Thursday, July 7, 2022
This Sunday - Last week we learned what the human heart is capable of and how our sin nature is no match for the power of Jesus Christ. Join us this Sunday as Pastor Brian Flewelling shares Part 2 of our Ezekiel Series with a message called "Shepherded by God."

For a visual overview of this series click here. You can also access it on our free resource, Right Now Media. Don't have a login yet? Request one here.
Songs This Sunday - Open Up The Heavens, Where I'm Standing Now, Same God, Do It Again, Lord I Need You

BELONG: The Journey -The focus this Sunday will be on “Grow.” Learn how to develop lifetime habits for spiritual growth and help those around you grow as well. Join us in the BELONG Room at 11:30 a.m.
Upcoming Church-Wide Events
Water Baptism is a public declaration of your decision to follow Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior! If you are 10+ and desire to take this next step in your faith journey, or rededicate your life to Christ, our next water baptism will be at the New Holland Pool on Sunday, July 17, at 8 p.m.

Everyone is welcome to swim free of charge at the pool that evening from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and again after the baptism until 9:30 p.m. If you would like to be baptized, please register and plan to attend the instructional class this Sunday, July 10, at 11 a.m. The class will meet in North 115; enter by the North Hallway.
Child Dedication shows a commitment before the Lord and our church to raise your child according to God's word and ways. If you would like to dedicate your child or children on Sunday, July 31, please register below by July 22.
Missing something? Please take a moment on a Sunday morning to check the Lost and Found cabinet in the Guest Services Hub to see if anything belongs to you. We have a number of coats, travel coffee mugs, Bibles, water cups, and toys. Also be sure to check the kids' Lost and Found table in the Student Life Center. Older items not claimed by the end of July will be donated to a charitable organization.
Senior Adults
Summer Picnic - Senior Adults are invited to a summer picnic at Brubaker Park - Beaver Lodge, on Saturday, July 23 at 5 p.m. Come out for an evening of food, games and fellowship! Barbecue sandwiches will be provided. Please bring along your favorite dish to share as well as a game or two. No need to register! 
Petra Men
Cruise In - Petra's 13th annual Cruise In is happening on Sunday, July 31 from 1 to 4 p.m. rain or shine! There will be over 200 vehicles on display including cars, trucks, motorcycles, rat rods, and semis. Join us for an afternoon filled with music, door prizes, food trucks, and lots of family fun! Admission is free. We would love to see you there!
Hopewell Summer Camps
Hopewell Summer Camps are running throughout this summer and there are just a few spaces left for the Junior High Camp. If your child has completed grades 6-8 and is interested in encountering God in new ways, making friends, and having an awesome week, please visit the Hopewell Summer Camps website or pick up a brochure from the Resource Hub or the Kids' Hub.

Scholarship assistance for Petra families is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please check with Pastor Nacho about assistance for the Junior High Camp.
Global Missions
Mission Prayer Focus - Bruce & Joyce Heckman serve as Petra missionaries with Immerge in Lancaster helping to train and equip mission workers preparing for service among unreached peoples around the world. They also assist with outreach to local immigrant populations. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as they give leadership to the Immerge ministry. Pray also for provision—personally and for their ministry needs. To financially bless the Heckman's, you can either click here, or text PetraGive to 73256 and select their name from the list at the link provided.

Pierogi Fest Fundraiser - Join InSTEP Ministries International for a Pierogi Fest Fundraiser Meal supporting their ministry on Sunday, August 7 from 4:30 - 8 p.m. right here at Petra Church. Following the meal, there will be a program that includes an update on how InSTEP Ministries has been helping Ukrainian refugees as well as a word from guest speakers Pastor Daniel and his wife, Agnieszka Janik. There are special activities planned for children so be sure to bring the whole family! Registration is $10 and space is limited so register ASAP!
Petra Prayer
Saturday Night Prayer – God is on the move within our community and we invite you to be a part of the movement! Join us in the Sanctuary every Saturday from 7-8 p.m. for a time of prayer and intercession over our families, community, and regions. Unable to come in person? Join us via Zoom. If you have the Zoom App, use the meeting ID 495 378 0436.
Petra Family News
Blessings to Rachel Esh and DJ Esh who are uniting in marriage tomorrow, July 8!
Last Week Update
July 3, 2022
General Fund
Weekly Budget:
Last Week's Giving:
Building Fund