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1) Facebook BLOCKS Us From Posting Congressional Action to Stop 5G Bills in Congress
3) EMF News
4) Covid 19
5) The Great Reset/The New World Order
6) Weather Warfare in Texas, Snow that Doesn't Melt
7) Petitions and Actions

If you are very up to date on these issues, some articles are from the past month and you may have already seen them.

If you are new to this news letter, please know 5G, vaccines, geoengineering and The Great Reset/New World Order are all related and orchestrated in conjunction with one another to monetize, surveil, depopulate and keep a handful of people at the helm of global control. I have broken the segments up in this news letter to make it easier on the reader.

As of today, 2/9/21 I am able to post on FB again, but was blocked with no explanation when I tried posting our Congressional action to block the 16 pro 5G bills last week.
1) Facebook BLOCKS Us From Posting Congressional Action to Stop 5G Bills in Congress
You never think it will happen to you...or at least I didn't...and then it did. I had just posted our Congressional "click to call" action to stop the tsunami of 5G bills that if these bills passed would strip local authority, re-write The Telecom Act and spell trouble for some of our lawsuits...however, I woke up the next day to realize not only had my ability to post on other anti 5G groups FB been disabled, but even posting on my own page has been disabled! This is truly a disgusting company that cares not if you live or die or if this country becomes China. I wish people would just leave that platform...but get your friends and associates contact info first to still keep in touch with them. Anyway, we are now doubling down on our efforts to get this action out to people. Please click on the above link if you haven't already to ask you Congressman to help stop these bills which that will change The Telecom Act in the industries favor, curtail local oversight, eliminate environmental review and other tricks in order to have a smoother 5G roll out. Please also post it on FB!! I do not think they will disable your ability to post as I think they didn't want me getting it to so many groups. But if you were to re-post it on your group or a few others I don't think that will raise their red Nazi flag. Or you can email it or Tweet it out.
Thank you for helping us block these dangerous bills!

Also very recently banned from accepting payments from Paypal this month was Activist Post , Robert F Kennedy of Childrens Health Defense from being able to use Instagram and Green Med Info from pretty much all platforms, amongst may other truth telling groups and least we are in excellent company.

This is ultra powerful radar is recognized by governments to cause serious health problems..."The firm says it is working on creating a satellite constellation of 36 devices that, combined, can monitor ‘anywhere in the world every hour." As for now, Capella Space is offering governments or private companies to request images of anything from around the world."

USA Watchdog Interviews Dane Wigington...

Film Trailer,

This is the "new and improved" way to manipulate the weather without the threat of people calling their Congressmen/women to complain about "chemtrails" when they see the planes overhead, by creating weather plasma from space...

This is a MUST WATCH whistle blower Video in Germany with shocking footage from inside care facility for dementia patients. 7 out of 31 die after vaccination with an 8th almost dead. Also footage of forced vaccination after patient refusal!
Vid...Peggy Hall on mandatory vaccines in the workplace...this woman is incredible, starts @ 2.25 minutes in...

The Great Reset/The New World Order

Article, Excellent Overview of Great Reset...

I do realize there is a 404 missing vid for the above link on police brutality under "Covid lock down orders" in the UK but I left it in the news letter so I could at least show you the ongoing cover up of abuse of authority globally.

Vid...when fiction becomes reality

Important Actions, Presentation and Petitions

We are still wanting you to take the action and pass on our Congressional "click to call" action to stop the 16 5G bills that will re-write the Telecom Act, roll back environmental protections, take away local control and pave the way for 5G on a lamp post or elsewhere near you should we fail to stop these bills. Please click on the above link and take the action if you haven't already.

Did you know that whales can communicate across entire oceans and that these critical sounds are interfered with by military sonar, seismic exploration, shipping noise and other frequency noises? This Wed. eve, March 10, 2021 at 7:00 pm EST, Friends of Merrymeeting Bay Zoom presentation will screen the award winning film Sonic Sea - Voices of the Deep, followed by a presentation from Chris Clark, one of the scientists featured in the film. Contact: Ed Friedman, 207-666-3372 [email protected] for Qs.



IdahoansforSafeTechnology has a new "click to call" action to stop 5G in Idaho. If you know anyone in Idaho, please click here and send them the link to this petition or please sign it yourself if you are in Idaho

We are extending the contract this year on our "click to call" action since so many of us are utilizing it, so if you would like to use it to reach out to your representatives, you may do so free of charge (although it's an expensive platform so donations are appreciated but not mandatory), but we are offering it to communities across the country to try and stop the 5G roll out and even for other issues we are in alignment with such as anti covid vaccine/Great Reset movement, etc. The platform auto dials your representatives, connects you, sends an email to their inbox, Tweets them, lets you keep the contact info of your signatores and most importantly, you will NEVER be de-platformed like we were when we were by Avaaz, after collecting nearly 20,000 signatures and were about to deliver our WHO petition to make RF Class 1 carcinogen. Just send us an email or give us a call [email protected] or 310-281-9639.

Special thanks for articles from: Rebecca Campbell, Michael Marlow, Ira Nussbaumer, Dave Ashton, Marcela Cruz Gibbons, Judy Bruce, Ed Friedman, Patricia Burke, Activist Post, The Healthy American, Childrens Health Defense, UI Media, Lew Rockwell, Zero Hedge. Old Man in a Chair