July 2, 2021

Biden Inherited the Most Secure Border in Years Under Trump and Wrecked it Within Months

This week, I went to McAllen, TX with President Trump and Governor Abbott to visit the epicenter of the border crisis.

What I saw is an absolute tragedy. In the span of only an hour or so, we came across hundreds of illegal migrants walking across our southern border, tagged with bracelets like livestock by the cartels and coyotes who are exploiting them every step of the way.

I even talked to a 6-year-old boy who was dumped in the brush by traffickers and left for dead until U.S. Border Patrol agents found and rescued him.

As a parent, it is absolutely heartbreaking to witness the human smuggling happening on our southern border to women and young children.

President Biden inherited the strongest, most secure border in years from President Trump. Within a matter of months his administration has created a chaotic border crisis of epic proportions at the border. All of this could end right now—if the Biden Administration would reverse their dangerous open-border policies.

The Biden Administration has abandoned Texas and is turning a blind eye to the life-threatening humanitarian atrocities that are happening along our southern border and spreading to every corner of the United States.

I will not stop until the Biden Administration takes actionable steps to fix this crisisa two hour stop in El Paso is not enough. President Biden must reinstate President Trump's immigration policies and secure our border.

I spoke with a Fox News reporter detailing my trip. You can read that article here.
Passed My First Bill in the House

I am incredibly humbled that my first original piece of legislation to pass the House of Representatives is a resolution calling for the immediate release of Trevor Reed of Granbury, a Marine Veteran who is being held as a political prisoner in Russia.

The vote is a clear condemnation of Vladimir Putin and his regime for Trevor’s corrupt conviction and detainment. We will not tolerate an American citizen being used as a political pawn on the global stage, and I will not stop fighting for Trevor until he is safely back on American soil. The Putin regime must immediately release Trevor Reed and reunite him with his loving family.

Read more about the bill here.
Introduced a Bill to Seal Criminal Cross-Border Tunnels

In addition to the mass surge of illegal border crossings aboveground, we know of over 230 underground cross-border tunnels that drug cartels and traffickers are using to smuggle copious amounts of narcotics, weapons, and cash back and forth across our southern border.

U.S. Border Patrol is aware of an increasing number of these tunnels but lacks the appropriate resources to close and counteract them. This legislation ensures that Border Patrol agents will have the plan and tools they need to seal these tunnels and defend American communities.

I joined Stu Varney on Fox Business to discuss my bill. Watch here or below.
Happy Independence Day Weekend!

245 years ago, our Founding Fathers created a framework for our government enshrined in the ideals of freedom, liberty, and opportunity. To this day, our flag, country, and the red, white, and blue still stand for those very same ideals.

Now more than ever, it is important for us to remember that the United States is the greatest country the world has ever known. Our District is filled with good, hard-working people who love our flag, stand for freedom, and believe American businesses and American made goods keep our communities more secure and lift more people out of poverty than government handouts.

On this Fourth of July weekend, while we are enjoying the summer sunshine with friends and loved ones, let us remember what independence really means and honor the ones who fought for it.

God bless the United States of America.
Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress