May 28, 2021

Memorial Day Weekend

Freedom is not free, and on Memorial Day weekend we pause to honor the men and women who have lost their lives defending our country.
For well over two centuries our red, white, and blue flag has stood proudly, symbolizing our fight for freedom. This week, we honor the heroic men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice to our flag and country and the ideals that it comes with it: liberty, freedom, and our God-given, inalienable rights.
We remember those who in great service donned the uniform and valiantly defended the values of our free nation. Though they did not come home, they are not forgotten. We will never forget the heroes who “more than self their country loved.”

It is a privilege to humbly honor those who have laid down their lives in the name of freedom. May we never take their sacrifice for granted.

"Armed Forces Day is for those still in their uniform; Veterans Day is for those who hung up their uniform; Memorial Day is for those who never made it out of their uniform."
-Scott Corsaut

Upcoming Town Halls in TX-11

Next week, I will be hosting 5 town halls in Colorado City, San Angelo, Brady, Menard, and Junction to hear your opinions and concerns. Below is the information for each of the town halls:

Colorado City: Tuesday, June 1st, 2021 at 1:00 pm at the Civic Center.
157 W. 2nd Street Colorado City, TX 79512

San Angelo: Tuesday, June 1st at 5:30 pm at the LeGrand Alumni Center
1620 University Ave, San Angelo, TX 76904

Brady: Thursday, June 3rd at 2:30 pm at the Heart of Texas Event Center.
804 San Angelo Hwy, Brady, TX 76825

Menard: Friday, June 4th at 9:30am at the Lazy Ladle
509 Ellis, Menard, TX 76859

Junction: Friday, June 4th, at 1:30pm at the Kimble County Historical Museum
130 Hospital Dr. Junction, TX 76849

I look forward to meeting those of you who attend and hearing your thoughts on how I can better represent you in Congress and the 11th District.

Prioritizing TX-11 Farmers and Ranchers

This week, I sent a letter to House Committee on Agriculture leadership advocating for the farmers and ranchers in Texas' 11th District as the committee begins looking towards the next Farm Bill. I outlined the importance of investing in rural broadband and predator control, protecting the safety net, promoting global trade opportunities for U.S. producers, and fighting back against President Biden’s crippling tax hikes that will decimate family-owned operations.

Farm and ranch production systems are not only critical for our local, state, and national economies, but also play a key role in strengthening our National Security.

The United States – thanks to smart policies like the 2018 Farm Bill – produces the safest, most abundant, and affordable food supply in the world. Producers in West Texas play a large part in this accomplishment, and Congress should continue to prioritize our rural communities and Texas farmers and ranchers.

Read the letter here or below.
Town Halls in TX-11
It was great to be in Clyde, Coleman, Comanche, and Goldthwaite this past week to hear the thoughts, concerns, and opinions directly from the good people of Texas’ 11th District.
We discussed many of the issues facing our Nation such as securing our border, balancing our budget, and maintaining American energy independence. We are in turbulent times right now. Our President is pushing through oversaturated spending bills piling on massive debt, refusing to address the humanitarian crisis happening at our southern border, and undermining our energy security, and in turn, national security.
Although there are many concerns facing our district and Nation, we relayed a message of hope and staying the course. Romans 5:1 states “glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.” This verse is important for us to remember in these uncertain times.
It is also important for us to remember that we are living in the greatest country in the world. Texas’ 11th District is filled with good, hard-working people who love our flag, stand for freedom, and believe American businesses and American made goods keep our communities more secure and lift more people out of poverty than government handouts. I could not be more humbled to represent the best people in the world in our Nation’s Capitol.
Supporting Meaningful Legislation
I co-sponsored several important bills recently:

Sponsored by Ashley Hinson (IA-R)
This bill effectively grounds VP Harris, keeping her from using Air Force Two and any other taxpayer-funded resources for international travel before she visits the border crisis.

Sponsored by Ashley Hinson (IA-R)
Under current law, there is a $200 tax on the transfer and purchase of firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act. This legislation would remove the infringing tax on firearms governed under the National Firearms Act, including short-barreled rifles and silencers. This legislation would counter President Biden’s recent executive gun-grab, ensuring that pistols with stabilizing braces would not be subject to the $200 transfer tax.
Sponsored by Carlos Gimenez (FL-R)
Following the events of the past week in the Middle East, the United States must show our strong support for Israel. As Hamas continues to barrage rockets across the state of Israel, the House of Representatives needs to show the world that we will not tolerate these terrorist actions. That said, the resolution that our office is putting forward reiterates that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel, condemns the acts of terrorism committed by Hamas, supports Israel’s efforts of self-determination, and reaffirms support for policies and initiatives combatting anti-Semitic behavior around the world
Sponsored by Jim Banks (IN-R)
This bill codifies the defense of qualified immunity for law enforcement officers in any case under provisions regarding civil actions for deprivation of rights under color of law.

Sponsored by Alibo Sires (NJ-D), Ranking Member Michael McCaul (TX-R), Chairman Meeks (NY-R), and Mark Green (TN-R)
The government of El Salvador has recently dismissed constitutional court judges and Attorney General undermines El Salvador’s judicial independence and the separation of powers, necessary components for a healthy democracy.

Sponsored by Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL)
The legislation seeks to increase resilience in countries in the region whose infrastructure deficit from the Soviet-era makes them especially vulnerable to malign Chinese influence, including among nations in the Three Seas Initiative. Additionally, this bill directs the Secretary of State and other relevant agency heads to prioritize diplomacy and project support for European allies and partners to develop 5G markets that are inclusive, transparent, economically viable, socially sustainable, and compliant with international law. Finally, this legislation ensures the United States is leading with our European allies to develop international 5G standards that favor democratic institutions, not further authoritarianism spread by China. 
Sponsored by Ranking Member John Katko (NY-R)
U.S. adversaries such as China have exploited supply chains for enrichment of their businesses and furtherance of geopolitical goals for years. This became very evident during the COVID-19 pandemic. Require DHS to analyze the risk of each identified critical domain for economic security to determine whether there exists a present or future threat to homeland security in the event of disruption, corruption, or dysfunction to such domain and provide an annual report on the risk analysis conducted, including the vulnerability of critical supply chains, foreign manufacturing, foreign economic influence, asset ownership, and supply chain relationships.
Sponsored by Ted Lieu (CA-D), August Pfluger (TX-R), Abigail Spanberger (VA-D), and Claudia Tenney (NY-R)
Creates a Vulnerability Disclosure Program and bug bounty pilot program at the State Department - modeled on the successful Hack the Pentagon program - to improve the cybersecurity of the State Department's networks and software. In the wake of SolarWinds and Colonial we think this will get some more play this year. National security agencies like the State Department are at a heightened risk of attacks and breaches, and we need to ensure we are doing everything possible to secure our critical networks and ensure the safety of the American people.
Sponsored by Michael Guest (MS-R)
Operation Stonegarden is an existing federal grant program within the Department of Homeland Security that is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Operation Stonegarden Authorization Act would: Grant statutory authorization for the Operation Stonegarden grant program to support law enforcement agencies located in states bordering Mexico, Canada, or a maritime border that are working with U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Provide grant funding to state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies to support and enhance their capabilities to assist Customs and Border Protection operations. Offer much-needed support for local law enforcement to help Customs and Border Protection officers efficiently carry out their missions on behalf of the American people.

Signing Important Letters
I also signed onto letters advocating for the interests of TX-11 and our nation.

Letter to President Biden Supporting Israel Self Defense
Led by Ranking Member Michael McCaul (TX-R)
The letter calls on the President to maintain U.S. security assistance to Israel without any added conditions. The letter also urges the President to undertake efforts to weaken Hamas, including by targeting Iran’s support for Hamas and sanctioning Hamas for its use of civilians as human shields.
Letter to Democrat leadership opposing any punitive actions against the oil and gas industry in light of Biden’s call to “eliminate all special tax treatment for fossil fuels”.
Led by Jodey Arrington (TX-R)
This letter particularly focuses on Intangible Drilling Costs, Percentage Depletion, and Enhanced Oil Recovery under Section 45Q (carbon capture). Eliminating these provisions would be detrimental to industry and to Texas, especially our smallest oil and gas producers. We do not think an infrastructure package should undermine our “energy infrastructure” and target a vitally important industry.

Letter to President Biden urging the need to expand energy infrastructure.
Led by David Rouzer (NC-R)
The cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline highlighted the urgent need to expand energy infrastructure, like pipelines, to ensure fuel is available and prices stay low for American families. I joined my GOP colleagues in sending a letter to President Biden urging him to reevaluate the regulations and permitting procedures that hinder pipeline construction.

Letter to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan requesting a formal briefing following the cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline
Led by BennieThompson (MI-D) and John Katko (NY-R)
The Colonial Pipeline attack shows the imperative need to protect our critical infrastructure. I joined my Homeland Security colleagues in sending a letter to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan requesting a formal briefing on the White House's response plan to the recent cyberattacks on our energy infrastructure.
 Letter to Speaker Pelosi and Leader McCarthy on Stepped Up Basis
Led by Adrian Smith (NE-R) and Michelle Fischbach (MN-R)
Requests that stepped-up basis be protected. the allowance for stepped-up basis applies uniformly to all taxpayers, protecting all families from unnecessary economic and administrative burdens upon the death of a loved one. Likewise, since its inception, our system of capital gains taxation has recognized that the appropriate time to tax
gains on an asset is when that asset is sold. A recent EY study found that these two changes to the tax code had the potential to reduce wages by $32 for every $100 in new taxes collected, and to eliminate 80,000 jobs per year right now, and up to 100,000 per year by 2030.
Letter to Secretary Blinken regarding Northern Triangle countries and Engel List
Led by Mark Green (TN-R), Maria Elvira-Salazar (FL-R), and August Pfluger (TX-R)
Our understanding is that the Engel List will be issued imminently. Due to the significant ramifications for targeted individuals, we request that the Biden Administration: 1) Establish explicit criteria for placing individuals on this list; 2) Ensure the placement of individuals and utilization of this list are not politically motivated; and 3) Clarify the consequences of being placed on this list to governments in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
Letter to Secretary Becerra on Funding by Title X of the Public Health Service Act
Led by Virginia Foxx (NC-R) and Rep. Ron Estes (KS-R)
The proposed rule violates Section 1008 of the underlying Title X statute by permitting the “co-location” of abortion clinics and Title X clinics in the same facility and by mandating that Title X grantees refer for abortion. Section 1008 of the Title X statute prohibits funding from being used in any programs where abortion is a method of family planning. The proposed rule provides funding to clinics that also perform abortion and effectively requires grantees to promote abortion in order to receive funding.
Letter to CEO of TikTok regarding concerns about cartels and smugglers threatening Border Patrol Agents
Led by Ranking Member John Katko (NY-R)
The letter urges the company to engage with Federal agencies to block the soliciting of users for smuggling activities along the southwest border. The media reports that cartels are brazenly recruiting people to conduct smuggling and other illicit activity via TikTok. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) faces mounting challenges associated with stemming the flow of irregular migration into the country, and the recruitment and advertisement of smuggling activity on these platforms is exacerbating an increasingly untenable situation for frontline law enforcement personnel, as well as the vulnerable migrant populations being exploited, during a pandemic.
Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress