If you cannot see this entire email in your in box, click "View Entire Message" at the bottom to open a new window.

Office Hours

Mon & Tue | 10a-3p

Wed & Thu | 12p-5p

Friday | by appointment

Rural Retreat Lutheran Parish

St. Paul | Grace

Parish Office

514 S. Main Street

Rural Retreat, VA 24368

Mailing Address

PO Box 478

RR, VA 24368

Email | [email protected]

Prayer Chain | [email protected]

Website | www.rrlp.org

Office Phone


Glen's Mobile


Email  Facebook  Instagram  Web  YouTube

The People of St. Paul & Grace, Ministers

The Reverend Dr. Joe Shumate, Pastor Emeritus

The Reverend Dr. Murray Ziegenfuss, Vice-Pastor

Redeemed by Christ, We Serve His Community!

Rural Retreat Lutheran Parish

Worship & Events | May 28 - June 04, 2023a

[email protected] is the primary contact email for the parish. Please use [email protected] to be sure your email is opened promptly. With limited staff the other emails are not checked as often.

^^^ click above ^^^

Bulletin for Online Worship

For what else shall we pray? RRLP has a new prayer request email address. Send your prayer needs to [email protected] and allow your community of faith to join you in seeking God’s guidance in difficult times. Of course, you can always mention prayer requests in person or by phone. This email is a way to keep everything under the “rrlp.org” domain and avoid members having to use their personal email account. We give thanks for the ministry of our Evangelism Committee, especially Susan Dutton, who faithfully keeps us aware of the prayers of the people.

Thank You Pastor Hinlicky

During RRLP's pastoral vacancy the Rev. Dr. Paul R. Hinlicky has been an invaluable part of our worship. His passion for the Gospel is evident and his heartfelt words drew us in to his homilies. We have been truly blessed with a biblical scholar and theologian who has authored more than a dozen books on Martin Luther, World War II and the rise of Nazism, philosophy and theology. He is the co-author of The Oxford Enclypedia of Martin Luther and a contributor to a multitude of textbooks and magazine articles. You can find more about his body of work on his website https://www.paulhinlicky.com/.

So, once again, thank you Pastor Hinlicky for being God's hands in our Parish during this transition. May the peace of Christ be with you always!

"As you go on your way, may God go with you.

May God go before you to show you the way.

May God go behind you to encourage you,

beside you to befriend you,

above you to watch over,

within you to give you peace."

Trouble getting our emails?

I've received many comments about members not receiving our weekly newsletter email. The problem is primarily with Embarq email addressess. They randomly block group emails without using the SPAM folder. These are some suggestions that might help.If these don't help please let me know and I will research the problem further. Peace! glen

  1. Add [email protected] to your email contacts to avoid sending emails to a SPAM folder.
  2. Use a Gmail address for "group" emails.
  3. Check our Facebook page each Friday for a copy of the newsletter.

East Highlands Youth Group

Save the Date for HMLRC Youth Camp

Click the link above for a list of what you will need to bring.

Code of Conduct

Medical Form

VBS is coming soon...more details to be announced...

Parish Groups & Community Events

In lieu of a member reflection this month here is a laugh or two to start your holiday weekend! Thanks Pastor Ed!

HMRLC is looking for volunteers to serve on the board for the camp. If you are interested please contact Maria Mitchell at [email protected] or Chris Stevens at HMLRC (276) 783-6521.

Donations to St. Paul Cemetery Endowment Fund

April 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023

Total Donations: $1,285


Danny Musser

Linda and Doyle Vaught

Gregory Leedy

Patricia Dix

In Memory of Billy Hall

Priscilla Hall 

In Memory of Wayne Grubb

Ernie and Lois Musser

In Memory of Maxine Hall

Michael and Teresa Snavely

Ernie and Lois Musser

In Memory of Mama P (Perdita)

Hunter Musser

In Memory of Randall & Maxene Huddle

Rural Retreat Lions Club

Priscilla Hall

Phyllis Hurt

Linda and Curtis Vaugh

Ernie and Lois Musser 

Pastor Schedule

Online Worship

The 11:00a service at Grace is broadcast live on Facebook and the Social Media page of our website. The worship bulletin is available at the link above if you would like to print it in advance. 

The Justice & Mercy Fund volunteers have been working overtime lately and we can always put your generous donations to work in the community. Donations to the Justice & Mercy fund, and other ministries of RRLP, are now possible through Tithe.ly (www.tith.ly). If you wish to make a donation to a specific ministry, simply change the drop-down at the top from General Fund to one of the options below:

  • Katie’s Pantry
  • World Hunger
  • Agape Food Pantry
  • Youth Fund
  • Justice & Mercy Fund
  • Disaster Relief Fund
  • Building Fund
  • Cleaning Fund

Please note that donating through Tithe.ly incurs fees for the parish. Checking the box beside "cover the fee" adds the transaction fee to your total. Thanks for your continued support to the ministry of RRLP. Making your check payable to Justice & Mercy Fund allows us to put your donation to work sooner.

New Office Hours at RRLP

As I wrap up the last part of graduate school my schedule has changed, giving me the availability to be in the office more regularly.

Monday & Tuesday | 10a - 3p

Wednesday & Thursday | 12p - 5p

Friday | as needed or by appt.

If you need anything outside of these hours please send me a text on 276.694.9249 and I will respond as soon as possible.

Volunteers are in the office on Wednesday & Thursday 9a - 12p to fold bulletins, stuff inserts and do all those things that just seem to "get done".

If you need anything please send me an email or call the office.

Grace & Peace!


Newsletter & Bulletin

Any information to be included in the bulletin, weekly email newsletter or announcements should be emailed to [email protected] by Wednesday of each week. If you would like an announcement included on the printed insert each week please email that by Tuesday 5p.

Church Office | Tech | Bulletin | Newsletter

[email protected]

The email rrlp@embarqmail is no longer active. Please update your contacts to [email protected].

Table Talk

4th Thursdays


If you would like to host Table Talk at your home please contact Sandy Vernon.

Day of Pentecost

May 28, 2023a

John 20:19-23

Pentecost derives its name from the Jewish festival celebrating the harvest and the giving of the law on Mount Sinai fifty days after Passover. Fifty days after Easter, we celebrate the Holy Spirit as God’s presence within and among us. In Acts the Spirit arrives in rushing wind and flame, bringing God’s presence to all people. Paul reminds us that though we each have different capacities, we are unified in the Spirit that equips us with these gifts. Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit on his disciples, empowering them to forgive sin. We celebrate that we too are given the breath of the Holy Spirit and sent out to proclaim God’s redeeming love to all the world.

The risen Jesus appears to his disciples, offering them a benediction, a commission, and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

19When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” 20After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. 21Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” 22When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

Additional Readings for Day of Pentecost

Acts 2:1-21

Psalm 104

1 Corinthians 12:3b-13

Worship resources from Sundays and Seasons.com. Copyright 2023 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License # 23589. Copyright © 2023 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE License No. M-400948. All rights reserved. 

Parish Worship Attendants

June 2023


Carter Haga | MaryEllen Haga


Marion Haga | Roger Hedrick


Marion Haga


Marion Haga & Roger Hedrick

Communion Assistant:

Phyllis Hurt

Psalm Reader:

Kelley Haga


Brad Haga


Betsy Perkins

Asst. Minister:

Thelma Miller


Priscilla Hall


Brenda Atwell


Chloe Hamm


Steve Coleman | Kevin Buller


Brenda Atwell | Maria Mitchell

Psalm Reader:

Ginni Buller


Brody Hamm


Ellen Schaack


Lavada Hampton

Grace: Beginning in March if you are assigned as Assistant Minister you are also to serve as Communion Assistant. If you would prefer not to serve as both, please advise Barbara Hamman or Brenda Atwell.

Parish Life & Member Milestones

Jax Jackson

Bill Kinder

Joe DeBord

Chad Vaught

Betty Wingo

Jamie Hinkle

Eunice Hall

Emily Edmonds

Liz Shumate

Ava Creger

We especially pray for...

Charlie DeBord

Roberta Roberts

Jessica Powell

Becky Catron

Wanda Lyons King

Lois Musser

Steve King

Sandy Litz

Greg Hash

Chris Catron

Scott & Cleta Roberts (30)                        

Mike & Rachel Jones (03)

Bob & Rachell Stokas (05)

Anna Ray Roberts (25)   

Brian Hill (27)                   

Skipper Hamm (27)

Tim Litz (28)                     

Vicki Sage (30)                  

Caren Delp Grubb (31)

Fox Brewer (01)               

Jeff Atwell (04)

Mike Jones (25)                 

Grace Caudill (27)

Chloe Vaught (30)

Parish Monthly Calendar

June 2023a

Click the calendar to print or download

The RRLP monthly calendar is available by clicking the image. If you have a or special event to add to the calendar please email it to [email protected] by 5p each Wednesday.

If you have information for the calendar please email it to [email protected] and we will put it in the next update. Thanks! Peace!

Jean Delp Memorial Shelter at Grace Lutheran Church

The Jean Delp Shelter, located at Grace, is available for meetings and events. If you need electricity or water for the event, Donald Buck has graciously agreed to turn on/off the utilities when the shelter is used. You may contact Donald directly or email [email protected].

Noisy Bucket Offering

Please bring your loose change each first and thirst Sunday for the Noisy Bucket Offering. These offerings help our neighbors in need during difficult times through Katie's Pantry and other local organizations.

May Bucket Offering

Grace | $79.50

St. Paul | TBA

May 21, June 4, June 18

Signs of God's Gracious Love...

In addition to the traditional collection plate RRLP uses Tithe.ly for online gifts and offerings. Using the links below you can give to the church or special fund of your choice. The addresses below can also be used if you wish to mail a check.

St. Paul Tithe.ly

St. Paul Lutheran Church

c/o Marion Haga

1050 Four Seasons Road

Rural Retreat, VA 24368

Grace Lutheran Church

PO Box 478

Rural Retreat, VA 24368

Grace Tithe.ly

Rural Retreat Lutheran Parish

Redeemed by Christ, We Serve His Community

Email  Facebook  Instagram  Web  YouTube