CoHousing Solutions Newsletter | February 2022
Marketing & Outreach
Coordinator position filled!
Moving forward...

Raised in Orange County, I moved to Northern California for college and a change of pace. Before I realized my complete inadequacy as a chemist, I was studying ways to make cosmetics better for the planet. I've always been passionate about sustainability, so the Marketing & Outreach Coordinator position for CoHousing Solutions seemed like a great fit!

I graduated from Chico State last December with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism & PR, Marketing. Writing has always been a passion of mine, and I hope to write many books, but my professional experience mostly relates to copy editing and design.

I'm here to help you find the rest of your neighbors and generally support your efforts in any way I can. Transitions are tough and Jayme will be missed, but I cannot wait to learn from everyone and contribute to a more colorful world.

-Erin Harris, Marketing & Outreach Coordinator
Cohousing in the limelight
"We have set this up — owning a single-family detached home — as the definitive American dream with 100 years of propaganda. Going against that stream is a little harder."
-Katie McCamant, CoHousing Solutions President
The Kinder Institute for Urban Research recently published an article by Matt Dulin about the first cohousing community Texas. In the article, Katie McCamant highlights real estate challenges with increasing demands for up-front capital. Construction materials have risen nearly 20% in the last year, but hope is not lost, as CoHousing Houston has demonstrated. The community celebrated its eminent groundbreaking in January.

CoHousing Houston has benefited from its partnership with their developer David Kelley, who graduated from the 500 Communities Program facilitated by McCamant. The 500 Communities Program trains professionals to work in community-oriented development. It all comes full circle! Kelley is organizing financing, managing construction and negotiated the property purchase for the first cohousing neighborhood in Texas! Kelley is already exploring other development opportunities in Houston’s East End. 

Community members Lynn Morstead and Kelli Soika continue to release amazing episodes of the CoHousing Houston podcast Tell me more about cohousing, where they discuss the questions many are too shy to ask.

Click HERE to read Dulin's full article.
Less Zoom, more face-to-face?
Are we ready?
It's hard to speak for the rest of the nation, when is California the only place we can immediately see, amid the pandemic. Last week, state indoor mask mandates were lifted, which leaves many of us nervous for next steps. People are largely social creatures, one of the aspects that necessitate cohousing communities. We want to share spaces together without fear, but COVID-19 hasn't been declared endemic yet, according to an article from CNN.

If the Omicron variant was the last clear and present threat, we want to look toward the future. In these transition phases, perhaps we make meetings purely virtual so no one feels left out from crucial informative meetings. In-person time should be reserved for meals and bonding activities, to leave the fun aspects of community intact.

We’d love to hear what communities are doing for their meetings and gatherings, as we hope to begin moving beyond the pandemic. Let us know what your community is planning for: [email protected].
SEEKERS: Are you interested to learn more about cohousing? Are you are looking for a community in a particular part of the US? National Cohousing Open House Day is a fantastic opportunity to visit them! Some communities are offering LIVE EVENTS, please see community specific COIVD-19 precautions. Others are offering VIRTUAL EVENTS, says one attendee of previous year’s open house day "I took full advantage of the move to zoom and visited eight communities in one day; this year, I am helping to host …"

COMMUNITIES: An Open House is a great way for a community to share about their specific community, what makes them unique and what cohousing life is like. We encourage INDIVIDUAL COMMUNITIES to host a virtual meet and greet, post a tour video, give tours of your property or host an outdoor gathering. Multiple Communities representing a REGIONAL GROUP may want to host an online panel discussion or a introduction to cohousing talk at a public venue.

To REGISTER your community as participating for this day, click here
Hold the Date : National Cohousing Conference

The Cohousing Association has announced the next In-person National Cohousing Conference will be August 25-28, 2022 in Madison WI. These conferences offer a wealth of information and connections for anyone interested in cohousing and any stage of cohousing (seeking, forming, and long-time living in cohousers). We look forward to seeing lots of new and old friends there.
We're Here to Help
We provide development consulting services to help you create your sustainable neighborhood. Our team pioneered the development of cohousing in North America, and we have helped create dozens of successful communities.
Our newest venture involves training passionate cohousing entrepreneurs through the year-long 500 Communities Program.
CoHousing Solutions
(530) 478-1970
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