May 2022
Get the latest updates in Arkansas pest management from your extension specialists.
Chlorpyrifos Food Tolerance Expiration Impacts Insecticide Ear Tags, Alfalfa Pests and Darkling Beetle Control 
Kelly Loftin
Professor and Extension Entomologist
All chlorpyrifos tolerances on food expired on Feb. 28, 2022 resulting in some unexpected losses in livestock, poultry and forage pest management products. See the link below for specific product losses.
Roseslug - Not a Disease!
Sherrie Smith
Plant Pathology Instructor, Plant Health Clinic Diagnostician

Getting photos of roses with browning leaves? Checkout this article about a sawfly species that is the likely culprit!
What Happened Here?
Tommy Butts
Assistant Professor and Extension Weed Scientist

This month’s weed science contest involves diagnosing a problem in a rice field and identifying its cause. Be the first to email Dr. Tommy Butts ( with the correct diagnosis to win a prize!
Got Ants in Your Pantry?
Jon Zawislak
Assistant Professor of Apiculture and Urban Entomology

Ants are frequent visitors and persistent pests in homes and other buildings. They may be just looking for food, or can create extensive nests indoors. Controlling ants can be difficult. Find out more about our most common ant species and how to manage them. 
Coyotes, Crops, and Livestock
Becky McPeake
Professor – Wildlife Extension Specialist
Coyotes are omnivores, meaning they consume a variety of animals and plants. Their predatory nature and sometimes quirky food habits can create headaches for livestock producers, truck crop farmers, and occasionally row crop producers.
Tomato Fruitworm Flights Ramping Up
Aaron Cato
Assistant Professor and Horticulture IPM Specialist

Tomato fruitworm are laying eggs on susceptible plants across the state. Provided here are recommendations on how to easily manage them in tomato.
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