April 2017
exploring the harmony of your life
Why Spring is the Best Time to Detox
HAPPY SPRING! The glorious season of rejuvenation, blossoming, new growth. Time to clear out the heaviness of old man winter when we tend to eat richer foods and be more sedentary. If you're choosing one time of year to detox, spring would be it. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on nature's cycles and according to TCM, spring is the season of the liver. The liver is the main detoxifier of our beautiful bodies. Did you know that about 4 liters of blood pass through the liver every minute to be filtered and cleansed? This wonder organ is responsible for
producing bile to digest fats, an essential component of weight loss. And last but not least, the liver filters out the thousands of chemicals we are exposed to every day. That's why it's called "The General" in Chinese Medicine.
Here are a few lifestyle tips to get your liver qi flowing.
Upon waking, drink 1/2 fresh lemon juiced in hot water.
Eat bitter green leafies like dandelion greens, rapini, arugula.
Take a walk in nature. Get your blood pumping.
Eat organic.
Try out a Detox.
Give these suggestions a try and put a little spring in your step. If you really want to show your liver and the rest of your body some goodness, join us for BALANCE 10 DAY DETOX MADE EASY.
Did you miss the first one?

the 2nd Balance 10 Day Detox Made Easy
is launching April 30, 2017
Here's what the first group is saying:
"I'm sleeping better."
"The emails were an integral part of the process."
"Recipes were great."
"Meals from Edibles made it very easy."
"My sugar cravings are gone."
"I lost 4 pounds."
"I feel great after the 10 days!"
We've been leading folks through detox for the past decade and have seen incredible results. However, for as many people who have benefited from the process, there have been those who needed it but decided to opt out. When asked why, we heard the same reasons over and over again, and we listened. Some might think they're just "excuses", but we believe change can happen if there are less roadblocks. Here's a list of 5 of the most common detox roadblocks:
1. What do I eat?
2. I hate cooking.
3. I don't have time to cook.
4. This looks hard!
5. 28 days is too long!!
BALANCE DETOX MADE EASY will address all of these concerns.
No more complex road maps or hieroglyphics. Just real food,
simple recipes and easy instructions. This detox will focus on what you CAN eat, rather than what you cannot.
Still seem too difficult? We're still listening! You'll have the option to p
amper yourself and buy delicious chef prepared detox meals!
Details to follow.
Darlene Easton, MSAOM, L.Ac, diplomat NCCAOM, M.C.N.
Did you know your tummy is home to millions of microorganisms that help maintain and improve your health everyday in a multitude of ways? It
s true, your gut is an ecosystem teeming with life and keeping it balanced promotes good health. These little buggers are so important that scientists have identified the community of microbes as an actual organ system called the microbiome. Your microbiome weighs 3-5 pounds and is comprised of thousands of different species of organisms. Here are a few things the microbes do to keep us healthy.
Transform unusable forms of vitamins into useable forms to give us energy
Help keep our nervous system strong
Make chemicals to strengthen our internal organ systems
Serotonin production for stress relief
Benefit our immune system
Unfortunately there are also opportunistic organisms which will populate and make you sick if they overpopulate. Excessive antibiotic use, stress, poor diet and smoking are among the leading causes the bad buggers proliferating and the good buggers dying off. This can lead to poor digestion, bloating, weight gain, aches & pains, mood changes, energy loss, clouded thinking and more.
s that done? By maintaining a healthy environment for your good gut microbes and a clear exit ramp for the troublemakers. When the
good guys
are happy and the
bad guys
stay out of sight, you feel better. And not just a little bit. Creating a healthy gut flora can make an impressive change to the way your body functions.
Studies show that our gut environment can change quickly depending upon what we feed it. Science suggests when your beneficial gut microbes are thriving, you are emotionally happier, your digestion is better and
the outbox
moves more efficiently.
Join me on Saturday, May 20th to discover how to create a healthier gut environment and help you feel fantastic.
Your Gut Microbiome
Darlene Easton, MSAOM, L.Ac, diplomat NCCAOM, M.C.N.
Saturday, 5/20, 9-10:30 a.m.
fee $15
Call to register 585.381.6490
T'ai Chi Easy is back!
3/11, 3/18, 3/25, 4/1
8 am - 9 am
Instructor: Ric Warren, L.Ac., MTOM cost: $60
T'ai Chi Easy is a form of Qi Gong and is a martial arts practice with a long history in China. It has grown more popular in the U.S. due to it's therapeutic qualities. Benefits include better balance, relaxation, flexibility, agility, lowering blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health.
Traditional T'ai Chi consists of 108 movements and has severals styles that can be learned. T'ai Chi Easy is a short form between 20-40 movements which makes this abbreviated practice easier to learn and more accessible to all.
Come on in to stretch, breath and stimulate your mind by learning something different. Winter is the perfect time to get your practice started.
Please call 585.381.6490
registration deadline 3/9/17
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Introducing Beginner Yoga with Orlee
Mondays, 5:45-7 pm, starting 3/6/17
If you have felt intimidated to go to a yoga class, this is the yoga class for you. Join me as we introduce basic alignment principles of the neck, knees, shoulders, hips and back. Modifications will be given based on any injuries or limitations you might have. Your yoga practice can be individualized to help you achieve success. To find out more, visit
my website.
-Orlee Stekel-Perna LCSW-R
Featured Coupon
20% off Allergease
natural, effective relief for allergies
Please note: This offer expires April 30, 2017, cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts or special offers, and has no cash value. One coupon per customer. Please present coupon at time of purchase.
Recipe of the Month:
Simple Kimchi
Kimchi is a spicy, traditional Korean fermented food you'll find in every Korean Mama's fridge. It's one of the top sources of probiotics, or good bacteria. Make a batch and your microbiome will thank you!
- 1 large Napa cabbage
- 2 Tablespoons unrefined salt
- 1 bunch scallions (green onions), cut into ½-inch pieces
- 3 carrots, peeled and grated
- 1 small daikon radish, peeled and grated
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 2-inch knob of ginger, peeled then minced or grated
- 1 teaspoon fish sauce
- 1 -3 teaspoons crushed red chili pepper (depends how spicy you like it)
- Remove one of the outer leaves of the Napa cabbage and set aside. Then core the cabbage and cut into approximately 2-inch by 2-inch pieces.
- Place cabbage pieces in a large bowl, sprinkle salt on the leaves, then toss to distribute well. Allow to rest 30 minutes as the salt pulls moisture from the cabbage.
- Using clean hands or a wooden pounder, gently mash the cabbage leaves to further release juices.
- Add in the remaining ingredients and combine well.
- Transfer the kimchi mixture to a sterilized quart-sized wide-mouth jar, pressing down as you pack the jar so that more brine juices are released. Your goal is to fill the jar just up to 1-inch below the lip, allowing space for expansion.
- Cut or fold the reserved outer leaf to fit on top of the mixture and press it down so that the brine is above the leaf. You may top with a glass fermenting weight to keep the mixture below the brine.
- If your cabbage did not exude very much moisture, you may need to add a little filtered water to the finished product so that the brine is above the kimchi ingredients.
- Seal the jar and place out of direct light. Allow to ferment for 3 to 21 days, occasionally opening the lid to release pressure, if needed, or to add/remove brine if the level is not maintained at 1-inch below the lip of the jar. You should see occasional tiny bubbles rising along the inner sides of the jar as the veggies begin to ferment. (Note: When I first began lacto-fermenting, I started with 3 days. Over time and as my confidence built, I allowed my ferments to go longer and now find that 21 days is preferred for flavor and texture.)
- After 3 to 21 days, move the kimchi to cold storage. For me, in the Southeastern region of the US, that is the top shelf of the refrigerator. Serve with beef, chicken, pork, seafood or alongside rice or other vegetables. If you are new to fermented foods, start with very small portions and proceed slowly.
balance acupuncture
152 W. Commercial Street
East Rochester, New York 14445