August 2022
Penrose Elementary School
Creating a Destination District with Intent, Purpose, and Pride
Be Your Best Self

Sheryl Gifford ~Principal (
Joe DeSalvo ~ Counselor (
Brandy Guasta ~ Counselor (
Dear Penrose Families,

It's here! It's finally here! The beginning of the new school year! It is going to be a fantastic year! The teachers and staff at PES have been working really hard this week to get ready for our students. We cannot wait to see their faces, and hear their laughter fill our halls once again. We hope you are all just as excited as we are too!

Parents, you may check your parent portal on Thursday, August 11th to see your student's teacher placement. Please be sure to read below for some changes this year. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. See you soon!


Sheryl Gifford

August Dates to Remember

8/11 Back-to-School Night 5:00-6:30
8/15 First Day of School!
From the Office
Student Hours: 8:15-4:10

Office is Open 7:55 to 4:20

PLEASE label all student belongings including:
coats, hats, gloves, mittens, lunch boxes, backpacks, etc
Drop off/Pick Up
Drop Off Time: 8:10 am
  • Buses will drop off at 8:10 am
  • There will not be supervision outside until 8:10 am, so please do not drop students off before that time.
  • For safety purposes, all students will enter through the front doors of the school, and not through back classroom doors.

Pick Up Time: 4:05/4:10 pm
  • All Kindergartners, 1st graders, and students who do not ride the bus, will be released at 4:05.
  • Kindergartners and 1st graders may be picked up on the south side of the building, 2nd-6th grade may be picked up in the pick up loop at the north side of the building. Older students may walk down and be picked up with their younger siblings.
  • Bus Riders will be released at 4:10.
Thursday, August 11th
5:00-6:30 pm
Session 1: 5:00-5:30
Session 2: 5:45-6:15
*Students may bring in school supplies.
*Please do not enter a session after it has begun. Thank you.
Have Something to Report?
Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family, or your community!

Be The Good