Student News & Voices
Find news that affects engineering, engineering tech, and engineering ed
students, what they're up to, and what they have to say...in their own words.
Picture Perfect: Last year, ASEE challenged students to make videos presenting their innovations in engineering education. The competition was fierce and the entrants more than rose to the task. The top three winners were announced at ASEE's Annual Conference in June. Who took the top prizes? Click here to see their videos.
Sea to Shining Sea:
From July 2-6, more than 200 students from 34 teams in 14 countries gathered in Monaco to race handmade boats powered solely by green energy: either hydrogen fuel cells or solar panels. TU Delft won the day in the
MCSEBC Solar & Energy Boat Challenge
, but in competing under the Monaco sunshine, everyone turned out winners.
Read more here.
Baby 'Bots: A team of engineers at Georgia Tech, including graduate students DeaGyu Kim and Zhijian (Chris) Hao, have created the world's smallest functioning robots. About the size of the smallest ant, the 3-D printed microbots zip around using vibrations from a piezoelectric actuator. Read more here.
Open Sesame: Purdue University's School of Engineering Education is home to the world's first engineering education doctoral program. Its curriculum on how engineering is best taught, learned, and practiced has so far resulted in 90 Ph.D. graduates since its inception in 2004. They are gearing up for another great year and invite anyone interested in pursuing a doctoral degree in engineering education to an open house on October 24 & 25. Learn more here.
Academic & Professional Development Resources
Tips on navigating politics, from classroom to office.
Hiring Bias: Yet another study offers proof that academia discriminates against women and minorities in STEM hiring. "The researchers found that scientists operated on a slew of stereotypes when asked to consider hypothetical postdoc candidates with identical qualifications but different names: apparently female or male, and white, black, Asian or Latinx." says Inside Higher Ed.
Read more here.
RELATED: Billionaire Robert Smith, who famously wiped out the student debt of nearly 400 Morehouse College graduates in his commencement speech, has created a plan and a foundation to boost minority students' access to internships.
Read more here.
Dynamic Discussions: Even though engineering education often revolves around hands-on projects, lectures, labs, and problem sets, some lessons--like engineering ethics--function best as open-ended discussions. But how do you get stereotypically socially phobic students to open up? The Chronicle of Higher Education has advice on how to hold great class discussions.
GRExit: How great would it be if you didn't have to sit for a lengthy and tortorous exam to get into grad school? For decades, the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) has been the standard for applying to graduate school. Now, some schools are leading a revolt. Is your school on the list of those discontinuing the requirement?
Science magazine reports.
Click here.
Funding & Internships
Opportunity abounds!
This month's highlights:
CyberVetsUSA: CyberVetsUSA is an industry-led initiative that provides FREE cybersecurity training and employment opportunities to transitioning service members, veterans, National Guard and Reservists, and military spouses looking to enter the cyber workforce! Offering the latest cyber courses and certifications from industry-leading tech companies, CyberVetsUSA is a skills-to-job pathway that aims to fast-track veterans into high-demand cyber careers. Deadline: Rolling. Find this opportunity here.
Cleverfiles Data Recovery and Protection Scholarship: The Data Recovery Scholarship is a scholarship program for students who are interested in data protection and management. "Ideally, the candidate will possess some innovative ideas related to these critical aspects of our digital lives." It includes a $2,000 merit award. Deadline: August 15, 2019. Learn more here.
Dept of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships Program (SULI): The Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program encourages undergraduate students and recent graduates to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 17 participating DOE laboratories/facilities. They perform research, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, on projects supporting the DOE mission. Learn more here.
AAUW International Fellowships: International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported, but all applicants must have received an undergraduate degree. Up to five International Master's/First Professional Degree Fellowships are renewable for a second year; fellows will receive application information for this competitive program. Deadline: November 15, 2019. Learn more here.
Videos & Entertainment
Because sometimes you just need a break!
Video: Science of Reentry - Find out how spacecraft make their final descent through the atmosphere to return safely to Earth. In this video we learn about heat capacity, bow shock, and how a meteor solved a vital problem. Watch it here.
Video: Perpetual Innovation - Perpetual motion machines have long been a holy grail of engineering. Check out 10 attempts at finding a means to endless energy--along with explanations of why they fail. Watch it here.
Video: Slo-Mo Art - The tech-savvy artists at
Macro Room have created a visually stunning and strangely cathartic 360-degree slow motion compilation of beautiful objects exploding.
Watch it here.
Interactive Gallery: Who Wore It Better? -
Explore five iconic spacesuits in 3-D and more than 50 years of spaceflight in a dialogue between the Washington Post's space industry reporter Christian Davenport and fashion critic Robin Givhan.
Click here