Thursday, January 4, 2024 | |
Fundraiser Meal RESCHEDULED - The Chicken BBQ Fundraiser Meal that supports our short-term mission team headed to Guatemala in February is RESCHEDULED for Sunday, January 21. Take-outs will be available after the 9 a.m. service. | | | |
Any Christmas cards not yet picked up are now at the Resource Hub. Please remember to pick up your cards, and even if you have already looked for yours, look again to make sure you didn't miss any! | | |
Fasting Week Events
"The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us" is our theme for our Church-Wide Fast happening January 15-21. The Sanctuary will be open for prayer every day, Monday through Friday, from 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., with 10 interactive prayer stations.
You're welcome to join us on your lunch break from 12:15-1:00 p.m. onsite or online Monday through Thursday for a time of worship & prayer with our staff. We will also have a Family Prayer Night that Tuesday, Deeper Night that Friday, and Communion on Sunday morning, January 21. We hope you join us in fasting and prayer as we usher in the New Year and embrace the Empowerment of The Holy Spirit in 2024!
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Deeper Night
Mark your calendar for the first Deeper Night of the New Year! Everyone is invited to join us for Deeper Night on Friday, January
19, at 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Childcare is available for Babies
through Pre-K upon registration. Register below by January 15.
Come out for this special night of worship and prayer as we unite our voices and align our prayers, embracing the Empowerment of the Holy Spirit during our Church-Wide Fast.
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Church-Wide Fast Details
The Adult and Kid Prayer & Fasting Devotions will be emailed daily at 5 a.m. to all Petra attendees. If you prefer a hard copy, Prayer & Fasting Guides are available for pick-up this Sunday and next at any of our Hubs. The Adult and Kids' devotions are listed in separate sections of the booklet. Check out our social media platforms for prayer points and personal video reflections from staff members throughout the week. For a listing of all our Fasting Week Events, check out our webpage below!
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The Pinewood Derby is Back!
Kids in Kindergarten through Eighth Grade are invited to participate in our Annual Pinewood Derby coming up on Saturday, March 2! Car kits are now on sale for $5.50 a kit. Register and pay for your car kit online by visiting the link below. Once you register, you can pick up your car kit in the Atrium any Sunday through January 28. Contact Kerry Shuman with any questions at 570-274-2243.
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Lead an "Empowered" Discussion Group
Jesus called us to be disciples who make disciples. Sometimes, that means raising children in the ways of the Lord. Sometimes, it means serving in an area of need in your community. And sometimes, it means sharing your faith with others. Being a disciple means walking in the ways of Jesus as you receive life from him. And being a disciple maker means sharing the life of Jesus with others so they can walk in his ways as well. Just as we’ve freely received, we freely give.
Would you be interested in leading a discussion group related to this series? To learn more about leading a group, please see below, visit the table in the Atrium or Lobby this Sunday, or contact Groups Pastor Matt Kauffman.
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Missionary Prayer Focus
Trevor & Leah Derr and their two children serve as Petra missionaries in Indonesia with Kairos Global, where they focus on making disciples through prayer, training, and church planting. Pray for God’s anointing, wisdom, and provision as they serve in their ministry. Also, pray for open doors as they share the Good News of Jesus with those who have had very little exposure to the Gospel. We hope they have good times of connection with family, friends, and supporters as they spend the month of January here in PA!
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Indonesia Mission Trip Opportunity
Do you have a heart for outreach and evangelism among those who haven’t yet heard the Good News? Join the Petra Mission Team headed to Indonesia in October 2024. This team, led by Pastor Ken Reinford, will partner with Petra missionaries, Trevor & Leah Derr, who serve with Kairos Global. The team will teach English, participate in evangelism outreach, and lead Bible Studies/disciple those in the local community. This trip is open to men and women ages 15+ (parent or guardian must accompany minors). If interested, please plan to attend the informational meeting next Sunday, January 14, at 10:15 a.m. in Room North 125.
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DOVE Global
The 2023-24 DOVE Global Leadership and Ministry School will offer its next weekend intensive Friday evening and Saturday, January 12 and 13. The topic is "Missions and Practical Ministry Skills." Each weekend intensive is $125 per person or $215 per married couple. If you would like to attend the classes that weekend only, you may register and pay at the door. See below for more info!
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Congratulations to Daniel & Rachel Smucker, who have officially adopted their foster child, Joshua Ryan Smucker!
Medical Funds
Petra has opened a Medical Fund for Gerry Good, who has been experiencing a medical crisis. If you want to give to him during this
time, click below to give online and select Good, Gerry - Medical from the dropdown menu. Or postmark your gift to the Gerry Good Medical Fund.
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December 31, 2023
General Fund
Weekly Budget:
Last Week's Giving:
Building Fund
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