Californians for Pesticide Reform 
December 2015   
Pesticide Reform News and Action

Recent News from the CPR Coalition 

In This Issue
Activist in the Spotlight: Maria Brito
Action Alert: Tell CalEPA to End Telone Banking
Monterey County Board of Supervisors Public Comment
CalEnviroScreen en Español
DPR Update: Schools, Fumigant Notification, Telone and Chlorpyrifos
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Activist in the spotlight: Maria Brito

Meet Maria Brito, a community leader in the unincorporated community of Cutler-Orosi in Tulare County.  Mrs. Brito  lives fifty yards from treated fields with her family of five children, four of whom  have serious health issues including autism, asthma and ADHD. Before she became involved with CPR's work, Mrs. Brito was unaware of the pesticide issue facing her community. But over the past year she has evolved into a strong and effective leader, testifying in Sacramento and mobilizing others in the community to make their voices heard. 

What she learned has opened her eyes to the connection between her family's wellbeing and the environment in which they are living. So for the sake of her family's health, she recently made the decision to move to Tennessee. Her move will be a huge loss for the pesticide reform movement in Tulare County - and a potent testimony to the health risks of living in California's  agricultural heartland.

Make your voice heard:
Tell CalEPA to end Telone banking NOW!

Even though the carcinogenic fumigant Telone ( 1,3-Dichloropropene) was banned in the state in 1990 because of concerning levels found in the air near schools, it's still the second most widely used pesticide near California schools.

The Department of Pesticide Regulation's current policy disregards existing rules and allows farmers to "bank" Telone use like cell phone minutes - rolling over unused portions of their allotment from one year to the next. This practice continues to result in Telone being applied at twice the limits the state technically allows.

MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD: Click here to join CPR Steering Committee member Pesticide Action Network in urging California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) Secretary, Matthew Rodriquez, to end the loophole for Telone.

All aboard the comment train!

In a coordinated effort, Monterey County community members in November treated the Board of Supervisors to more than one full hour of public comment (limit: 3 minutes per comment). Since they were not able to get on the agenda, they had to find another way to tell the Board that it is time to protect our kids from pesticide drift at school. Huge thanks to the folks who got on board the comment train, calling on the supes to implement an immediate one-mile buffer zone around Monterey County schools. Check it out here! (Public comment starts at 0:42:05)
(Versión en inglés abajo - English 
version below)

CalEPA y OEHHA lanzan versión interactiva en español de CalEnviroScreen, la primera herramienta en todo el país que cuenta con una evaluación estatal de la salud ambiental

Las versiones en línea en español e inglés ahora permiten al usuario analizar indicadores específicos de manera individual, entre ellos niveles de ozono, uso de pesticidas, tasas de asma, y pobreza

OEHHA está publicando tres mapas en la web en español que muestran los resultados CalEnviroScreen 2.0 y cada uno de los indicadores individuales que componen el instrumento. (Ver el boletin de prensa)

Los indicadores de CalEnviroScreen 2.0 se presentan en una serie de mapas que muestran los resultados de los doce indicadores de la Carga de la Contaminación y las puntuaciones combinadas de la Carga de la Contaminación y los siete indicadores de las Características de la Población y las puntuaciones combinadas de las Características de la Población.
 Los usuarios pueden seleccionar con el ratón las pestañas de la parte superior de estas páginas para poder ver los mapas individuales de cada serie. Al seleccionar una ubicación específica en los mapas se proporciona información adicional acerca del indicador en esa área. 

CalEPA and OEHHA release interactive Spanish version of CalEnviroScreen, the nation's first statewide environmental health screening tool 

Web-based English and Spanish versions of the tool now allow users to look at specific indicators individually, such as ozone levels, pesticide use, asthma rates, and poverty

OEHHA is releasing three web maps in Spanish showing the CalEnviroScreen results and each of the individual indicators that make up the tool. (See press release)

CalEnviroScreen 2.0 indicators are presented in a series of maps showing results for the twelve Pollution Burden indicators and the combined Pollution Burden scores and the seven Population Characteristics indicators and the combined Population Characteristics scores.
Users can click through the tabs across the top of these pages to view the individual maps for each series. Clicking a specific location on the maps gives additional information for the indicator in that area.


Update: Upcoming DPR action on schools,  fumigant  notification, Telone & chlorpyrifos


Originally planned for December, DPR has delayed the release of its proposed new regulations to protect schools until February 2016. The new regulations are still planned to take effect in 2017. We will let you know as soon as they are announced so that you can join us in making sure they are as health-protective as possible. 


Meanwhile we have just heard that fumigant notification workshops will take place around the state in February/March 2016. We don't have any more details yet but will let you know as soon as we do.


We are also waiting for DPR to release its risk assessments for chlorpyrifos and Telone, both of which are scheduled for the end of 2015. We plan to make sure that there are no further delays in their release.