Third  Annual  John Boyle, Jr.
Memorial  Golf  Tournament 

Saturday,  August 19, 2017
Shotgun  Start  10 AM

$100 per person ($75 for Pequot members)

Includes Greens Fees, Cart, and Steak Dinner at

The Portuguese Holy Ghost Society
26 Main Street  Stonington  Connecticut

For Additional Information

Tod Evers (860) 235-0850

John was a decorated veteran who was always the first person to open his heart and dedicate his time, empathy, and offer financial aid to those in need.

John was a long time, much loved member of Pequot Golf Club. He sadly passed away on June 20. 2015 from esophageal cancer. 

All proceeds raised will go towards the John Boyle, Jr. Scholarship Fund.

For those unable to play and wishing to donate:

Hole sponsors are available for $100.
Donation raffle prizes are greatly appreciated.

Pequot's  Purple  Martin Colony

Every year the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection  visits Pequot to count and band the resident Purple Martin chicks in the gourds next to the 10th tee. 

Under the careful eye of Vin Sylvester, the Purple Martins are thriving with a count of 71 chicks this year. 

Vin estimates that this chick is 12 days old.

The young chicks from each gourd are gently removed and  
passed onto the banding team. 

The DEEP staff and volunteers work as a team to quickly band the  
young chicks.

Pequot's band is orange and blue.
Returning Purple Martins are easily spotted with their orange
 and blue bands from last year.

Purple Martins winter in South America, primarily Brazil.  They return in
early spring to the same breeding ground that they hatched in.  For such a
tiny, 7 inch long bird, the feat of flying the thousands of miles every spring
 and fall is amazing. 

Hermione and Vin Sylvester pitching in to get our Purple Martins banded.

Pequot's  Super  Specials
$1 a Hole for 18 Holes

18 Holes of Golf with Cart
a Hot Dog and Draft Soda at the Turn
9am to 2pm only

Golf and Lunch Special 
$37 18Hole Greens Fees with cart 
$5 Food Voucher for the Grille

Saturday and Sunday
After 3 PM adult pays full greens fees  
and child under 18 plays for free


Spotted  at  Pequot


George  Taylor

Men's Senior League

Spotted  At  Pequot

Wendy Debarros

Pequot's Bartender

Spotted  At  Pequot


Frank Zugel    John Pelt

Pequot Men's Golf Association

Rules  of  Golf

Laura and Susan are partners in a four ball stroke play competition.  Susan marks Laura's ball which lies two on the putting green and sets it aside without Laura's knowledge.  Laura arrives at the putting green and marks her ball, lifts it, cleans it, and replaces it.

Laura then putts the ball. Susan stops Laura's ball, tosses it back to her and points out where she had marked Laura's ball.  Laura places her ball at the mark and holes out in two strokes.

What is Laura's score for the hole?

1.  Laura is disqualified from the hole.

2.  Laura scores 7 for the hole.

3.  Laura scores 9 for the hole.

4.  Laura scores 11 for the hole.


USGA Rules of Golf 20-7,  Decisions 1-2/7


  2017  Pequot  Golf  Club  Membership  Rates
Best Value in Southeastern Connecticut!
Adult Individual 
Unlimited Play        $1149
Senior  Individual
Unlimited Play  (55 and older)  $1049 
*Memberships through December 31st, 2017. Payments are nonrefundable. 
*Course subject to closure due to weather, maintenance, leagues, 
 and tournaments.   

Rules  of  Golf

Paul's tee shot lies in a puddle of water on the bridge crossing the water hazard at Pequot.  He lifts the ball, cleans it, and then determines his nearest point of relief from the casual water under the bridge in the water hazard.  He drops the ball.  Paul plays his next shot onto the putting green, two putts, and plays from the next tee.

His score for the hole is:

A.  4
B.  5
C.  6
D.  7


USGA Rules 26-1  Decisions on the Rules of Golf 20-7/2


Golf  Tips

chip shot

That  Practice  Swing

Stan Utley, a Golf Digest 50 Best Teacher writes that a lot of players make a practice swing out of habit thinking of it as just something you do before you hit.

Utley notes that if you do not have a purpose to your practice swing, you are just wasting your time. He suggests that your goal should be to make a practice swing that is as close as possible to the swing you want to make when you hit the shot.

When pitching, he says to always rehearse the size of the swing and feel how the sole of the club interacts with the ground. It is important to keep rehearsing until you get the feel you like.

Immediately step into your stance, recalling that positive swing through and hit that shot.


Spotted  At  Pequot


Bill Sylvester

Pequot  Senior  League

Golf  Outings  at  Pequot  Golf  Club

Pequot the perfect venue for golf outings and tournaments.   

For over 50 years, Pequot has hosted large tournaments for the Dana Farber Cancer
Center in Boston and smaller fundraising events for local schools and organizations.

Call Pequot Golf Club for more information.


Come  Out  and  Have  Fun!
 The Pequot Women's Golf Association 

Tuesday Mornings Tee Times Start at 8:00 AM

For more information contact:
Ginny Katz  646-286-2180 or  The Proshop   860-535-1898

teeing up the ball
Pequot has a  league for every golfer!
Still Openings in Some Leagues  
Monday Evenings Ladies
Tuesday Morning Ladies
Wednesday Morning Senior Men

Call the ProShop for more information on how you can
 join a league or start your own league.

The Best and the Worst of Connecticut 


On July 11th, I spent 6 hours in Old Saybrook at the Department of Motor Vehicles to obtain a copy of documentation for a car that I am registering in Kentucky.

It took 20 minutes  queued up outside to enter the DMV building to receive a number which also had a time stamp on it. It was another 6 hours before that number would be called.

This was not an anomaly.  This seems to be routine operational style for the Connecticut DMV.  In May, I had spent 4 hours plus at the Old Saybrook DMV
 to get information on the procedure I needed to follow. 

According to the DMV website, I could have used their website instead of going to the DMV office.  The site says that there is a 90 day processing time.

In December 2016, Governor Malloy had announced that problems with the computer programs at the DMV had been resolved and the operation would now be streamlined so that there would be practically no wait.

Checking the Connecticut DMV website I found an interesting interactive which indicates the current waiting times at each DMV in Connecticut.

Click Here to Visit the CT DMV Wait Times Link

The wait time is updated every five minutes.
Checking at 12:17 PM on Thursday

It was 9 minutes wait for an Express Transaction
It was 22 minutes for a CDL & Motorcycle Testing
It was 43 minutes for a Dealer Transaction
It was 1 hour and 39 minutes for a Registration Transaction

These in no way indicate the true conditions at CT DMV offices.
Two visits to the DMV about a month apart found the 4 and 6 hour waits.

Complaints both times from other patient waiters indicated the same
 extraordinary long waits.

This contrasts with my Kentucky Motor Vehicle Registration Experience last week.
Vehicle registrations are handled at the county government offices.
I was the first one in line for car registration. The clerk was at the counter.
No one else came in to register a car while I was there.
This was in Frankfort, the capital of Kentucky.

The Connecticut experience also contrasts with that of the gentleman sitting beside me
 in Old Saybrook for those many hours.  He had been in the Florida Department
 of Motor Vehicle the week before and he was in and out of the Florida DMV in 15 minutes.

6 hours  + 4 hours in CT  DMV for 10 minutes at the counter!

We love the great things about Connecticut too!
Submissions are always welcome to let us know your CT experiences.

League Results

RPGA  2017 
Week #2  Charlie Season
Team #
1 (15)
6 (15)
4 (11)
5 (10.5)
3 (5)
2 (3.5)

Congratulations to: 
Bill Boots w/38 low gross.
Bill Boots, Jim Morse, & Chris Evers w/33 low net.
Dave Borkenhagen w/12 low putts.
Nobody within 3 Club Lengths this week.

Next Week Matches  (7/19)
1 vs 5     3 vs 6     2 vs 4

No Name League
Low Net
July 11, 2017

1st Place  Paul Dechello
2nd Place  Don Roberts
3rd Place  John Bowen 

Pequot Men's Golf Association 
July 9, 2017 
Individual Gross Net
1st Place Gross  Scott Levesque
2nd Place Gross   Chris Trisciuzzi
3rd Place Gross  James Stack
1st Place Net   Erick Cerrone
2nd Place Net Tie
Don Dias  Karl Boehm
4th Place Net  Mitch Allen

PMGA  Monday NIghts
July 10, 2017

Blue Flight

1st Place 
McPherson & Boyle
2nd Place
Regan & O'Malley
3rd Place
Eident & Eident
Red Flight

1st Place  Dimock & Faulise
2nd Place  Beck & Wildes
3rd Place Simonds & Johnson

Senior League 
July 12, 2017 
Low Gross  Low Net

1st Place Gross  Ron Hantman
2nd Place Gross  Don Dias
3rd Place Gross  Tied
Rick Simonds  George Banks  Harold Panciera 
1st Place Net  Don Dias
2nd Place Net Tie
Frank Zugel  Joe Pacheco 


Pequot Women's Golf Association 
Quarterfinal  Handicap Tournament

Laurie Wolfley vs Ada Turley
Bonnie Wright vs Ginny Katz
Heidi Heyniger vs Mary Fluet
Debbie Pinchera vs Kathy Jablkowski

Three Off the Tee 
July 11, 2017 
Low Net

1st Place  Scott Edwards
2nd Place  Perry Sawyer
3rd Place  Dennis Maynard 

Pequot Monday Ladies League 
July 10, 2017 
Low Net  

1st Place  Leslie McKiernan 
2nd Place  Ada Turley  
3rd Place   Kate Stafford

L & M League
July 12, 2017
Blue Flight 
1st Place  Nigro & Koistinen 
2nd Place  Piacenza & Panse
Palacios & Talamantez 

Red Flight
1st Place  Stratos & Stratos
2nd Place McKiernan & Cogman
3rd Place  Baratko & Ackley 

East Lyme Business League 
June 30, 2017
Low Gross - Jack McLean & Kevin Turley
Low Net - Skip Stangeland

Low Gross - Shirley McFadden
Low Net - Annette Parke & Marge Conway

A Flight 
Low Gross & Low Net  Jack McLain & Kevin Turley
B Flight 
Low Gross & Low Net  Wally Hatch
C Flight 
Low Gross & Low Net  Skip Stangeland


We  Can  Recommend......

CTRI  Landscaping

Environmentally   Friendly   Landscaping


Property   Management

Ross  Giserman


Ross worked on the groundskeeping crew at Pequot for several
years while he was in college.   He has had lots of experience!

I f you would like to recommend a business or service send

the information to the editor.

Learn  More  About  Pequot Golf Club

Click Here To Visit Pequot Golf Club



question mark

Any  questions, comments, suggestions, 

submissions and even complaints may be sent to the editor!