Weekly Newsletter E-Blast
Thursday, July 14, 2022
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click here to view this complete newsletter.
Weekly Schedule
Thursday, July 14
5 p.m. - Mobile Health Clinic Work Day

Saturday, July 16
8 a.m. - Mobile Clinic Work Day
11 a.m. - Snow Biz comes to the Clinic - Free snowcones!
6 p.m. - Emmaus Reunion Dinner in the Fellowship Hall

Sunday, July 17
9 a.m. - Morning Worship
10 a.m. - Sunday School
11 a.m. - Morning Worship
Monday, July 18
12:30 p.m. - Monday on the Mound
6 p.m. - Ladies Bible Study

Tuesday, July 19
9:30 a.m. - JOY Choir buses depart for Pinewood Manor
10 a.m. - 3 p.m. - Blood Drive in the Family Life Center

Wednesday, July 20
10 a.m. - Pop Up Aim Class in the FLC
6:45 p.m. - Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
A Day in the Life of a Pastor

It has been a DAY! It started with getting my mind around packing for the next week when our entire family will be going to Children’s Camp! Shelly and I will be counselors, Holland will be a youth helper, Olivia a camper, Preslie a junior camper, and Dax… well he is just along for the ride like always! On my way into the office, I popped my head in Krissy Walker’s office to say hello, and she asked me if I would learn a song on guitar so that I can accompany Lacey Wallace who will sing during camp worship. I LOVE doing stuff like that! I love making music and having fun with kids, and have you heard Lacey sing???  

Later, Katie Cawthon relayed a message from Mark Ferris about a cool mission idea he has. I gave Mark a call, and he gave me the back story on how PUMC used to do some wonderful work with veterans in Dublin, but that since COVID they haven’t been able to get back to doing that. We both agreed that we want to keep trying to get back to doing something in person over there (we used to go cook and serve barbecue and it was a real hit!). But Mark said, “I’ve been thinking about this. We have money set aside to help veterans. I learned about this incredible ministry for veterans over in Dublin called Warrior’s Ranch. Would it be okay if we donated to them, and maybe you and Katie could go over to Dublin and deliver it in person?” Do you know how easy it is to say yes to something like that?

That afternoon my crew was up at the Tin Can Miracle, the medical clinic PUMC is building for Ghana, Africa. We pulled up to find some of the brightest minds of tomorrow already getting ready to work. Michael O’Neal had arranged for the team of summer interns at Frito-Lay to come to help us build! We had students from UGA, GSU, Florida, Florida A&M, and probably other places – those are just the ones I remember. And they did awesome!  

While the interns were busy working, this beautiful young couple pulled up and rolled down their window. I said hello, thinking maybe they were also with Frito-Lay. But then the young woman said, “We just had to stop by and see what this is!” I said, y’all park and let us show you! My dear friend, Rev. Bobby Gale of Unto the Least of His Ministry gave them a tour of the project, and then he brought them up to me and said, “This is your new pastor, Rev. Tom Carruth. Tom, these are the newest members of PUMC! Turns out they had just moved to Perry a month ago, and they don’t have a church yet. We said a prayer for them, and then they hung around and chatted a while. Even though they live just down the street, how long do you think it would have taken us to meet had we not had this project going on outside?  

Later leaving the grocery store, I ran into a woman I know. She lives in Perry, but she doesn’t attend PUMC. We said chatted briefly, and as I was walking to my car, she turned around and said, “Hey, you sure do have some awesome things happening at your church!” I turned back around, smiling from ear to ear, and I said, “We sure do! It is a lot of fun! We’d love to have you come check it out!” She said, I kid you not, “Oh, I was already there on Saturday helping with the sewing project.”  

It has been a day! And what a great day it has been. We get to do this!  

Grace and Peace, 
Our Deepest Sympathies

Our love, sympathy, and prayers are given to Millie Smith upon the death of her husband Smitty on Saturday, July 9. His funeral was today, July 14 in Perry.
Our Tin Can Miracle
We will meet today, July 14 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to work on the clinic. Meet at the container at the FLC.

Work Day
Saturday, July 16
from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 
We will have lunch on the grill and the Snow Biz Snow cone truck will be on-site from
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.! Come by and see what we are doing and grab a snowcone for free. Spread the word!

How Can You Help?

We are collecting the following items for this project. They will be packed with the container once it is completed and sent to Ghana, Africa. These items can be brought to the church office or dropped off on work days.

  • Cloth Diapers (all sizes)
  • Baby Blankets
  • Bar Soap and grooming supplies (please no liquids)
  • Toilet Paper/Paper Towels
  • Women’s Underpants (all sizes)
  • School Supplies
  • Children’s and Adult Flip Flops or Sandals
  • Financial Donations (you may make an online donation on our website here)

Monday on the Mound
Join us on the mound outside of the Youth Center!

Each week, we will have devotion, activities, fellowship, and learning more about how MONUMENTAL our God is. All events are drop-in and everyone is welcome!

Monday, July 18 at 12:30 p.m. - Mac and Cheese on the Mound
Monday, July 25 at 10 a.m. - Melon, Makeovers and Minecraft on the Mound

*All "M" food will be provided
JOY Choir sings in Hawkinsville
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

9:30 Buses Depart for Hawkinsville
10:00 Sing at Pinewood Manor
11:00 Lunch at the Steak House
Masks and Proof of Vaccination Are Required
Perry UMC Blood Drive
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
10 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Family Life Center
We are hosting a blood drive in our Family Life Center on Tuesday, July 19 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. There is a nationwide blood shortage so donations are extremely needed! 

Sign up to donate blood here. Type perryumc in the zip code field, make sure that it's Perry, GA, not Perry, OH.
We need some volunteers for this event to help with check-in, the snack table, etc. If you are interested, please sign up here.
Pop Up Adults in Motion Exercise Class
Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 10 a.m.
We are having a pop-up A.I.M. (Adults in Motion) exercise class this Wednesday, July 20 at 10 a.m. in the Family Life Center.

A.I.M. is a fitness program designed for adults of all fitness levels. If you exercise regularly, or if you have never considered exercise as part of your lifestyle, you will benefit from this fun, interactive program! Our goal is to help you maintain an active and upright lifestyle!

Classes are $5 each or free for those enrolled in Silver Sneakers or Renew Active.

You do not have to register! Just show up! For more info, please contact Kathy Griffin at
Have you ever wanted to know more about where you fit in God's Church? Would you like to know more about how God's Holy Spirit works in, with, and through the community of believers? The Acts of the Apostles is much more than a history of the early church. The Book of Acts celebrates the Holy Spirit living in the church today as well as 'our yet to be'. 
All are invited to participate in this 8-week formation class facilitated by Rev. Tommy Perkins. "Catching Up With The Spirit" will begin on Tuesday, July 26 at 5 pm in the Fellowship Hall. This study will include a DVD component, scriptural reflections, stories by the author Dr. Matthew Skinner, and challenges for our living out the Holy Spirits' calling. 
If you would like to order a book through the church ($15), please contact no later than noon on Wednesday, July 20 or you may grab one on your own. (Acts: Catching Up With The Spirit by Matthew Skinner ISBN-13: 978-1-5018-9455-8)
Local Mission Opportunities
Snax Sax Volunteers
The Brian Bowen Snax Sax program is looking for volunteers for the upcoming school year. 
Volunteers are needed to deliver sacks to Tucker Elementary school one Friday per month. We also need volunteers to pack sacks one day per month. 
You can volunteer as a group or join a group already established. If you'd like to learn more, please reach out to Katie Cawthon at or Julie Davis at
Youth Week
July 25-28, 2022
Monday - Meet at Rigbys (2001 Karl Drive, Warner Robins) from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Bring $22 for admission and extra money for food. Admission includes skating, bowling, laser tag, and mini-golf. 
Tuesday - Missions and a Movie in the Youth Center from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. We will eat nachos, make casseroles for Hospice and watch Soul Surfer. 
Wednesday - Swim and Study at the Sparrows from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Bring your Bible and a towel and join us for dinner, swim and Bible study. The address will be sent out on Remind. 
Thursday - Campfire Worship at the Hulbert's farm from 6 p.m. to
10 p.m. Join us for dinner, worship, and fun around the campfire. The address will be sent out on Remind.   

If you are not a part of Remind, please email the church office here or call 478-987-1852.
Children's Camp at Camp Kulaqua
Youth River of Life Mission Trip
in Savannah, Georgia
Our Youth are in Savannah, GA serving the Lord! They are in two teams, Team 1 is painting a house and Team 2 is building a fence.
We have several ways to support our ministries with your gifts and offerings.

For more information or to give online, click here.
We would love for you to worship online with us on Sunday Mornings at 11 a.m.!

Click here to tune in!
We are thankful for your support of the Family Life Center. We are excited to see how God uses this wonderful new space.

If you would like to donate to this project or make a pledge of support, please click here.