Willpower, Wishes, and Endless Energy: How to Make Your Wishes Come True

with Elizabeth Pyjov, JD MTS

Life-Changing Program


In this meditation program, we’ll be changing both what’s within you and what’s outside you to make your wishes come true

In this class we will talk about

• How meditation is related to your wishes coming true

• How to understand which wishes are truly yours

• How to have endless energy

• How wishes coming true relates to self-compassion

• Why compassion is related to your wishes coming true

• Why anything you keep telling yourself you "should" do isn't a true wish

• What we do (often unconsciously) to keep our wishes from coming true

• Why the compassionate universe wants to make your wishes come true

What you’ll get

  • Five classes of 90 minutes each
  • Eighteen recorded meditations for you to keep forever, including listening to the body meditation
  • Invaluable informal practices for you to do during the week to help make wishes come true
  • Readings about the science of willpower
  • Beautiful poems, from everyone including Walt Whitman to Langston Hughes, Alexander Pushkin to David Whyte
  • Waking up with more energy each morning, living a life that feels more truly yours

What I hope to pass down is a way of looking at the world — that’s the most important thing. If you start looking at the world in a certain way, your wishes will come true.


This is a continuation of the Self-Compassion Class. It will be a gift to your happiness and well-being!

The benefits of the program

  • Self-acceptance
  • Self-compassion
  • Connection to the world
  • Joy from wishes coming true

This is what we’ll be moving away from:

This is what we’ll be moving toward:


Time: You can do it on your own schedule.

Place: Class recording

Host: Happiness Sangha

Facilitator: Elizabeth Pyjov


Making your wishes come true is a journey toward yourself, your own joy, and the joy of the beings around you. We hope you join!


There are many ways for us to keep in touch, even daily.

 DAILY TEXT: If you want to receive occasional inspiring teachings from Elizabeth Pyjov, you can sign up here, and you'll receive fresh inspiration each morning. These daily texts are about mindfulness, self-compassion, gratitude, intention, happiness, energy, and growth. They're usually very short. They are completely free and you can unsubscribe any time. You can also text back. Elizabeth sees them and often replies : )

 INSTAGRAM: To see visual reminders of upcoming programs, follow @happinesssangha on Instagram here and to see more about what I'm up to follow @elizabethpyjov here.

 FACEBOOK: To receive Facebook invites, join the Continuing Compassion group on Facebook here.

 LINKEDIN: To stay up to date with everything I do, connect with me here.

See you soon in the program, in the realm of social media or anywhere our paths happen to cross!

❤️ Elizabeth