Please click HERE for the application.

Bus information can be found at

Upcoming Dates for your Calendar:

  • 9/10-16 Arts in Education Week
  • 9/12 6:30-8:30 Back to School Night
  • 9/14 Pennell Pride Day - Please wear your Pennell t-shirts
  • 9/14 6:30 PTO Meeting
  • 9/15-17 Rosh Hashanah
  • 9/22 First day of Autumn
  • 9/25 Yom Kippur
  • 9/25-29 Spirit Week
  • 9/29 Homecoming
  • 10/2 9:30 Benergy Assembly

Follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @PDSD_Pennell

WELCOME, New Teachers an Staff

Please welcome the new teachers and staff to our Pennell family:

  • Ms. Kayla Campbell - Kindergarten (LTS for Mrs. LaTour)
  • Ms. Melanie Dempsey - First Grade
  • Ms. Lindsay Devinney - 2nd Grade
  • Ms. Kristen Rutecki - 3rd Grade
  • Mrs. Sara Castelluccio - Learning Support
  • Ms. Lauren Harner - Autistic Support
  • Mrs. Marcy Mooney - Lunch/Recess
  • Mrs. Jody Robinson - Lunch/Recess
  • Mrs. Joyce Durham - Kindergarten Assistant
  • Mrs. Erika Colonna - Kindergarten Assistant
  • Mrs. Kristen Kenvin - Kindergarten Assistant

Soon we will also welcome a substitute in 4th grade and a new teacher in 5th grade. I will communicate that information as soon as I can.


Homeroom parents help to support the classroom teacher by facilitating communication between the classroom teacher, the PTO, and the class families. Please click on the link below to read more about the expectations of this position and the application process. At the bottom of the description document, you can find the link to the online application. Please reach out to Mrs. Palladino with questions.

Click HERE for more information


Please take some time this weekend to review the Pennell Handbook. Make sure to review drop off and pick up procedures in addition to birthday snacks and absent procedures.



PTO has big plans this year, but we can't do it without you! Fill out this form to join PTO, or this one to volunteer. We'll also have committee sign up sheets at Back to School Night & our first meeting. We hope to see you on Thursday 9/14 at 6:30 in the library or on Zoom (details below). Childcare will be available in the cafeteria during the meeting.

Zoom Info

Meeting ID: 486 463 0334

Passcode: 7TPRTK 

Check out our website for all the latest PTO news, including the dates for all our annual events. As always, any questions, please email

Attendance Reporting Reminder

We had a fantastic launch of our new attendance reporting system last school year! Please be prepared to report absences using our Safe Arrival system before the start of the school day and no later than 11am in order to avoid having to send a written note.

  • Via SchoolMessenger App (download at the Google or Apple App store or at
  • Online @
  • By calling (888)635-0460

Get SMS Text from Penn-Delco

Have you opted into our text messaging system? If you haven't already, opt in to the SchoolMessenger Communicate SMS text system by texting "Y" or "Yes" to our district short code 67587. By opting in for text messages and setting text as a preference in Skyward, you can also receiveattendance reporting confirmations (as well as other district communication) via text. Please note that you must opt in from a number that is already listed in Skyward. You can go to the Skylert section in Skyward to update and change your contact information.

Make sure physicals are complete

The Pennsylvania School Health Act requires a medical examination for every student starting school in grade K or 1, grade 6, and grade 11. If your school nurse currently does not have a recent updated physical form on record for your child, you can have the physical examination done by your family physician. Dental forms are required by the Pennsylvania School Code for school entry Kindergarten (K) or grade one (1) and grades three (3) and seven (7). Get all the information you need on physicals at our health services section of the website. 


Report Attendance
23-24 Instructional Calendar
Volunteer Clearance Information
Pennell's Website
Penn-Delco's Website
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