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Read news from the world of astronomy for the week of August 6 2021.
Latest News
Two spacecraft are heading for a close Venus encounter next week: Solar Orbiter passes by on August 9th and BepiColombo on August 10th.

The spent Fregat Stage that deployed the Russian Spektr-R radio observatory a decade ago is now set to re-enter, burning up over the Indian Ocean on Monday, August 9th.

Astronomers have discovered the two reddest objects in the asteroid belt, and their origin story might tell us more about planet formation.

How will engineers plan the trajectory of Comet Interceptor, a mission designed to fly by an interstellar visitor, when its target is still unknown?

Observing Highlights
Venus lights the western twilight. Saturn and Jupiter are up in the southeast by mid-twilight and await your telescope later at night. And explore the deep-sky glories of Sagittarius before moonlight returns.

With no interference from the Moon, this year’s Perseid meteor shower should be excellent. Find a dark location and enjoy every flash.

The Perseids are upon us — and as you’re looking out for shooting stars, look for Jupiter and Saturn low in the southeast as soon as night begins to fall.