October 1st, 2021
Democrats Are Pandering to the Farthest Voices of the Left With Their $5 Trillion Spending Package
This week, Democrats are considering $5 trillion in new spending and radical policies to push forward their ultra-radical, harmful agenda.
Some of the outrageous provisions in this spending package include giving amnesty to illegal immigrants, expanding the welfare state, and crushing the oil and gas industry through Green New Deal policies. How do they plan on paying for this bloated, pork-filled package? By enacting massive tax hikes on all Americans.
With this budget proposal it is clear who is driving the agenda: AOC, Bernie Sanders, and the most radical voices of the Left. This bill is just another example of failed leadership coming from the Democrats that will lead us into a dire economic crisis.
I am calling on my moderate Democrats colleagues to put an end to this madness and speak up for everyday Americans who oppose massive government spending.
Democrats’ Radical Reconciliation Bill Will Destroy American Energy
Cold, dark, and hungry. That will be the reality of every American family if the Democrats win in their crusade against American energy independence.
Buried in the Democrats' massive spending package is a radical green agenda that will raise taxes, bring burdensome regulations to our energy industries, wipe out millions of energy jobs, and cripple our small and independent oil and gas producers. The impacts will be devastating.
We need to look no further than across the Atlantic to see the real-world consequences of these destructive policies. Right now, our friends in Europe are experiencing industry-wide shutdowns, and preparing for cataclysmic blackouts due to their fuel and gas shortages. Cold, dark, and hungry is Europe’s reality today, but it will be America tomorrow if we allow these policies to take effect.
The world population is growing at an exponential rate and our energy needs will only continue to rise—a strong energy sector is non-negotiable if we want to sustain the lives of our children and grandchildren. American private industry ingenuity has the capability to deliver safe, affordable, and reliable energy to everyone, but Democrats are shackling the ability of producers to provide fuel and power to the world. It has never been more important to hold the line on our critical American energy—our future is a stake.
Click here or below to watch me speaking on the Democrats' crusade against American energy.
Pushing Back Against Biden's Vaccine Mandate
This week, I took several actions to fight President Biden’s radical COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
I joined my Republican colleagues in introducing the Health Freedom for All Act, which clarifies that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have the authority to force employers to mandate COVID-19 vaccines or testing.
In the letter, we noted, “Several states are already nearing or exceeding hospital capacity, and many Medicare and Medicaid providers, especially nursing homes, are struggling to hire and retain enough employees to comply with state and federal staffing requirements...a vaccine mandate will inevitably push a significant portion of healthcare workers out of the industry, putting further strain on providers.”
We also questioned the President about his Administration’s ability to produce a viable plan that will mitigate workforce shortages while providing exemptions for religious and moral objections. “If your administration is unable to address any of these questions, we must ask that you immediately halt your efforts to implement this mandate.”
Read the full letter here.
Urging Biden to Enforce our Border Security Laws
Following my trip to Del Rio, I joined Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23) and other Republican lawmakers in introducing a resolution demanding that the Biden Administration enforce federal immigration laws and secure the southern border.
The resolution requires the Biden Administration to reinstate President Trump’s Remain in Mexico Policy, enforce Title 42 expulsions, commit more CPB and ICE agents and resources to secure the southern border, and support Governor Abbott’s September 20th statewide emergency disaster request.
The only thing President Biden had to do was uphold President Trump’s border policies that were already working. Instead, he flung the border wide open to those looking to enter our country illegally.
His policies and rhetoric are incentivizing record numbers of dangerous crossings—which we saw on full display in Del Rio with 15,000 migrants gathered under the bridge after freely crossing our border.
We are rapidly losing situational control of the southern border and without a full understanding of who or what is entering our Nation. President Biden has surrendered the safety of every American citizen, increased drug and human trafficking, and caused a major national security risk to the United States. This bill is simple: enforce the laws we already have on the books.
Sent a Letter Raising Concerns About President Biden's Move to Increase the Scope of the IRS
President Biden wants to hire additional IRS workers to spy on the bank accounts of millions of Americans. His proposal would require banks to disclose any transaction over $600 a blatant infringement of privacy that puts all of our families financial data at risk of cyberattacks.
We don't need big brother watching our bank accounts. I sent a letter to top Administration officials and Democrat leadership warning them of the dangers of expanding the scope of the IRS and breaching the privacy of all Americans.
Read the letter below.
Supporting Meaningful Legislation
In this Congress, I have sponsored 12 original pieces of legislation and co-sponsored 105 important bills that I believe further the values of our district.
You can see a full list of the legislation I am supporting at this link, but below are a few of the bills I have supported recently:
Sponsored by Jim Banks (IN-R)
This bill would require that the federal government secure our nation’s international borders through the renewal of border wall construction contracts, investments in advanced technologies, and bolstering support for federal law enforcement officers.
Sponsored by Michael Waltz (FL-R)
This resolution condemns President Biden in his failure to heed the advice of military and intelligence advisors about the speed and nature of the Taliban offensive, leading to a disorganized, chaotic, and abrupt evacuation of United States personnel and Afghan allies.
Sponsored by Vicky Hartlzer (MO-R)
This bill holds senior officials of the Chinese Communist Party accountable for persecution of Christians in China.
Sponsored by Stephanie Bice (OK-R)
This bill ensures those who are disabled while serving on State Active Duty have access to medical care through the Department of Veterans Affairs and disability benefits from the Department of Defense.
Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress