May 23, 2021

Standing with Israel and the Jewish Community
It was a tragic week for the Jewish community around the world. Though a ceasefire was declared between Israel and Palestine, the resulting civilian casualties and the destruction of sacred land is heartbreaking.

It has never been more important to stand in solidarity with Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East and the only democracy in the region. Israel is a beacon of freedom in the Arab world – we must defend our important ally.

I am horrified to see Anti-Semitic violence breaking out in our country in the wake of the conflict, as Jewish Americans are being assaulted, terrorized, and threatened in cities across the U.S. These attacks are reprehensible and evil. Targeting a religious group is antithetical to who we are and what we stand for as a free nation. I am calling on all of my colleagues in Congress to stand up and condemn anti-Semitism and all forms prejudice.

Upcoming Town Halls in TX-11

Next week, I will be hosting 4 town halls in Clyde, Coleman, Comanche, and Goldthwaite to hear your opinions and concerns. Below is the information for each of the town halls:

Clyde: Monday, May 24 at 10:00 am at the Clyde Chamber of Commerce.
106 Cedar Street Clyde, Texas 79510

Coleman: Monday, May 24 at 1:30 pm at the Coleman Library
402 S. Commercial Ave. Coleman, TX 76834

Comanche: Tuesday, May 25 at 1:00 pm at the Comanche Chamber of Commerce.
304 S. Austin St. Comanche, TX 76442

Goldthwaite: Tuesday, May 25 at 3:00 pm at the Southside Tavern
1011 Fifth St. Goldthwaite, TX 76844

I look forward to meeting those of you who attend and hearing your thoughts on how I can better represent you in Congress and the 11th District.

Republicans are Ready to Balance the Budget

Last week, I joined the Republican Study Committee in introducing a Republican-alternative plan that will balance the federal budget and cut spending by $14.4 trillion in 10 years, all while reducing taxes on American families by $1.9 trillion.

Democrats have only been in charge for five months and they are already wrecking our economy. Inflation is rising, job growth is stalling, the national debt continues to skyrocket, and House Democrats continue to wrongly pursue trillions in crippling tax hikes that will harm Texas farmers and ranchers, businesses, and families. And all for what?

Our children and grandchildren will be paying the price for these disastrous policies.

The RSC budget serves as a blueprint for conservative governance that will reshape our budget and boost the American economy. The scope of our federal government must be radically decreased, and this is a solution that will benefit all Americans.

Read more about our proposal here.

Fighting to Uphold Sanctions on the Nordstream II Pipeline

President Biden handed Vladimir Putin a direct path to power over the global energy market by loosening sanctions on Russia, allowing the Putin regime to bypass Ukraine in exporting natural gas to Western Europe, and drastically increasing Russia’s power over the continent and the globe as a result.

The Nord Stream II Pipeline will be wielded as a tool of coercion against our allies and partners, threatening security on the continent and abroad. Waiving sanctions puts the United States and our allies at risk. I cannot fathom how it is in our national interest to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have brought over ten thousand jobs to American citizens, and instead help Russia build Nord Stream II.

Last week, I offered an amendment in the House Foreign Affairs Committee markup that would have solidified sanctions on the Nord Stream II pipeline. Although the amendment was not adopted, I received the commitment of a senior Democrat member of the committee to work with Republicans to ensure the malign influence project is not completed.
Assembling Care Packages for Deployed Troops with Operation Gratitude
The men and women who raise their hand to risk their lives in defense of our Nation are heroes.

It was an honor to help assemble some of the 5,000 care packages for our troops abroad with my fellow veteran lawmakers in Congress as a part of Operation Gratitude. We also drew attention to the need for a Global War on Terrorism Memorial on the National Mall.

Our country has a responsibility to take care of soldiers and veterans and honor those we have lost. A memorial is one small step we should take to say thank you to the military heroes and families of the 21st Century.

We must always support our military and work to recognize those who have given their lives in support of this country and our allies and partners around the world in the name of freedom.

Watch a video of the day here or below.
Western Drought Forum with Ross Copeland of Texas Farm Bureau

This week, I invited Coke-Sterling County Farm Bureau President Ross Copeland to testify at the House Natural Resources Republican Forum on the Western Drought to highlight the impacts of the drought on agricultural producers.

Ross Copeland represents the next generation of farmers and ranchers, and it was an honor to have him testify on behalf of the 11th District.

In West Texas, no one suffers more from the ongoing conditions than the farmers and ranchers who work the land. Unfortunately, instead of acknowledging the grave impacts of the drought on our producers, President Biden is laser-focused on sabotaging our economic recovery with nearly $2 trillion in new taxes on the American people, including a new, second death tax that that will devastate farm and ranch families in our district and beyond.

Congress must immediately reauthorize the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildfire Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus (WHIP+) to cover disasters from 2020 and 2021. It is time to provide the needed relief so West Texas farmers can continue to supply the food and fiber our country depends on.

Watch the video here or below.
Welcoming Preston Howey to the Legislative Team
I am proud to welcome Midland-native Preston Howey to our team.

Born and raised in Midland, Texas, Preston graduated from Midland High School and is a proud alum of Texas A&M University, where he earned a degree in Political Science. Before joining our team, Preston interned for Congressman Will Hurd (TX-23) and subsequently served as a Legislative Assistant for Congressman Kevin Brady (TX-08), the top Republican on the Ways & Means Committee.

Preston will advise on some of the most important issues facing our region including agriculture, immigration, resources and water, taxes, and more. His years of legislative experience in the Texas delegation and personal connection to the district will be invaluable as we work to advocate on behalf of the good people in the 11th District of Texas.

Welcome, Preston!
Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress