
  • Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you. Psalm 143:8
People have more faith in a rainbow than they do in the blood of Jesus

I know the title sounds strange, but allow me to explain. Many believers today have more faith in a rainbow than they do in the blood of Jesus.

We know that after Noah’s flood, God gave the rainbow as a sign He would never judge the earth again by a flood. After every rainstorm, we see a rainbow to remind us of God’s promise. People don’t live in fear of a worldwide flood destroying the earth.

On the other hand, today, many believers live in fear of cataclysmic natural disasters they believe come from God as His divine judgment. Whenever there is an earthquake or tsunami worldwide, you will hear Christians claim it is God’s judgment for sin. But God told us that when we see such things, we shouldn’t be moved away from trusting in the fact He loves us.

For this is like the waters of Noah to Me, As I swore [an oath] that the waters of Noah Would not flood the earth again; In the same way I have sworn that I will not be angry with you Nor will I rebuke you. “For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, But My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, Nor will My covenant of peace be shaken,” Says the Lord who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:9-10 AMP)

Isaiah Chapter 53 is all about Jesus going to the cross. Chapter 54 explains the new covenant that would be in place after the resurrection. Verses 9 and 10 tell us that God will never be angry with us. If we see natural disasters like mountains being removed because of an earthquake or another natural phenomenon, we should not interpret those events as being from God or His judgment. Yet, that is exactly what most believers do. Thus, the reason for the strange title of this article. People have more faith in a rainbow than they do in the blood of Jesus.

I am 65 years old, and I have seen many tragic and horrendous disasters happen in my lifetime. I have seen earthquakes that took entire villages or towns away and tsunamis that did the same, not to mention man-made disasters like 911. When such tragedies happen, many Christians surmise God’s hand is at work to judge and punish people for their sins. This isn’t true at all, and it is sad that so many people believe it is the work of God.

God tells us He has nothing to do with it and does not want us to be afraid He has stopped loving us or that His covenant of peace with us has been removed.

I believe in the next few years, we may see some horrible, tragic events happen on the earth. Don’t allow those events to rob you of your peace with God. Stay secure in the love He has for you, and help others escape the fear that has gripped them. The promise of the rainbow is a beautiful, enduring promise from God. But the blood of Jesus guarantees us God’s peace and that He will never stop loving us.

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