August 30, 2024


This is our story . . . This is Peace!

A Word

From Pastor Rich



SAME AS IT EVER WAS (refer Acts 1:12…)

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors;

we borrow it from our children—a Navajo proverb

Let us seek not to preserve the church of our past; rather let us keep those traditions that we believe may serve God’s future saints until the day Christ returns (pastor’s notion of an application)

Greetings Peace-folk, it is the beginning of our school year in this university town, and so, if we are honest with ourselves, it is also the beginning of our church year proper. And that is as-it-should-be since we as church are called to be in the world but not of the world (John 17:15). It is honest and we are doing good church if we at least feel some of that tension, yeah. And so I’d like to direct your attention to a couple-of things which have been on my mind looking ahead with leadership to the next several months.

Our council needs fresh, committed, eager leaders who wish to pursue excellence in the coming year; our current leadership is tired with the current pace of service—this can and will change. Peace Lutheran’s work is too important for us to lose our capacity to continue due to a lack of vision and internal stewardship. Please prayerfully consider both, where you might lead or serve and, more importantly, please voice where you see talent within our midst directly and encourage one another to lead in key positions at this time. I know I’m new and I know council turnover is like this but the right people in this cycle seems really important to Peace’s future effectiveness and growth. Please ponder these things and encourage your siblings in faith to come forward.

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Who? What? When? Where?

Take note of the many programs Peace offers as we look forward to the new school year. Peace is a happening place and has multiple opportunities throughout the year to nurture our faith, love our neighbor and grow our relationships. Click on the button below and check out new groups forming and new studies starting as well as up and coming events.

Life at Peace

Peace Games

Peace Games meets monthly in the library on the first and third Sundays at 12:00. Everyone is invited to join in the fun, fellowship and games. Pictured above are Delores and Rodney Rydell, Luke Lyons, Laurel Lyons, Carson Vaaler and Alyson Vaaler. Connie Flickinger took the picture. Bring your favorite game and a snack to share.

Hog Splash 2024

On August 24, the Peace team, Muddzilla, competed in the 13th Annual Hog Splash supporting Hospice Brazos Valley. This year, 54 teams and their supporters raised over $30,000. Peace members on the team were Linda Drehs, Tammy Way, Martin Reiger, Jayme Whitfield, Connie Flickinger plus family and friends. "No need to be the most experienced volleyball player to participate in this event—just a person who does not mind having fun or getting a little dirty to support Hospice Brazos Valley."

Peace Lutheran Church

Rhonda Raphael

Parish Asst. of Congregational Life


Email Rhonda


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