Petaluma Bounty

April Newsletter
Community members attend the Cesar Chavez Day of Service on April 1, 2017

Cesar Chavez Day of Service & Unity Garden Celebration at Bounty Farm!

"The power of community and the power of resilience comes through diversity and coming together, bringing different cultures together, and having a common ground. Petaluma Bounty served as that foundation today." Victoria Hernandez, Cesar Chavez Day of Service, 2017

With over 50 community members attending, including members from the Multicultural Sonoma State University Greek Organization, the Cesar Chavez Day of Service and Unity Garden Celebration was a huge success for our community. The day included celebration, service activities, family activities, and sharing food. 

We are so grateful to our Sponsors for the day of the event: Emerisa Nursery, Mi Pueblo Restaurant, El Roy's Restaurant, Revive Kombucha, CowGirl Creamery, & Della Fattoria

Here is a VIDEO of one of our Spring Interns reflecting on what the Cesar Chavez day of Service meant to her
In This Issue
7th Annual Petaluma Bounty Plant Sale!
April 23rd, 9am-3pm
Come and join us for our 7th Annual Plant Sale at Bounty Community Farm!

When?  Sunday, April 23rd, 9am-3pm
Where? Bounty Community Farm, 55 Shasta Avenue, Petaluma
Thousands of annual vegetable, herb and flower starts. All plants grown using sustainable practices. Discover the latest garden tips from Master Gardeners and local experts. Enjoy a fun day on the farm with activities for children!

Plant prices start at $2. Cash, checks, and credit cards accepted. All proceeds for to Petaluma Bounty's programs that make healthy food available for all. Help us grow our programs!

Thanks to our sponsors, we are able to provide a CalFresh/EBT discount up to $15 ($30 total) available for edible plants!

For more information and for a detailed listing of available plants, visit our Plant Sale webpage.

Want to VOLUNTEER on the day of the event? Sign up HERE! You can sign-up for a 2 hour shift, and we will provide our volunteers with delicious food and drink. 

Spring Farm Visits from Local Schools!

Petaluma Bounty has been receiving a huge influx of Farm Visits from local schools & after school programs this Spring. Farm visits are educational, exploratory, and catered to the developmental learning stage of the age group. 

We wanted to highlight the schools & programs that contacted Petaluma Bounty to engage in learning on the farm this Spring. In April, the following schools will visit/have visited Bounty Community Farm:
  • Old Elm Preschool (Petaluma)
  • Cypress Secondary School (Petaluma)
  • McKinley Elementary School- T-K & K (Petaluma) 
  • Boys & Girls Club- Old Elm site (Petaluma)
  • Hahn Elementary School (Rohernt Park)
  • McDowell Elementary School- 1st & 2nd Graders (Petaluma)
Here is to growing our Educational Program offerings! Contact if you would like to set-up a Farm Visit.

Do you have experience as an outdoor educator? We are also looking for volunteer educators for Farm Visits. Please contact if you are interested. 
Seeking Partners for Egg Laying Operation at Bounty Farm!

Here at Petaluma Bounty Community Farm, we have a 7000 square foot mixed orchard of apples, pears, plums, peaches and apricots, with grass alley's in between the rows. In the past, we have mowed the alleyways to control the grass, but now, we are looking at a more ecological and fun way to control the grass and pests! We are offering this space as well as access to close, clean water, and extra greens to an egg-laying operation. Additionally, we offer sales outlets at our farm stands and potentially other markets. Read more about the opportunity HERE
Petaluma Bounty Seeks a new Education & Engagement Coordinator!

Katie Haberman can never be replaced. But as she prepares to get her graduate degree in Social Work, we must find a fantastic candidate willing to take the proverbial torch. Please read the job description in its entirety:  Engagement and Education Job DescriptionTo apply for this position, please send your resume, cover letter, and writing sample of 2 pages or less to , with "Education & Engagement Coordinator Applicant" in subject. Interviews scheduled on a rolling basis. Approximate start date is beginning of May.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Calls to Action for April!

Our vision is to grow a thriving local food system where consumers make informed decisions; farmers make a decent living while prioritizing ecological stewardship of the land; and all people - regardless of income - have access to healthy food. To push beyond the immediate demands of hunger relief toward community food security and hunger prevention with programming that expands our community's capacity to feed each other into the future. Sound good to you too? 

1. Volunteer at the Plant Sale! 2 hour shifts, make some friend, we will provide food and drink. 

2. Come to the Plant Sale for all your garden and farm needs! Please spread the word to your friends and community, this is one of our major fundraisers for programs. 

3. Read about and act on  other ways you can help make our vision a reality for Petaluma!