June 10, 2022
Upholding the Second Amendment
This week, I voted against two unconstitutional gun restriction bills. As a Texan, a father of three young girls who go to school, and a defender of Constitutional rights, this issue hits close to home.
The horror of school shootings is an unforgivable tragedy due to the evil we see in people. There is room for bipartisan solutions to increase school security, but Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats don’t want to make laws, they want to make politics.
My Republican colleagues and I offered an alternative bill this week that would fund school resource officers and mental health counselors, close gaps in school security, and strengthen active shooter preparations, with all costs being offset by unused state and local COVID funds. Unfortunately, House Democrats blocked it.
There is nothing more important than ensuring our children are safe. I know this because I take my children to school and pick them up. But in no way are the recent tragedies justification for the Left to infringe on the rights of law-abiding Americans.
I will not support legislation that results in those rights being stripped without due process. This is an emotional issue, but it is our job to step back and have a measured, adult conversation on real solutions.
Shielding Our Community

My office just uncovered the Department of Homeland Security’s intentions to possibly release busloads of illegal migrants at stations in the San Angelo area.

I have repeatedly told Secretary Mayorkas not to bring illegal migrants into our district, and have received no official response. President Biden may be happy welcoming millions of illegal immigrants into the interior of the United States, but San Angelo should not suffer the consequences.

It is past time for officials in Washington to follow the Constitution and protect our local communities from the Democrat policy-created border crisis.

This morning, I joined Fox & Friends to discuss President Biden's continuing border crisis and how it affects us at home. Read the story here, or click here or below to watch.
Protecting our Power Grid
The U.S. is facing nationwide blackouts this summer due to cyberattacks from rogue actors like Russia combined with reserve capacity shortages.
I am extremely concerned that the Biden Administration lacks a plan to prevent and prepare for these blackouts. I sent a letter to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm demanding the Dept. of Energy formulate and share their plan to avert a nationwide reliability crisis.
Blackouts are coming because our policymakers have made our country reliant on unreliable energy sources. A decades-long smear campaign executed by green special interest groups against reliable thermal power sources, like natural gas and nuclear, has led to short-sighted policies that discourage the creation of reliable base load sources for our grid.
Having enough energy to keep the lights on in America should be one of our fundamental responsibilities, but I’m afraid the powers that be have taken their eye off the ball when it comes to maintaining a stable, reliable grid. This is not partisan. The U.S. government should be laser-focused on ensuring we have enough energy to power the American economy.
Transatlantic Legislative Dialogue

Representing the Permian Basin—which accounts for 40 U.S. oil production and 15 percent of our natural gas production—means bearing the torch for the largest secure supply of energy in the world. I recently returned from meaningful overseas visits to advocate for American-made energy and the security it brings with our allies in Europe and Japan.
One of my top priorities in Congress is setting a national energy policy that not only provides cheap, abundant, and ever-cleaner energy to American families but also ensures our allies can power their economies without relying on malign actors.
Unfortunately, the decades-long smear campaign from green special interest groups against the fossil fuel industry has led pandering politicians to craft some of the most harmful policies in U.S. history. Instead of unleashing American energy dominance, domestic producers are hamstrung with harmful regulations that discourage industry investment and raise the price of energy for working families.
President Biden says we are in an incredible “energy transition,” but the truth is we are in an energy expansion. World demand for energy is projected to increase by 47% by 2050 over 2020 demand. The United States—not Russia, Iran, or China— must position itself to fill this demand. The Permian Basin can help fuel America and the world.
U.S. Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) must be central in our discussions with our allies around the world and more must be done to increase our production and export capacity here at home. President Biden’s Administration must approve and expedite pipeline construction, roll-back harmful regulations, and unleash American energy dominance once again.
Introducing a Balanced Budget FOR the American people
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi says “show me your budget, show me your values,” so that is exactly what my colleagues and I in the Republican Study Committee have done. In this budget, we clearly demonstrate that Republican values are American family values.
We value balancing our out-of-control budget, protecting the southern border, keeping taxpayer dollars from funding the radical Left’s woke agenda, saving Medicaid and Social Security from Bankruptcy, and securing American energy dominance.
My bill, the Midland Over Moscow Act, is included in this budget. Midland Over Moscow will force the Biden Administration to craft an energy strategy where they have none. It will make us stronger and will ensure that we are not reliant on any foreign countries for our energy. American energy security is national security.
These values presented in our budget are essential to maintaining our free and strong country. Click here to read the full RSC budget. 
SCOTUS Protection Bill
An armed man traveled to Justice Kavanaugh's house to kill him in the middle of the night on Wednesday. He was thankfully arrested, but this shocking threat shows just much pressure and risks our Justices are facing. The man told the authorities that he was upset about the prospect of Roe v. Wade being overturned and planned to break into the house and kill Justice Kavanaugh.
I am a cosponsor of the House version of Senator John Cornyn's bill to increase protections for Supreme Court Justices and their families. The legislation already passed the Senate unanimously, yet Speaker Pelosi blocked Republican efforts to bring it up for a vote in the House.
Preventing intimidation of the Judiciary is critical to the foundation of our country. It is despicable that Speaker Pelosi is blocking our bill to provide them with more protection!
Remembering D-Day
Teaching the next generation about the Greatest Generation is so important. Their sacrifice secured our way of life as we know it now...not just in America, but around the globe.
78 years ago more than 160,000 Allied troops stormed the heavily-fortified beaches of Normandy. This courageous invasion turned the tide of World War II and led to the eventual defeat of Adolf Hilter and his Nazi regime.
On Monday, we recognized the 78th anniversary of D-Day by honoring the sacrifice of those heroes who fought and died on the beaches of Normandy and reaffirmed our commitment to those protecting our freedoms. The bravery and heroism of the troops who launched themselves into the line of fire remind us that the freedoms we enjoy today were valiantly fought for.
Thank you to all those who have served and who continue to serve our country. God bless you, God bless your families, and God bless the USA.
Family Time in D.C.
It was a joy to have two of my daughters in D.C. with me during an important week voting and debating in the House.
Teaching our kids about important family values, the foundations of our nation, and the promise of a strong and free future starts at home. I am grateful for the first-hand experience my daughters receive, and for their support of me. One day, these ladies will be standing strong to protect our country for future generations.
Coleman Town Hall Recap
Thank you to all who came out for a wonderful discussion at the Coleman Public Library today! I opened the town hall by presenting children's books donated by the Library of Congress to kick off the library's Summer Reading Program. No matter where you are, let’s encourage our kids to develop their love of reading and learning.
One of the most important parts of my job is receiving feedback from you, the hard-working people from our district. Whether in person or online, I always welcome any thoughts and feedback you may want to offer. 
If you were unable to attend Monday's Town Hall, I will be hosting more town halls (both in-person and over the phone) soon.
Make sure you’re on my telephone town hall call list to receive a call from me. Sign up here.
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Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress