Half-Page Most Holy Trinity C
Our Parish mailing address is:
195 Amicks Ferry Road, Chapin SC 29036
Please, DO NOT USE the old PO BOX number for mail to the Parish.
Register HERE to bring up the Gifts at Mass
If you need help please contact the parish office at 803.345.3962 or Fr. Dennis Willey at 843.834.5447.
Dear Friends,

A happy and blessed Trinity Sunday to all! This weekend we celebrate the One God in Three Persons. Fr. John Herman, C.S.C., a member of the Congregation of Holy Cross from Notre Dame and the brother of Jim Herman, brother-in-law of Heidi, and uncle to Joshua and Jayden, our parishioners, will be with us for the Vigil Mass on Saturday and for the Sunday Masses this weekend. I will be in Charleston for the Ordination to the Priesthood of Chris Löester and for his First Mass as a Priest. Please welcome Fr. Herman to the parish.

Please pray for Chris Löester as he is Ordained a priest this Friday, 10 June, at 6:00PM at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Charleston. For those who cannot attend in person, the ordination will be live-streamed on Facebook: HERE.

Father’s Day Remembrance.  As you enter for Mass this weekend, a Remembrance Card can be found on the Offertory Table in the Narthex should you care to write on it to remember your family members, loved ones, friends, both living and deceased, who are FATHERS. Their names will be placed on the altar Father’s Day Weekend, June 18-19, 2022 to be remembered during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. No donation is required.

The Knights of Columbus (KofC) Pilgrim Icon Program is coming to Our Lady of the Lake to spread devotion to St. Joseph. The program will be held on June 22, 2022 at 6:30pm in the church. A light reception in St. Andrew Hall will follow. Questions may be directed to Grand Knight, Tom Hrica, 803.603.7860, or email [email protected]. See the Flyer to read all about this special icon and program.

The Men’s Club and Women's Club continue collecting for the Annual Yard Sale. Please see the FLYER and consider dropping off items in the Family Life Center after all
Masses and on Mondays and Wednesdays between 5:30pm &
7:00pm. (PLEASE NOTE: NO old-style TVs, NO computers, NO clothing, NO fuel in any equipment.) The tag sale itself is scheduled for 25 June 2022.

HELP IS NEEDED to make this a successful fundraiser for the Parish. See the Sign up Sheet on the table in the Narthex.  

The parish will be transitioning to FlockNote from Constant Contact in early July. FlockNote is similar to Constant Contact but is specifically CATHOLIC in its design. The diocese is paying for the parish to use FlockNote so this is a great savings to the parish. All registered parish households will receive an email notifying them that they have been subscribed to FlockNote. You will have more control over how you want to receive messages from the parish, by email or by text. You will also have the ability to register for multiple parish email lists of interest to you. FlockNote allows unlimited editors so every parish ministry and group can set up their own email/text list. We are excited about this coming change so look for it in the near future. As always, you can unsubscribe from this service as well but you will be missing out on all the NEWS from our parish!

Please return the BirthRight Baby Bottles to the bassinet in the Narthex with loose change, dollar bills or checks (Write checks to Our Lady of the Lake and Baby Bottle in the memo line) no later than Father's Day weekend!

Please continue to pray for peace between Russia and Ukraine, throughout Africa and the world. May all world leaders' hearts be converted to the Love of the Risen Christ!

Some brief, but important news and reminders:

We will have the 8:00AM and 10:30AM Hospitality Hours this Weekend! The KofC will be hosting the 10:30AM Hospitality Hour.

Thinking of repairing/cleaning/polishing something in the Church? Please DON'T! Recently an unknown but likely well intentioned parishioner took it upon themselves to repair and/or restore the damaged hand to the small statue of Mary in the Adoration Chapel. Unfortunately, their efforts were not successful. Please, if you see something in the church that needs to be fixed or repaired, report it to Donnie Jameson, our Facilities Manager, or to Fr. Dennis. Please do not try to fix or repair something on your own or without permission. The hand on the statue will now need to be re-carved in Italy - if we can arrange for this work to be done. See a related STORY from a Spanish Church's experience with a well intentioned, but unqualified, "artist"!

The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a free virtual webinar for retirement planning. Please see the flyer HERE. You may also sign up to attend one of the sessions on June 15 at 7:30 PM EDT.

Given the threat to Catholic Churches in recent weeks and in recognition of our continued exposure to vandalism we have returned to our pre-covid policy of locking the main church except for scheduled Masses and events. The Adoration Chapel will remain available for prayer with an entry code. The entry code is available at the parish office.

Parish Neighbors, our newest parish ministry, is off to a great start. We now have 29 Neighborhood Contacts. If you would like to be a Neighborhood Contact please see the flyer HERE and sign-up to be a part of this ministry.

Peace and all good,

Fr. Dennis
ABOVE** budget by 11.76%

The weekly financial report is available HERE. The report includes the most recent numbers for the Bishop's Annual Appeal and for our Debt Reduction Collection. We are SO VERY CLOSE to 25% participation of registered households in the BAA!!!

On-line Giving helps to plan your giving even while away from our parish on holiday. We are grateful for your continuing generosity. THANK YOU!!!

Please remember that every gift to the church helps, no matter the amount. We emphasize equal sacrifice--not equal giving! THANK YOU for your generosity and support!!

If you would like to know more about Online Giving click HERE!

Thank you message from our Bishop

Please see a VIDEO from Bishop Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS, thanking everyone who supported him at his Ordination and Installation.

Ruth Institute annual summit in June

The Ruth Institute is holding its Fifth Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, which will be held June 24-25. The summit brings together experts, witnesses and survivors to share how to defend the family and build a civilization of love. There is an option to attend virtually.

Your Role in SC Primary

As Catholics, our baptismal commitment to bear public witness to the values of Jesus Christ requires our active participation in the democratic life of our nation. The South Carolina Catholic Conference once again urges all faithful to participate in the upcoming primary elections on June 14

Positions in the primaries include:

U.S. Senate
U.S. House
South Carolina
Governor and Lieutenant Governor
Attorney General
Secretary of State
Superintendent of Education
Agriculture Commissioner
House of Representatives
School boards (Charleston, Berkeley, Greenville, and Horry counties only)

Attached is a document released by The South Carolina Catholic Conference on the principles of Catholic teaching which may be helpful to consider when casting your ballot. May we remember to be true to the teachings of the Church, to stay well informed and to engage in reasoned dialogue with others, especially those in our families. 

Together, we pray for a future that protects the rights and dignity of every human person — from conception to natural death — and for our leaders, that they will defend religious liberty and uphold the common good. 

Religion is Essential in SC!

On 25 April, Gov. Henry McMaster signed House Bill 3105, the S.C. Religious Freedom Act, into law. He was joined by Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette and members of the S.C. General Assembly who supported the law.

The Religious Freedom Act protects churches and places of worship from government interference and ensures that the state cannot close religious institutions in cases such as the COVID-19 shutdown. This is an important step to protecting religious liberty in South Carolina.

The South Carolina Catholic Conference thanks Gov. McMaster for his leadership on this important issue. We continue to pray for a future where religious freedoms and liberties are upheld and protected for all.

Spiritual direction, Ignatian spirituality classes

Do you feel the Lord is calling you to help mentor others in their relationship with him, or are you looking to deepen your own relationship with God? Formation in Ignatian spirituality and spiritual direction classes begin in August of this year, and two certification programs are offered through Spring Hill College: www.shc.edu/academics/by-subject/theology-degrees.

  • The Certificate of Spiritual Direction/CSD program is designed to guide students to grow in their own personal spirituality and to learn basic skills for contemplative listening and discernment. Hybrid classes combine face-to-face instruction with online work.

  • The Certificate of Ignatian Spirituality/CIS is designed for those who seek to enrich their personal spirituality, but do not intend to guide others through spiritual direction:

For more information:
Deacon Tom Whalen, [email protected] 
Sister Kathy Adamski, OSF, [email protected]

Check it out!


The Diocese has removed ALL Covid-19 Protocols except for the restriction on receiving the Precious Blood of Christ at Mass. The choice to wear or not wear a mask at Mass is now up to each individual. For the time being masks will still be provided in the narthex. The Sign of Peace will be restored at all Masses. I am asking that shaking hands, hugging, or kissing be reserved to immediate family members only. Please continue to smile and wave to non-family members around you in the pews rather than extending your hand for the Sign of Peace. Ordinary and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion will no longer be stopping to sanitize their hands during the distribution of Holy Communion. (They will continue to sanitize their hands prior to distributing Holy Communion!) Additional adjustments (Collection Basket, Music at the 8AM Mass, etc.) will be discussed and implemented in the near future.

Bishop Guglielmone's letter for those seeking a religious exemption from Covid vaccine mandates is available HERE. A letter from a parish priest is not needed.

Please review HOW to receive Holy Communion properly on the tongue or in the hand HERE.
We live stream the Sunday 10:30AM Mass using BOXCAST and FACEBOOK-LIVE. Links are also provided on our parish web site and in the Weekly Reminder.

Note: BOXCAST has the best streaming!
NEW: Look for our parish channel on BoxCast Apps
in Roku, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV for a direct link.
You can find us listed as Our Lady of the Lake, Chapin SC.

The WORSHIP AID for Sundays is now published in the Bulletin!


Prayer of Spiritual Communion:
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly
to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen
Our Parish mailing address is:
195 Amicks Ferry Road, Chapin SC 29036
Please, DO NOT USE the old PO BOX number for mail to the Parish.
HERE is a list of things you can do to stay in touch with, and continue to support us at Our Lady of the Lake: