December 3rd, 2021
This week, Democrats in Congress failed the American people and again demonstrated an inability to govern—this time by a disjointed government funding plan and continuing with a vaccine mandate.
Democrats refuse to work with Republicans on commonsense legislation that will secure our border, foster a pro-business environment, unleash American energy, and provide for our common defense.
Democrats in Congress should abandon economy-killing radical policies and come to the table to deliver real solutions for American families.

Biden Must Not Block US Energy Exports
Today, I sent a letter with Rep. Roger Williams and 60 other Republicans demanding answers from the Biden Administration regarding its consideration of an export ban on US energy. Such a ban would be disastrous for the Permian Basin and all American families.
A ban on crude oil exports from the U.S. will harm the livelihoods of blue collar workers in the Permian Basin and result in higher prices for international crude, giving OPEC and Russia more profits.
Biden MUST put Midland over Moscow.
Read our letter here or below:
It is imperative the Biden Administration follow through on the commitments made by President Trump to bolster the energy security of allies and counter Russian aggression. President Trump already laid the groundwork to export American LNG to our Eastern European allies and loosen Vladimir Putin’s stranglehold over the region.
I joined with House Foreign Affairs members in sending a letter to hold the Biden Administration accountable for their failure to support U.S. private sector investment in Central and Eastern Europe in the face of Russian aggression.
We deserve a president committed to prioritizing Midland over Moscow and putting Odessa over OPEC, with confidence and consistency. I continue to stay committed to push President Biden to empower American energy producers and our allies.
Read more about the push to hold Biden accountable here.
Mornings with Maria
Not only is President Biden failing to protect us from international threats from Eastern Europe to the southern border, but he is also endangering our homeland with his disastrous travel and vaccination policies.
I joined Mornings with Maria on Fox Business this week to discuss President Biden's ailing security policies and destructive mandates.
Watch my conversation with Maria here or below.
Defending the Unborn
This week, the Supreme Court of the United States heard arguments in the most significant abortion case since Roe v. Wade. It’s about time the High Court hears the pleas of millions of Americans. Life is precious. Enough is enough: it has been 50 years and millions of lives lost.
The U.S. is one of only seven nations—including China and North Korea—that allow abortion-on-demand beyond the point babies feel pain.
Unborn babies deserve the right to live, and we have the responsibility to defend that right. I spoke on the House Floor this week in defense of babies and their right to life.
Watch my remarks here or below.
I was also outside the Supreme Court this week in prayer and speaking out with others for life.
Please join me in continued prayer for our Justices, that they will have wisdom and discernment as they hear this case, and that ultimately they will rule in favor of life. 
Mourning with Andrews
The Andrews Community is mourning the loss of Mr. Darin Johns and Mr. Marc Boswell, who were tragically killed in the bus crash two weeks ago while traveling to Big Spring with the Andrews High School Band.
I had the honor to recognize these men on the House Floor this past week, and honor the lives they led serving and encouraging younger generations to exercise their talents and pursue their passions.
Camille and I continue to send our prayers and support to the Andrews community and the loved ones of all involved.
Watch my remarks here or below.
Calling You on Monday
A few weeks ago, I hosted a Telephone Town Hall and called out to over 60,000 constituents from the 11th District. There is so much going on that I will be hosting another one next Monday at 5pm CT.
I would love to discuss your concerns and answer your questions. Please sign up to receive a call from me here:
Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
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Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress