December 10th, 2021
Biden's Boom: Inflation

Today, it was announced that November's inflation spike was the highest in a generation. The consequences abound - we see it at the grocery store, we feel it at the gas pump, and we worry about it as the holidays approach and we plan our time with our loved ones.
Prices for U.S. consumers jumped 6.8% last month, compared with a year earlier. Surging costs for food, energy, housing and other items have left all of us enduring the highest annual inflation rate since 1982.
Inflation is one of the many consequences of bad policies in Washington. Reckless spending by Democrats have disincentivized work, and failure to control the crisis in our supply chains is making it increasingly more expensive to provide for our families.
What is the Democrats' plan to combat these unbearable price increases? More spending! Democrats have doubled down on reckless spending and voted to raise our debt limit even higher this week. Passage of a nearly-$5 trillion Build Back Bankrupt spending spree is next on the list.
American families simply cannot afford this out of control spending. I am hopeful that my Democrat colleagues will finally join with Republicans to stop the massive spending and protect your hard earned tax dollars.
Biden Must Not Block US Energy Exports
I have heard reports that the Biden Administration is considering a ban on crude oil exports. This would be disastrous for the Permian Basin and drive up prices on all Americans.
In response, Rep. Henry Cuellar and I led a group of our colleagues in sending a bipartisan letter to President Biden explaining how an oil export ban would devastate domestic producers, embolden our foreign adversaries, and drive-up prices on Americans.
This administration should pursue policies that unleash affordable, reliable American energy. Energy security is national security, and nothing is more vital for our prosperity.
Our letter already got the attention of the White House when it was brought up in a press briefing on Thursday. I'm hopeful that President Biden will take our advice and put American producers first. Read our letter here or below.
Voting for a Clean NDAA

This week, the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a critically important bill to fund our military.
Republicans fought hard to defeat liberal poison pill provisions and attempts to defund our military. I am proud to have voted for a clean defense bill that furthers President Trump’s commitment to fully fund our military and provide critical resources to adequately counter threats from China and Russia.
It provides our servicemembers and their families a well-earned pay raise, directs resources to secure our southern border, and holds President Biden accountable for abandoning American citizens and Afghan partners in his tragic Afghanistan evacuation.
The FY22 NDAA includes absolutely NO infringement on the Second Amendment or so-called “red flag” laws, does not draft our daughters, and blocks the Biden Administration from forcing our troops to take classes on extremism.
I am very proud that my bill to hold the Biden Administration accountable for their chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal was included in the NDAA. My bill, the Afghanistan Withdrawal Threat Assessment Act, requires DHS to conduct a full terror threat assessment on each prisoner to protect the safety and security of our homeland. It is one step in holding President Biden and his administration accountable for their failures in Afghanistan.
Fox News reported on the legislation—read the full article here or below.
Vaccine Mandate Update

We are continuing to make strides in pushing back against President Biden's tyrannical vaccine mandates, with wins in federal courts across the Nation and here in Congress. Just this past week, a federal judge blocked President Biden’s vaccine mandate for employees of federal contractors.
I also lead my Republican colleagues in introducing a Congressional Review Act (CRA) that will overturn President Biden’s overreaching mandate for healthcare workers. A CRA is the formal tool congress uses to overturn rules issued by executive agencies, and I've introduced a similar resolution to nullify the President Biden's mandate on employees of private companies. This measure passed in the U.S. Senate this week.
Here is the bottom line: President Biden's vaccine mandate is clearly unconstitutional - and people are starting to catch on. No worker should lose their livelihood because they made a different medical decision then the powers that be in the Washington, D.C. I am committed to continuously fighting this egregious government overreach until the rights of the 11th District are secured.
Combatting Russian Aggression

This week, all eyes are on the Ukrainian and Russian border, as Russian President Vladimir Putin is defying international laws and norms and bullying his Ukrainian neighbors through coercion and use of force by moving his troops to the border. His actions have led Russia to violate the territorial sovereignty of its neighbors, weaponize energy, and engage in malign activities that undermine and threaten transatlantic security and cohesion.
Putin is testing American resolve, and our allies and partners around the world are watching. It is imperative that the Biden Administration take strong and decisive action to deter Russia through a devastating and broad sanctions package. They must also expeditiously provide lethal assistance to Ukraine. It must be without a doubt that devastating costs will be imposed should Russia violate the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
We will not allow ourselves to be intimidated. that is why I am continuously putting pressure on President Biden to stand up to Moscow and to prioritize American interest first.

Supporting Trevor Reed
As part of the work to keep the pressure on Putin, I am working to bring Trevor Reed home. Trevor is an eighth-generation Texan and former U.S. Marine who has been sentenced to spend nearly a decade of his life in a Russian prison for crimes he did not commit. These charges were clearly politically motivated, and the entire process has been a sham. Read more about our work to free Trevor here.
Send a Christmas Card to Trevor
Trevor and his parents—Paula and Joey of Granbury—will be spending their third Christmas apart this year. He needs to know that those of us back home have not, and WILL NOT, forget about him. That's why I am proud to hold a Christmas Letter Drive for Trevor.
I encourage you to write your own letter to Trevor. Please write or upload it here or below:
Monday Town Hall
This Monday, December 13th, I am hosting a Town Hall in Granbury at the Granbury City Council Chambers. Details are below.

WHAT: Town Hall Meeting
WHO: U.S. Rep. August Pfluger and you!
WHEN: Monday, December 13th, from 12:30 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: Granbury City Council Chambers, 2nd Floor: 116 W Bridge St. Granbury, TX 76048

It is important for me to meet you and hear your thoughts and concerns. I hope to see you there!
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Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress