Volume II|Summer 2020
What’s New? 

The past few months at Peridot Family Law have been extremely busy. In June, I was a panelist for a Lawyers Weekly Webinar and a USA 500 Family Law Roundtable Webinar Practicum. Check out the Lawyers Weekly Webinar on Divorce and Domestic Violence in the Time of COVID-19 here.

In addition to these webinars, we have created a YouTube channel to provide informational content about Family Law. You can also now find us on Instagram and Facebook.

I am pleased to announce that I was once again selected for “Super Lawyers.” I was also selected for another honor, which I cannot yet write about, but I will keep you posted.
With the pandemic continuing to change the way we live and work, we are still predominantly working remotely, although we are in the office when needed. Massachusetts Courts began to open up on July 13, 2020, although most matters continue to be heard virtually. If you are in need of experienced family law counsel, please give us a call (Zoom or telephonic). We’re here to help! 
New Case: Savoy v. Savoy, 97 Mass App. Ct. July 8, 2020 

      Marital Assets
By: Nicole Barrett

What date should be used to determine the date of the marriage termination?
Can trust income be included in the marital estate for purposes of division?

 In Savoy v. Savoy, the Husband appealed the trial court decision for two determinations: (1) To determine the date to be used as the date of the marriage termination and (2) to confirm whether or not the Wife’s trust interest should be included as part of the divisible marital estate. Savoy v. Savoy, No. 19-P-1076 (Mass. App. Ct. July 8, 2020). 

When trying to divide a marital estate, how does one determine the date when a marriage has ended? Is it the date the parties separated? The date of filing for divorce? Or, is it when the Court enters the divorce decree? Any of these three dates could be correct. Determining when a marriage has ended is a finding of fact to be determined by the judge. In Savoy, the lower Court determined the marriage effectively ended at the time of divorce in February 2017. On appeal, the Husband argued that the court should divide the parties’ marital assets from the time they originally separated in March 2006.

The Savoy Court looked at various factors to determine the nature of the parties’ relationship to see when their marriage had “terminated” and if the trial court judge erred in finding it to be eleven years after the parties’ separation. These factors include financial and/or emotional dependence on each other, the frequency and types of the parties’ interactions with each other, and the parties’ filing status on their tax returns.
Despite the parties living apart, the parties continued to participate in the marital relationship. The Wife had moved to Florida, however, she traveled to the marital home multiple times a year, spending alternating Christmases and most Fourth of July holidays with the Husband. The Husband also visited the Wife at her home in Florida. During these visits to Massachusetts and Florida, the parties drove together, dined together, and stayed overnight at the same residence. Moreover, the parties continued to exchange Christmas gifts until either 2012 or 2014. The Wife also continued to wear her wedding ring during the separation.

The parties often depended on each other for emotional support, by communicating their “innermost thoughts” with each other and having weekly phone conversations. Further, after their separation in March 2006, the parties continued to share finances. The Husband remained a cosigner on his Wife’s New York apartment through 2017. In addition, he gave the Wife $2,500.00 per month and paid for her credit card bills between 2006 and 2013. Financial reliance was also established due to the Husband holding health insurance through his Wife and collecting disability payments as her spouse. The parties also filed joint tax returns until 2015.

Using the above factors, the Appeals Court found that the significant evidence reflected enough of a marital relationship between the parties for the trial court judge to determine the appropriate date to use for dividing the material estate as February 2017. For this reason, the Appeals Court affirmed the lower court’s decision as to this part of the appeal.
The second part of the Husband’s appeal asks whether the lower court erred in deciding that the Wife’s interest in a trust should not be included as part of the marital estate and subject to equitable division.  Discretionary trusts are generally found “too remote for inclusion in a marital estate,” however, this is not always the case. In Savoy, the Appeals Court evaluated the Wife’s trust interest by looking to see if it was an expected future acquisition, or if it was present and enforceable. To do so, the Court said, the conditions of the trust must be assessed by evaluating the trustee’s discretion, the beneficiary’s right to use the trust principal, and the beneficiary’s ability to compel distributions.

The Wife in Savoy was both a beneficiary to the trust and the trustee. She held the ability to use the trust funds at her unrestrained discretion. Specifically, the Wife c(ould) make distributions to herself in “whatever amounts of principal deemed advisable for her maintenance, education, support and health needs.”

Despite this freedom to designate funds as she saw fit, there were eight other living beneficiaries and the beneficiary class was still open. Historically, similar trusts were held to not be included as a marital asset of a beneficiary when distributions by trustees were subject to understood requirements for each beneficiary. The key difference between precedential cases and the Wife’s trust is that she is the sole trustee and “her right to receive trust income and principal is not ‘subject to the condition precedent of the trustee having first exercised [her] discretion’ in determining the needs of the trust’s open class of beneficiaries.” Further, the Wife had utilized approximately $1.39 million of the $1.8 million in principal. The trial court found that the other beneficiaries understood that the Wife lives off of the trust, which is why they have only received small amounts of the principal.

The Massachusetts Appeals Court found that the Wife’s “broad powers” over the trust made it subject to equitable distribution, despite the beneficiary class remaining open. Since the Wife had been living off of the principal amount, the trust could not be considered “mere expectancy” or even remote. The quantifiable nature of the trust combined with the Wife’s historical use and powers over the trust led the court to reverse the lower court decision and consider the trust a marital asset subject to equitable division.

Details such as determining the date when a marriage ends and whether or not a specific material asset should be included in the marital estate are very fact specific. If you have any questions about the particular nuances of your situation, please reach out for a consultation. 

Mindfulness Matters
Good Times/Bad Times - What Is The Difference?

Pre-pandemic, I rarely if ever saw my neighbors, let alone had time to speak to them. Since the pandemic, I take regular walks through my neighborhood and have met some wonderful people, in a socially distanced kind-of-way.

Since the pandemic, I have implemented a new habit almost every morning. It consists of waking up by 5:30 a.m. to meditate and start the coffee machine. When the coffee is ready, my husband and I have coffee together and then go for a walk. When I get back, I work out and get ready to start my day. The nice thing about this new pattern, which previously was more of a weekend pattern, is that it allows me to have a chunk of time to myself before starting the day. Obviously, I can’t do this complete routine every day, but I am doing it enough to begin to notice that these practices help me to remain calmer and less reactive than when I don’t do them.

So, although I am not a fan of the pandemic, the fact that we are in the midst of it reminds me that at all times, good and bad things occur and exist in the world simultaneously. There is no time when it is either/or. The same is true when someone is going through a divorce. Is a divorce life altering? Yes. Is it painful and sometimes tumultuous? Yes. Can we move forward in our lives with more introspection and create an opportunity to live our life more in line with who we are? Yes.

What can you do when you are in the midst of stressful and difficult transition? Accept that you are going to feel stressed from time to time. During the current pandemic, it might be more often than not, but there are lessons we can learn from the pandemic which can help you in other stressful situations. 1) Reach out to others (we are meant to be social creatures). 2) Find activities that are grounding for you, whether it be socially distanced walks or activities with friends, or simply taking time for yourself to focus on the breath.

The pandemic has caused a huge shift in the way we live our lives. Eventually a new normal will emerge from all of this change, as it does in a divorce. Remember that good things and bad things (however we choose to characterize them) happen in the world at the same time. It is human to focus on negative events, but your well-being requires that you give your mind and body a break from stress and worry. Use your current situation (pandemic/divorce/life event) as an opportunity to think about how your current situation can help you to make positive changes moving forward, perhaps in ways you wouldn’t have previously considered. Stay well!