Volume 115.21 | April 26, 2018
Views From the Inside
USDA Secretary continues defending Administration budget on Capitol Hill. FDA Chief pressed on enough funding for food safety.
Playing Defense
Today Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue continued his defense of the Trump Administration's proposed budget for his Agency in FY 2019 before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. He also had to ease the multiple concerns raised by many members of the Committee about the Administrations ongoing trade negotiations including the North American Free Trade Agreement, Trans Pacific Partnership and retaliatory measures from China.

Today marked the one year anniversary of Secretary Perdue being confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the nation's 31st Secretary of Agriculture. Throughout his first year Secretary Perdue has been commended for his "RV Tours" throughout the U.S. Perdue highlighted that "When we go around the nation what we hear from you and your constituents is there are three primary issues: Trade, Labor and Regulations."

FDA Chief Has More $ To Train FSMA Inspectors
Dr. Scott Gottlieb addressed questions from US Senators serving on the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies about the most recent outbreak of E. coli in romaine lettuce affecting at least 53 people in 16 states. Dr. Gottlieb said, "Its an ongoing investigation and FDA has isolated it to a particular region in Arizona where we believe it is coming from. FDA has information that suggests certain famrs that it may be coming from. But right now we have it isolated to a particular grower. So, we have put out particular guidance that consumers should avoid romaine lettuce unless they can be certain that it did not come from Yuma, Arizona."

Dr. Gottlieb also addressed adequate funding for the implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The FY 2018 Consolidated Appropriations Bill (Omnibus) enacted March 22 includes $16 million in additional funding (over FY 2017) for FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and Office of Regulatory Affairs, totaling $1.04 billion. These additional funds should allow FDA to provide adequate training for Food Safety Modernization Act inspectors.

Gottlieb was pressed about whether or not FDA could really implement FSMA well without asking for additional money. He responded, "Resources help! Policy helps too. FDA has taken some really aggressive steps recently to try to increase the level of our footprint to carry out our mission. We've used mandatory recall authority for the first time and committed to disclose more information related to recalls. But, there is no question we can do more with more resources."

Service Spotlight
Today’s value placed on government and regulatory action, or inaction can reach as high as 30 percent of earnings for most companies according to some studies. For highly regulated sectors, the impact on earnings is greater. 
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