Pennell Families,
Thank you to all of our families for helping with the adjustment of our morning drop off routine this past week. Things are settling in well at Pennell. We are so lucky to have such amazing parents. Your support is second to none! Having a strong home/school connection is key to a successful elementary school program. We couldn't do what we do without you!
This week's related arts schedule days:
Monday is B
Tuesday is C
Wednesday is D
Thursday is E
Friday is F
**Reminder: anyone picking up your child MUST have the gold card with your family's name on it, or they will be asked to go to the office and produce identification so that we can check it with our system.
New Office Staff:
Please join me in welcoming Mrs. Gina Leiby to our front office team. She has transitioned this week from the library to the clerical assistant position. Please show her a big Pennell welcome when you stop in.
With this change, the library assistant position is now posted. Please spread the word to any interested candidates.
Lock Down Drill:
We will be having a lock down drill in the next couple of weeks. Teachers will be talking to their classes about what to do in the case of an emergency where we would need to stay in the building instead of evacuating. Our students had their first evacuation drill this past month, and did fabulously. Feel free to reach out to your child's teacher if you would like to reinforce the same language he/she is using in the classroom. I understand these drills can be unsettling, let me know if your child may need a visit with the counselor to work through any big feelings.
Upcoming Dates for your Calendar:
- 10/1 Picture Day
- 10/2 Homeroom Parent Meet and Greet
- 10/7-10/11 Scholastic Book Fair
- 10/8 PTO Meeting 6:30, 5th Grade Committee @ 6:00
- 10/9 Pennell Pride Day
- 10/9 Half-day for students – Teacher In-service
- 10/11 SVHS Homecoming Parade
- 10/17 Kindergarten Field Trip to Highland Orchards
- 10/18 Full-day In-service – No school for students
- 10/18 Fall Fest (rain date 10/25)
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