July 2, 2021
Biden Inherited the Most Secure Border in Years Under Trump and Wrecked it Within Months
This week, I went to McAllen, TX with President Trump and Governor Abbott to visit the epicenter of the border crisis.
What I saw is an absolute tragedy. In the span of only an hour or so, we came across hundreds of illegal migrants walking across our southern border, tagged with bracelets like livestock by the cartels and coyotes who are exploiting them every step of the way.
I even talked to a 6-year-old boy who was dumped in the brush by traffickers and left for dead until U.S. Border Patrol agents found and rescued him.
As a parent, it is absolutely heartbreaking to witness the human smuggling happening on our southern border to women and young children.
President Biden inherited the strongest, most secure border in years from President Trump. Within a matter of months his administration has created a chaotic border crisis of epic proportions at the border. All of this could end right now—if the Biden Administration would reverse their dangerous open-border policies.
The Biden Administration has abandoned Texas and is turning a blind eye to the life-threatening humanitarian atrocities that are happening along our southern border and spreading to every corner of the United States.
I will not stop until the Biden Administration takes actionable steps to fix this crisis—a two hour stop in El Paso is not enough. President Biden must reinstate President Trump's immigration policies and secure our border.
I spoke with a Fox News reporter detailing my trip. You can read that article here.