July 15, 2022
Biden Protecting Illegal Terrorists

This week, I discovered a ludicrous new policy that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has implemented to protect potential terrorists in our country illegally.

DHS is blocking me and other members on the House Homeland Security Committee from receiving information on foiled terrorist plots, like the recent assassination attempt of George W. Bush and a planned attack on a 4th of July Parade in Richmond, VA.

Both of these foiled attacks were planned by non-citizens who entered our country illegally.

Instead of briefing our committee on the attacks and the planned assailants, DHS has decided to withhold information on terror plots from Congress unless we obtain privacy release waivers from the suspected “criminal non-citizens” involved.

If the 9/11 hijackers were caught on September 10, 2001, would we have waited for the terrorist to sign-off before briefing Congress?

This Administration’s first priority should be ensuring the safety of American communities, not protecting the supposed ‘privacy’ of terrorists.

Republican Leader John Katko, Rep. Mayra Flores, and I will not tolerate this ludicrous policy. Read more about our letter and call for answers here.
Leading Against the EPA Permian Basin Non-Attainment Designation

President Biden made a promise to "end fossil fuels" on the campaign trail, and it seems he is dead serious about following through with it despite record-high energy costs already crippling American families.
Last week, the Biden Administration's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicated they may impose a 2015 non-attainment ozone designation on the Permian Basin. A non-attainment designation would significantly burden producers in the Permian, slow production, and reduce supply from the largest secure source of energy in the world.

In response, I Ied both Texas Senators, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, and other energy-focused Republicans in sending a letter to the EPA outlining the risks of the potential designation.

The last thing the Permian Basin needs is more harmful regulations.

President Biden must abandon your promise to "end fossil fuels” and work with the innovators and entrepreneurs in the Permian Basin.

Standing for Life

Today, I voted against two pro-abortion bills pushed through the House by Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats. These bills go far beyond Roe v. Wade.

What my Democrat colleagues are pushing would permit elective abortion up to a baby’s due date nationwide, and legalize abortions based on the child’s race, sex, or disability, and open up dangerous loopholes for child traffickers to cover up their crimes.

Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Democrats have spread misinformation and fear.

The belief that a woman's only avenue to success in her career or life is through the killing of a child is inhumane and wrong.

This extreme agenda shows that our work to defend innocent lives remains as important as ever—despite the recent wins in the Supreme Court.

We should be looking for ways to support mothers and provide for children—not forcing an extreme abortion agenda on the entire country.

Watch my address to Congress against this extreme abortion bill by clicking here or below.
Bill to Fund National Defense Passes House

Yesterday, I voted to pass the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2023.

There is nothing that Congress works on that is more important than providing for our national defense. I am proud that this bill fully funds our military, allows us to counter the Chinese Communist Party, and provides a much-needed 4.6% pay increase for our troops. 

It includes several amendments that I offered to support our allies abroad, counter Russia’s malign activities, and help to gain a better understanding of the rising cancer rates among fighter pilots and aircrews.

Pilots and aircrew have been found to have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer and melanoma, with possible links to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and testicular cancer. My bill, the ACES Act, which directs the Secretary of the VA to study cancer incidence and mortality rates among military aviators and aircrew, was included in the NDAA.
The ACES Act will help advance research on any correlation between aviator service and cancer rates to better assist veterans and active service members.
As a former fighter pilot, I know first-hand the risks that airmen and women take every day when they step into the cockpit. After putting their lives on the line in the line of duty for their country, airmen and women deserve assurances that they will be taken care of and not put in undue danger. This legislation will play a vital role in protecting our service members and advocating for health and overall well-being.

The FY23 House version of the NDAA is a strong first step. There is more work to be done on improving it, and I look forward to closely shepherding it through the legislative process.

I will always support our military.
Highlighting the Permian Basin on Capitol Hill

It was an honor to have Steve Pruett, the President and CEO of Elevation Resources, join me on Capitol Hill for a roundtable to discuss the importance of American energy.

There is no reason why we would be hamstringing ourselves on the most basic and foundational piece of security: energy.
Steve was a great representative for the Permian Basin. He explained how: “Regulatory uncertainty is crushing us. The EPA announced they’re going to likely impose an ozone non-attainment status for the Permian Basin, which is a great tool for the EPA to slow down permits.”

We've got all the energy and resources here at home, yet President Biden refuses to unleash domestic producers. He'd rather enrich Saudi Arabia and OPEC. We should encourage energy production in Midland and Odessa, not the Middle East.

Thanks to Steve Pruett and Elevation for representing us so well on Capitol Hill. Watch our full conversation by clicking here.
Mornings with Maria

The Biden Administration and Congressional Democrats are completely out of touch with the American people. In the midst of an inflation crisis, their policies are pushing wasteful spending and open borders.

What we need to be doing is supporting our communities here at home - with border security enforcement, domestic energy production, and legislation that supports our troops.

Watch my conversation with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business by clicking here or below.
Texas Farm Bureau

Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) is the voice of Texas agriculture. Thank you to TFB President Russell Boening for stopping by my office in D.C. to discuss ways we can work together to support Texas farmers and ranchers!

Texas farmers and ranchers continue to be direct life support for our community. You are what keeps our economy running and food on our tables. I will always advocate for you!
Family time in D.C.

I had the joy of having my daughter Juliana join me in DC for an important week.

Teaching our kids about important family values, the foundations of our nation, and the promise of a strong and free future starts at home. I am grateful for the first-hand experience my daughters receive.

Thank you for trusting me and my family with the honor of representing this district!
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Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress