December 17th, 2021
Voting for a Clean NDAA

Last week, the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). I was proud to vote for this bill, as it is a clean and transparent bill that is vital to fund our military.
Republicans fought hard to defeat liberal poison pill provisions they would have snuck in to the bill. Instead, this clean legislation furthers President Trump's commitment to fully fund out military, while providing critical resources necessary to secure our homeland and protect our country.

Imperatively, this NDAA includes absolutely NO infringement on the Second Amendment or so-called “red flag” laws.

I wrote a column helping break down this year's NDAA and the accountability included in the bill. Read my column, originally published in the Odessa American, here or below.
Securing our Elections

This week, I joined Rep. Jeff Duncan in introducing the Protecting our Democracy by Preventing Preventing Foreign Citizens from Voting Act, which blocks federal funding for state and local governments that allow non-U.S. citizens to vote.

Additionally, this bill would require, upon application, approval, and receipt of any federal funds, the state or local government must certify they do not allow non-citizens to vote.

This is a much-needed measure that will ensure the security and integrity of our elections. Read the letter here or below:
Trevor Reed's Family

I was delighted to be joined by Trevor Reed's parents, Paula and Joey of Granbury, in Washington this week. They traveled up to D.C. for meetings with the administration and Members of Congress as we continue advocating for Trevor's release.

Trevor is a Marine Veteran and Texan who is being unlawfully held in Russia. I am proud to have been joined by Leader McCarthy as we gave Trevor's parents some of your Christmas letters and discussed the ways we are tirelessly campaigning to bring Trevor home.

If you want to learn more about Trevor's unlawful imprisonment in Russia, click here.
Send a Christmas Card to Trevor
Have you written your Christmas card to Trevor yet? He needs to know that those of us back home have not, and WILL NOT, forget about him.

Trevor and his parents parents will be spending their third Christmas apart this year. That's why I am proud to hold a Christmas Letter Drive for Trevor. I encourage you to be a part of our letter drive and to write your own letter to Trevor. Please write or upload it here or below:
Granbury Town Hall
On Monday, I had the honor to hear from the Granbury community. We discussed the needs of District - 11, and had a thoughtful and engaged townhall.

I am thankful to everyone who came out to have a worthwhile and productive conversation! If you missed the town hall and want to get in touch with me, please send me an email here.
In case you missed last week's Townhall in Granbury, I will be hosting another one in Brownwood! Please stop by and share your thoughts with me! Details are below:

WHAT: Town Hall Meeting

WHO: U.S. Rep. August Pfluger and you!

WHEN: Monday, December 20th, from 12:30 p.m. — 1:30 p.m.

WHERE: Brownwood Chamber of Commerce, Board Room: 600 E. Depot Street, Brownwood, Texas 76801

WHY: I want to hear from you! Come meet your Representative and share your thoughts and feedback on the state of our nation and our wonderful 11th District of Texas.

All public and members of the media are welcome to join. I'm looking forward to seeing you there!
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Thank you for reading. It is the honor of my lifetime to serve you in Congress. Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for daily updates.
Rep. August Pfluger
Member of Congress