July 1, 2022
Protecting the Permian from Crippling Regulations
For decades, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been weaponized by climate alarmists that put green special interest groups ahead of the American people. Thankfully, yesterday, the Supreme Court delivered a ruling in West Virginia v. EPA that affirms Congress, not unelected officials at agencies in Washington, are charged with setting our nation’s energy policy.

The 6-3 decision rightly ruled that the EPA, beginning with the Obama Administration, stepped outside its authority in an attempt to re-engineer America’s power sector. SCOTUS restored the authority to Congress.

This ruling was a win for America’s energy workers, and I will continue promoting policies that unleash MORE American energy, not less.
While I was pleased with the ruling, I’m afraid the EPA will continue to look for creative ways to limit oil and gas production. Most recently, the agency indicated that they plan to re-designate the Permian Basin as a non-attainment area. The Permian Basin is the most prolific oil and gas producing region in the Nation, which makes us the key target of the EPA's overbearing mandates.
This designation will slow down production in the Permian Basin, increase U.S. dependence on foreign oil, and lead to higher costs at the pump. At a time when American families are already being crushed by record-high gas prices and price hikes on all goods and groceries, it is unfathomable that the Biden Administration is continuing its crusade to limit American energy production.
I am working with local, state, federal, and industry leaders to ensure this designation does not move forward.
Securing our Southern Border

Yesterday, Rep. Mayra Flores, the newest Republican Member of Congress from the Rio Grande Valley, and I sent a letter to House Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson demanding that he hold a full committee hearing on the skyrocketing border encounters of possible terrorists.
Our letter comes on the heels of recent reports that an individual on the terror watch list was released into the U.S. by DHS. Following his release, he was allowed to stay in the country for two weeks, even after it was discovered that he is a possible terrorist.

This is a pattern of unacceptable oversights and blunders on matters of national security at our southern border; sadly unsurprising given the ever-growing security risks as migrants flood our border and override our law enforcement and border patrol agents.

The number of encounters with suspected terrorists along our southern border between ports of entry has jumped drastically—from three in Fiscal Years (FY) 2019 and 2020, to SIXTEEN in FY 2021 and FIFTY in FY 2022 so far.

We recently learned that in the last month alone, USBP encounter numbers skyrocketed to 15 of these individuals.

These numbers are especially concerning when we consider ‘got away’ statistics (meaning those who have evaded border patrol and entered our country unknown). Since President Biden has been in office, there have been over 800,000 got-aways.

I am extremely concerned about what we don't know – how many possible terrorists are among these 800,000?

It is unacceptable that the committee charged with ensuring our safety is ignoring these glaring security risks. Our letter is a call to action for Congress - to wake up and stand up to President Biden's failing border policies before it is too late. Read more about our letter in Fox News here.
Ending Remain in Mexico will be Catastrophic

This week, the Biden Administration further pushed to end the Trump-era Remain in Mexico Border Protection Policy.

Without Remain in Mexico, it’s Remain in the US. President Biden’s policies have created an environment of weakness along our southern border that emboldens drug cartels, human traffickers, suspected terrorists, and criminals to break our laws and put American and migrant lives in danger.

Under the Biden Administration, over 3 million migrants have illegally crossed our southern border, and heartbreaking human smuggling casualty events have become all too common.

The situation at the southern border is more than a security catastrophe - it is a humanitarian crisis. Just this week, more than 50 illegal migrants died from heat stroke in the back of a tractor-trailer near San Antonio. A terrible and sad way to die. God bless them.

We must secure our southern border. Read more here about ways that I am taking action to enforce our border laws and quell this crisis.
President Biden's Expensive 4th of July
Last year, the Biden White House released the now-infamous social media post bragging that "the Biden economic plan is working" and Americans would save a whopping $0.16 cents on their 4th of July cookouts.

This year, the Biden economic plan is truly in full effect, Americans are facing the most expensive 4th of July ever, and will be paying over $10 MORE than last year, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation.

This sharp increase in prices is caused by President Biden's disastrous economic and energy policies. We should be unleashing Permian Basin energy production to drive down costs and provide real relief for American families.
Ensuring Voter Security

The New York County Supreme Court struck down a ludicrous law passed by the New York City Council which allowed more than 800,000 non-citizens to vote in New York City elections. I am glad to see the New York County Supreme Court take the side of safety and fairness in our elections.
In Congress, I championed a measure to completely outlaw non-citizens from voting in elections, and House Democrats wouldn't even allow it to come for a vote. 
The success of this country depends on secure and transparent elections. I will continue pushing my Save the Democracy Act, a bill to address key failures in our electoral system including voter registration, ballot casting, and ballot country. 
Visits from Midland Schools

Thank you to Midland Legacy and Coleman High School for stopping by my office last week!

These Midland schools are a great representation of the future of our community. I am so incredibly encouraged by all of these students and the future leaders that will rise from this generation.

They are thoughtful, passionate, and dedicated to making our community the best it can be. Keep up the hard work!
Permian Strategic Partnership

I had the pleasure of speaking at the Permian Strategic Partnership’s annual All Hands Meeting this week.

The work their member companies—and all of the energy sector companies across the Permian Basin—are doing is critical to the energy security of our country. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our community and nation!
Happy Independence Day

I hope you and your family spend the holiday celebrating the freedoms we enjoy as citizens of the greatest nation in the world. Let freedom ring!
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Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress