March 4, 2022
Midland Over Moscow

For over a week now, we have watched the tragic images and videos of war on the Ukrainian people. The time to act and help our Ukrainian partners is now. The United States stands with Ukraine, and we should fuel our country and our allies with energy from the Permian Basin!

I joined over 80 of my Republican colleagues in sending a letter with actionable steps that the President must take to reverse his harmful policies that have given Vladimir Putin the leverage to carry out his attack on Ukraine.

Specifically, we ask the President to:

  • Implement meaningful permitting reform to remove unnecessary delays and bureaucratic obstacles to constructing new, modern energy infrastructure.
  • Increase energy resource production on federal lands.
  • Reduce the regulatory uncertainty that prevents construction of new oil and natural gas infrastructure, including pipelines and LNG export terminals.
  • Develop a new, robust national rare earth and critical mineral policy that ends our reliance on China and Russia.
  • Pause all new discretionary regulatory policy activity and actions that would negatively impact the oil and gas sector.
  • End climate activism by federal agencies and order financial regulators to keep to their statutory mission.
We have the world’s largest oil and gas reserves; we can produce these energy resources more cleanly and efficiently than anywhere else in the world; and we should produce them. We will make clear that more U.S. production means greater energy security for our allies, lower prices for consumers at home, and more strength abroad as we undermine the Russia-China alliance.

I stand ready to implement American energy independence, and I will continue to vocally call for the administration to put Midland over Moscow! Click here to read the full letter.
Freedom is Worth Fighting For

It is inspiring to see the Lion-like courage of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is staying to lead and fight alongside his people despite multiple assassination attempts and clear danger to his family.

Many leaders would have abandoned ship, putting their own personal safety above that of their countrymen. Zelenskyy, on the other hand, is taking a stand for freedom, boldly demonstrating that freedom is worth fighting for. That a government of, by and for the people is worth defending. It is the very same idea that the United States of America was founded upon, and the very same fight our ancestors fought for during the early stages of our own inception.

In case you missed it, I wrote an Op-Ed in USA Today detailing the incredible courage and admirable strength displayed by President Zelenskyy in the face of Russia's authoritarian aggression. Read it here or below.
Keeping Nuclear Waste out of Texas

I joined Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Martin Heinrich, and Representative Teresa Leger Fernández in introducing bipartisan, bicameral legislation to prevent private interim nuclear waste storage sites from becoming de facto permanent nuclear waste storage facilities. Both Texas and New Mexico have objected to the placement of these storage facilities in their states.

It is long overdue for the federal government to locate a permanent repository for our nation’s nuclear waste. This dangerous material should be going to a final resting place instead of our state as an interim. This letter will help ensure that we keep this harmful nuclear waste out of our beautiful state.

Click here to read the full letter.
The State of our Union

President Biden delivered his State of the Union address on Tuesday. I personally wanted to hear the President announce a change of course from the border, inflation, and international crises his policies have created.

Instead, he doubled down on the massive-government spending and intervention policies that have driven our country in the wrong direction.
Texans will not be swayed. We all see rising crime across the country, and we feel the effects of the drugs coming across our southern border. I know too many families losing their financial security after being forced to pay more for food and essentials. 

During his remarks, President Biden called for the U.S. to purchase goods made in America. I agree. This should start with oil and gas from the Permian Basin. We should unleash our production forces and prioritize Midland over Moscow. Let’s put the Permian Basin to work to lower energy prices and be an instrument of peace in the world. 
The hearts of our people are strong, and the state of our Nation could be—if President Biden would work with me and my fellow Republicans to pass our common sense solutions to solve his crises. Let’s get our country back on track.

Click here to learn more about the common-sense solutions I am spearheading to get our country back on the right course.
Condemning Russia

This week, I spoke on the House Floor to condemn the recent actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin against Ukraine, and to emphasize the importance of energy dependence and national security.

In light of the ongoing Russian invasion, I have introduced legislation to combat Russia and to ensure our own national security.

In partnership with with Representative Claudia Tenney of New York, I introduced a bill to remove Russia from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) following their invasion of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin is attacking cities and killing innocent civilians. His position on the Security Council is ridiculous.

I've also introduced the Midland Over Moscow Act, which strengthens U.S. energy independence and make American allies less dependent on Russian oil & gas.

We must fuel the world with American—not Russian—energy.

Watch my Floor remarks proposing real solutions to help Ukraine and ensure our national security here or below.
Mornings with Maria

This morning, I joined Mornings with Maria on Fox Business to discuss the current situation on the ground in Ukraine. I implored President Biden to sanction Russia's energy sector in order to bring Putin and his regime down amid the Ukraine invasion.

Watch the video here or below!
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Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress