Week of May 30-June 5, 2022 | Vol. 81 Issue 22

Pentecost Sunday & Barbecue Lunch

June 5 @ 10:30AM

This Sunday, June 5, we celebrate Pentecost! We will worship with our friends from Together in Christ International Ministries at 10:30am in the Sanctuary. Rev. Brickson Sam and Dr. Foust will share the message. Wear RED and join us for this special hour of worship.

Following worship, we will enjoy lunch in Broach Hall catered by Midwood Smokehouse including pulled pork and chicken barbecue, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, coleslaw, and hush puppies. 

Donations for lunch are greatly appreciated.  

See you Sunday!

2022 Global Missions Offering

This year's Global Mission Offering goal is $25,000. 

We will continue to support our friends at the Nyarweng School, South Sudan, with $20,000 and we will send $5,000 to Project Ruth. 

Project Ruth, a CBF partner ministry in Romania, is currently assembling and distributing food care boxes for Ukrainian families.


A Care Box meets the caloric and protein needs of a family of four for seven days in war-torn Ukraine. Our specially selected box contains canned meats, grains, legumes, canned & dried vegetables, healthy fats, seasonings, and sucrose.

The total nutritional value of each box weighs in at more than 50000 calories and 1750+ grams of protein with a total content weight of 16kg+.


You can give towards this goal today by donating online and specifying Global Missions, or by writing "Global Missions" in the memo line on your check.

Help us reach our $25,000 goal!

Worship This Summer

There is a great deal of unnecessary confusion over the Book of Revelation.

This book at the end of Christian scriptures was written as a public pastoral letter to scattered disciples amidst religious and political transformation.

We have this in common with those disciples of the first century. We are living in a time of religious and political transformation. In the first century, followers of Jesus dispersed into cities throughout Asia Minor. History tells us there was persecution during those days.

John, the beloved Apostle, was imprisoned on the island of Patmos. He had served as pastor in Ephesus. From Patmos, he wrote to seven scattered collections of Christians which were called churches because they had responded to the call of Jesus.

Through this summer, Dr. Foust will offer sermons on these seven passages treating them as iMessages to St. John’s from the first century.

Summer Worship Schedule

Children's Classes and Worship Care this Summer

With the summer months upon us, and with so many families and volunteers traveling, we will begin our Summer schedule for Infant/Toddler, Pre-K and Elementary Classes on June 12.

While there are no classes or care offered during the Sunday school hour, worship care will continue to be offered for our infant/toddler classes.

We will resume classes and care for all children (Infant/Toddler, PreK and Elementary) during the Sunday School hour as well as PreK Worship Care when we get back to our normal Sunday routine in August.


Clothing & Book Drive for ourBRIDGE for Kids

ourBRIDGE for Kids is collecting new or gently used summer clothing and books for ages preschool through 8th grade. 


If you would like to participate, please bring your donations to the lobby at the main entrance of St. John’s. There will be a receptacle there through Sunday, June 5 to receive your donations, which will be greatly appreciated by these children and their families.

Serve Others at the Men's Shelter

St. John’s went back to the Men’s Shelter to serve after a long COVID pause. 

We need your help!

We want to serve on the third Friday of EVERY month.

Serving will take 1.5 hours at the shelter on North Tryon.  Banana pudding takes bananas, pudding, wafers, cool whip, and love (the most important ingredient).

Our next date to serve is June 17.

Will you consider signing up for this great cause?

Click on the button below to sign up for service to our neighbors.

Sign Up to Serve!


November 4-6, 2022

St. John's Women's Fall Retreat

Blowing Rock, NC


After prayerful group listening, we will offer the magnificent story of The Woman With The Alabaster Jar as our guide for the retreat. Following her example, we will explore how to cultivate deeper intimacy with The Divine and deeper connectedness with one another.

Please consider joining us!

From the Heritage Room

As we come to the end of our emphasis on the 1940s, the following is a biographical sketch of the life of Dr. Claude Upshaw Broach who came to St. John’s in 1944 and served as Senior Minister for the next thirty years.

He was born on August 16, 1913, in Walton County, Georgia, the son of Mary Emma “Mae” Upshaw and William Earl Broach. He grew up in nearby Athens and after high school, began studying architecture at Georgia Tech. After one year, he decided to prepare for the ministry and transferred to the University of Georgia for the completion of his B.A. degree. He then attended Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, KY where he earned a Master's and Doctor of Theology degree. In 1938, while on a trip to Europe, he met and later married Katherine Terry Sellers of New Orleans on October 1, 1938. She was the daughter of Dr. Thomas Benton Sellers and Kate Terry Sellers. Dr. and Mrs. Broach had three children, Kathy (husband Frank Bragg), Mary Arnall (Marni) (husband J. Sears McGee), and Claude Upshaw Broach, Jr. (wife Sallie). Dr. Broach died May 29, 1997, at the age of 83 and his ashes were interred in the St. John’s Memorial Garden.

Read more here.

Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations

  • Shirley Ballard, Kathleen Bumgardner, Tish Philemon, Tarsha Williams

Financial Ministry Plan Report

  • Week of May 24-31: $9,631
  • Income through May 31: $502,788            
  • Annual 2022 Ministry Plan Budget Goal: $1,135,000

Ministers On-Call Schedule

  • May 30-June 5: Lee Gray
  • June 6-12: Dennis Foust


Staff Contact Information

  • Jenny Godfrey, Administrative Assistant - 704-333-5428, ext. 11
  • Dennis Foust, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 12
  • Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-451-1309 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 15
  • Kevin Gray, Minister for Music and Worship - 803-524-0287 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 14
  • Jacquelyn McAbee, Church Administrator - 434-579-1177 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 20
  • Mallory Brown, 704-477-3349 (cell)

Deacon Offering Schedule
Usher & Greeter Schedule
Church Calendar
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