June 14, 2021

President Biden’s Immigration Policies and Anti-Police Rhetoric are Devastating Law Enforcement
Our law enforcement officers are overwhelmed and suffering at the hand of the Biden Administration's open border policies and anti-police rhetoric. That's what was conveyed to me during a virtual meeting with law enforcement officers across TX-11.

In the meeting, each official highlighted the devastating impacts that the border crisis and 'defund the police' movement have had on local police departments.

They told me that the number one issue they are facing is the dramatic escalation of drug trafficking from Mexico, as harrowing amounts of methamphetamines and fentanyl stream across our southern border every day—resulting in dangerous high-speed chases and more.
On top of this, anti-police rhetoric around the country has driven applications to join the force to record lows, and the Biden Administration’s refusal to secure the border is forcing Texas DPS troopers off their normal assignments and down to the border.

I will continue supporting and advocating for our brave law enforcement officers, and I call on the Biden Administration to immediately stand up for law enforcement and secure our border once and for all.

VP Harris Thinks the Border Crisis is a Joke

This week, VP Harris laughed off a reporter's question about whether she plans on visiting the southern border, and lied by claiming that she has already "been to the border."

The humanitarian crisis at our southern border is not a laughing matter—the fact that we need to remind our Vice President, the second most powerful figure head in our Nation, of that is disgraceful and alarming.

I have personally seen the tragedy of this crisis. There are border communities, law enforcement, and border patrol agents who are overwhelmed and suffering at the hand of this administration’s open-border policies. Not to mention, thousands of migrant children are currently being trafficked and exploited by coyotes and drug cartels.

The Vice President's blasé attitude is contributing to this humanitarian and national security catastrophe. Where is her compassion for the children, families, and law enforcement agents who are suffering?

In May, we had a record-breaking number of illegal border crossings, dangerous drugs, and foreign national streaming across our southern border. Below is a document outlining some of these alarming statistics from the Committee on Homeland Security.
Ilhan Omar Should Be Removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee

Representative Ilhan Omar is unfit to serve on the House Foreign Affairs Committee due to her anti-American, antisemitic, and bigoted statements and conduct, most recently likening the United States and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban.

I signed a letter calling for her removal. In the letter, my colleagues and I detail several examples of Representative Omar’s engagement in hate speech, such as spewing violent anti-Israel rhetoric, engaging in antisemitism, minimizing the 9/11 attacks, and mocking American concern with al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, and most recently, likening the United States and Israel to terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Taliban.

The letter states, in part, “Despite the slew of hateful statements made by Representative Omar in the past, her most recent comments steep to a new low. Equating genocidal extremist groups with democracies like our own is a slap in the face to all victims of terror and millions of oppressed people who have found refuge in places like the United States and Israel. While Democratic leadership has scolded Representative Omar, we are long past the point of needing ‘clarification’ […] House Democratic leadership must take immediate and meaningful action to remove her from the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. We consider anything less to be a form of complicity.”
TX-11 Town Halls
This month we reached an important milestone: visiting all 29 counties of the 11th District of Texas within six months of taking office. There is nothing more important than seeing and visiting with you face to face, and I am proud to have seen and talked to communities from each corner of our district.

Over the last few weeks, I had the opportunity to do just that at twelve town halls in Clyde, Coleman, Comanche, Colorado City, San Angelo, Brady, Menard, Junction, Breckenridge, Eastland, Mineral Wells, and Stephenville.

We discussed many of the issues facing our Nation such as securing our border, balancing our budget, and maintaining American energy independence. We are in turbulent times right now. Our President is pushing through oversaturated spending bills piling on massive debt, refusing to address the humanitarian crisis happening at our southern border, and undermining our energy security, and in turn, national security.

But we also relayed a message of hope and staying the course. Romans 5:1 states “glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.” This verse is important for us to remember in these uncertain times. 
Thank you to all those who took the time to come out. I could not be more humbled to represent the best people in the world in our Nation’s Capitol. If you were unable to attend and have a question you'd like to ask, please send me an email here.
Meeting with TX-11 Farmers and Ranchers
Those in the cattle and farming business play a role in the critical infrastructure of agriculture—a vital component of National Security.

These men and women tackled innumerable obstacles over the course of the pandemic keeping our stores and shelves stocked as supply chains across the world went offline.

It was a treat to visit the Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center in San Angelo and Jordan Cattle Auction in San Saba. Thank you to both for welcoming us, and for all you do for Texas Ag!
Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress