From Our Mission & Service Ministry
Our Mission and Service Ministry is partnering with Feed More to supply food to those in the Richmond area that could go hungry during this difficult time. Some local food banks such as the LAMB's Basket have had to close at the same time the needs appear to be greater than ever. See a recent article in the Richmond Times Dispatch.

How You Can Help!
* Deliver non-perishable food goods to River Road Presbyterian Church at 8960 River Road, 23229 on Saturday, April 4, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. You will not have to come into physical contact with anyone. Simply drive into the large parking lot off River Road adjacent to our Sanctuary. (You will also be able to pick up Palm Sunday palms so you can participate in that tradition while worshiping together online.)

* Donations are very appreciated and will be used to purchase food from Performance Food Group at wholesale cost to be delivered to Feed More. You may text to give or use the links below to donate. Choose Feed More as the recipient. Feel free to share this email with friends who may want to make a donation (Please note there is one link for church members and one for other friends who do not have a member account). Checks may also be mailed to the church. THE MISSION AND SERVICE MINISTRY WILL MATCH THE TOTAL OF ALL DONATIONS UP TO $10,000 . Please be generous!

Interested in joining us to support this great cause?
Simply Text to Give
Text RRPC to 73256.
For All Donations, please indicate "Feed More Donation" as you make your gift.
804.740.7083, ext. 300 | |