April 1, 2022
Midland Odessa Chambers in Washington, DC
This week, I had the absolute honor of hosting nearly 70 business and community leaders, elected officials, students, teachers, and staff who visited as a part of the Odessa and Midland Chambers of Commerce Fly-In.
These leaders in our community make the Permian Basin a better place. They endlessly advocate on behalf of our district, and they work tirelessly to ensure that the Permian Basin is competitive and prosperous.
One of our agenda items this week was a bipartisan panel that I moderated with my fellow colleagues: Rep. Lou Correa, Rep. Marc Veasey, Rep. Scott Peters, and Rep. Jodey Arrington.
Bipartisanship in Congress is not something we often see broadcast across the national airwaves - yet we all are bonded by a desire to do the very best for our communities. Our panel was productive, with important conversations about energy security, national security, and the urgent need to quell the federal government's out-of-control spending.
The joint Chambers of Commerce visiting this week was a wonderful example of the power of a common goal. It was great to have these leaders from our district in their Nation's Capitol, and I look forward to seeing everyone again soon!
The Call to Free Trevor Reed
Yesterday, I met with Paula and Joey Reed in my Washington, D.C. office following their meeting with President Biden.
Paula and Joey are tireless advocates for their son Trevor—a U.S. Marine Veteran who has been held by Vladimir Putin as a political pawn since August 2019. I am pleased that President Biden took the time to personally meet with them in the White House.
It is a huge comfort to Paula and Joey, and all who know and love Trevor, that the President of the United States is aware of his case and working to secure his release.
I will continue to lead the effort in Congress to raise awareness to Putin’s illegal detainment of Trevor Reed and will not rest until he is safely home in Texas. 

Learn more about the Reed's visit to D.C. in The Dallas Morning News, or NBC DFW.
President Biden's Disastrous Budget
This week, President Biden announced his new budget proposal for FY2023.
It is clear that the President is not buying his own groceries, filling up his gas tank, or watching his paycheck go down in value each month. If he was, he surely would not have proposed a nearly-$6 Trillion budget that further fuels the record-high inflation caused by his party’s out of control spending programs.
Instead of working to secure our border, quell rising crime, and unleash American energy dominance, his proposal makes these—and other Democrat-caused crises—worse.
President Biden’s bloated budget spends $4.5 billion dollars on lawyers for illegal immigrants, billions on electric vehicles and charging stations, and $11 billion in taxpayer dollars to force the Left’s green climate agenda in other countries.
Further troubling is the fact that the President’s defense funding request does not adjust for inflation and fails to provide our warfighters with the resources they need to effectively counter threats emanating from China, Russia, and Iran.
American businesses and families will pay higher taxes while his tax proposal for unrealized gains sets a dangerous precedent for the future of investment and growth in our economy.

We must refocus our priorities on securing our border, re-establishing American energy independence, countering Russia and China, and promoting policies that help businesses create jobs here at home in the USA.
Fighting for a Secure Border
This week, the White House confirmed their intention to rescind Title 42—one of the only policies helping to quell the border crisis—in May.
This decision would have disastrous consequences.
I spoke on the House Floor this week to urge the President to keep Title 42, which allows border officials to immediately expel migrants who attempt to cross into our country without allowing them a chance to claim asylum.
The consequences of this decision will not be humane, they will be heartbreaking. Human trafficking and smuggling across our border has already reached historic highs.

Watch my advocacy for our community and for the protection of Title 42 here or below.
President Biden's Misguided Energy Announcement
President Biden is putting our country into a dangerous situation with his recent announcement to draw down the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to the lowest level since 1984 with the largest release of our national reserve ever—one million barrels per day for the next six months.
The SPR is of huge strategic importance to our national security and economic stability in times of war. Our foreign adversaries know the Biden Administration lacks a strong energy strategy, and his demonization of American oil and gas producers with his policies is shameful and purely political.
Rather than tapping into our reserves, President Biden should be approving pipelines, cutting the bureaucratic red tape, and fixing the supply chain issues that oil and gas producers are experiencing in my district every day.
The Administration needs to be advocating for American producers, not against them. 
Local Odessa Light
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Mafford is a staple in the Odessa community - bringing joy to all those she encounters and still working at 90 years young! Last month, the community showered her with love and appreciation for a decade of spreading light and cheer through her work at Chick-fil-A.
I spoke on the House Floor to recognize her dedication to Odessa. Ms. Ann, thank you for all that you do!

Watch my remarks here or by clicking below.
Wildfire Assistance

The recent wildfires affecting our district have left lots looking for help and in need of resources. As we track this ongoing situation, our prayers are with those affected, as well as the first responders fighting to keep our community safe.

We have many farmers and ranchers in Texas-11 that are the backbone of our country. They keep food on our tables and clothes on our backs. Many are asking for state and federal assistance to cover production loss costs, provide additional resources to replenish the land, and help fund recovery efforts. The state of Texas has already acted with an emergency declaration, but more is still needed.
My fellow Texan Representatives joined me on my letter to the Secretary of Agriculture in advocating for the needs of our community. We are working, and will continue to work, tirelessly to secure relief for all counties affected by these disastrous fires.

You can read our letter here.

If you are in immediate need of help, please call 9-1-1. For further resources, please call 2-1-1. If you are in additional need of assistance or resources, here are some useful places throughout our district:

Disaster Assistance Center: Siebert Elementary Dome, 100 Little Maverick Trail, Eastland TX, 76448

Animal Services: Texas Cattle Exchange, 9009 I-20, Eastland, TX 76448
The Texas Animal Health Commission has resources available on their website to assist with response and recovery for livestock and companion and service animals: www.tahc.texas.gov

Additional resources for disaster relief and recovery can be found through the Texas Division of Emergency Management: www.tdem.texas.gov
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Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Gettr for daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress