September 17, 2021

We Must Protect the U.S. From New and Emerging Terror Threats

The Biden Administration’s evacuation from Afghanistan was not only botched and heartbreaking, but is fostering a terrorist safe-haven. Our top priority must be to adapt to this rapidly changing environment by using all the tools at our disposal to anticipate and prevent future terror attacks on our homeland.
This week, the U.S. Committee on Homeland Security marked up our portion of the Democrats’ exorbitant $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. I offered an amendment that would require DHS to produce a full and robust report on the 5,000+ Afghan prisoners that were released by the Taliban. It was extremely disappointing to see every single Democrats vote it down—citing that it was not "germane to our homeland security."
Why are House Democrats against assessing the terror threat from released known or suspected terrorists? Are they against keeping our homeland safe? The threats we face today are more complex and more diverse than ever before. We need to use every resource to protect Americans against any potential terrorist attacks. Democrats either need to get on board or move out of the way. The stakes are too high. It is past time for my colleagues on the Homeland Security Committee to take these threats seriously and work to keep Americans safe.

Click here to watch me present my amendment to the Homeland Security Committee.
Pushing Back Against President Biden's Tyrannical COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

I joined members of the Texas delegation in urging Governor Greg Abbott to take any necessary action to push back against President Biden’s tyrannical COVID-19 vaccination mandate. Last week, President Biden ordered private companies with more than 100 employees to require COVID-19 vaccinations.
This vaccination mandate is a flagrant overreach of power. While I am supportive of the vaccine and am vaccinated myself, I believe that American citizens have an inalienable, unnegotiable right to choose for themselves. These choices sometimes do come with risk, but the Constitution grants individuals the personal liberty to decide what is best for them and their families.
For President Biden to institute a blanketed, far-reaching mandate, regardless of any concerns or questions, is deeply troubling and will only stoke further vaccine hesitancy and division. Texas Republicans are urging the Governor to utilize any power or tools at his disposal to prevent the government from trying to interject in deeply personal decisions.

Don't Bring More Nuclear Waste to Andrews, TX

This week, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission made the harmful decision to license a new nuclear waste storage site in Andrews, Texas.
The decision is a massive blunder. This disappointing announcement failed to consider the lack of community support for the project – a vitally important aspect of siting nuclear waste laid out by the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future. The majority of folks who live and work in this community are vehemently opposed to this waste being stored in Andrews, and not a single elected official supports this decision. In fact, the NRC received over 10,000 responses to their public comment period, and the majority of them were against the site.
I have been and will remain vocal in my opposition. I urge the NRC to reverse course.

Hosted Two Academy Service Nights

One of the greatest honors of serving in Congress is having the ability to nominate future leaders to our esteemed military academies. That's why I was thrilled to host Academy Nights this week in Midland and San Angelo. 
These events provided students, parents, counselors, and educators the opportunity to learn about the Service Academy nomination process and meet with representatives from Service Academies, Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), and my office.
During the event, Hugh Schaffer, a ‘92 graduate of West Point, very wisely stated that if you attend a service academy, “You’ll come out with all the tools you could ever need to succeed in America.”
I couldn’t agree with him more. My office is dedicated to helping as many talented, driven, and service-oriented young heroes as possible achieve their dreams of attending a U.S. military service academy.
If you are or know a student who has ever even considered applying for an Academy, please visit my website for more information.
Hosted a Town Hall in Eden, TX

It was great to be back in Eden for a Town Hall with so many familiar faces and even some new ones.
We discussed a whole host of issues, including Afghanistan, the border, and how to get this country back on track. Thank you for the opportunity to represent you. It is truly the honor of a lifetime.
Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress