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Win $25,000: Addressing Unanswered Questions in Medicare Drug Price Negotiations

The PhRMA Foundation and the Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy (JMCP) issued a competitive call for manuscripts examining crucial challenges in the implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Submissions should promote innovative solutions that align with the legislative mandate while considering diverse stakeholder needs. Three winning papers will receive a $25,000 Challenge Award and be published in JMCP. Learn more.


Don't Forget to Submit Your LOI by Friday

The PhRMA Foundation seeks to invest in equity-focused research on the use of digital health technologies (DHTs) in underrepresented populations in clinical trials to advance FDA regulatory decision-making. Apply.




The PhRMA Foundation awarded 42 researchers a total of more than $3 million in 2023 fellowships and grants. Learn about some of these scientists and their projects in the interviews below.

Dr. Christina Michalski: Developing Brain Cell Models to Better Understand Schizophrenia

About 1 out of 100 Americans has schizophrenia, a severe psychiatric disorder that impacts mood and thought processes. To study the potential causes of schizophrenia, Christina Michalski, PhD, of Emory University is developing innovative models of brain cells from patients with a rare genetic disorder called 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, who have a ~25-fold higher risk for schizophrenia than the public.

Dr. Fatima Rivas: Enhancing Natural Compounds to Treat Health Problems

Although many chemical compounds found in nature have shown potential for treating diseases, the human body cannot properly absorb them because they do not dissolve well in water. Fatima Rivas, PhD, assistant professor at Louisiana State University, aims to identify chemical modifications that will enable these compounds to dissolve in water, leading to improved uptake in the human body. Read more on our blog.

Christopher Cadham: Measuring Population Preferences Around Equity in Health Care

Determining the value of health care interventions like medicines typically involves balancing costs and health outcomes. However, considering only these two factors leaves out other important elements such as equity. Christopher Cadham, MPH, a doctoral candidate at the University of Michigan, seeks to incorporate U.S. population preferences around equitable allocation of health resources into evaluations of health care interventions.

Dr. Lydie Debaize: Targeting Drug-Resistant Blood Cancer Cells

After witnessing her brother's battle with blood cancer, Lydie Debaize, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, decided to focus her career on developing novel therapeutic strategies to improve outcomes for patients with these diseases. She wants to transform the way we approach lymphoma treatment to convert remissions into cures. Read a Q&A with Dr. Debaize.

Quinton Ng: Assessing the Value of Acupuncture for Cancer-Related Pain

Ding Quan “Quinton” Ng watched his father fight cancer and experience severe pain every day, as all the medicines he tried failed to relieve his symptoms. Now a doctoral student at the University of California, Irvine, Ng is using real-world claims data to examine the economic and health benefits of acupuncture for cancer-related pain.

Claire Shudde: Triggering a Stronger Immune Response to Cancer

Claire Shudde, a PhD student at the University of Michigan, says she finds fulfillment in her efforts to design immunotherapies that work better than current options for cancer patientsA large population of patients have yet to benefit from T cell immunotherapies, so she hopes her project will increase the efficacy of these treatments for more types of cancer. Learn more in this Q&A.

Stephanie Zawada: Monitoring Mood Changes in Patients at Risk of Stroke

A leading cause of disability in the United States is cerebrovascular disease, or conditions like stroke that affect blood flow to the brain. Stephanie Zawada, MS, a PhD student at the Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, is conducting research to identify patients at increased risk for these conditions so that clinicians can intervene with preventive treatments.


Dr. Douglas Barthold (PhF21) of the University of Washington was appointed to the Washington State Prescription Drug Affordability Board.

Christopher Cadham (PhF23) of the University of Michigan will present research next month at the NIH Tobacco Regulatory Science Meeting and the Society for Medical Decision Making (SMDM) meeting. He is also a finalist for SMDM's Lee B. Lusted Student Prize Competition.

Rhashanda Haywood (PhF23) of the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore, received the Graduate Rising Star Award for the Northeast Region at the 50th Annual Conference of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers.

Shangqing (Joyce) Jiang (PhF22) of the University of Washington will give a podium presentation on economic evaluations of polygenic risk scores at American Society of Human Genetics 2023 annual conference in November.

Sara Khor (PhF22) of the University of Washington received media coverage in STAT, Healio, and Medscape for her first-author JAMA paper, "Racial and Ethnic Bias in Risk Prediction Models for Colorectal Cancer Recurrence When Race and Ethnicity Are Omitted as Predictors."

Dr. Natalia Olchanski (PhF21) of Tufts Medical Center was awarded a K12 Translational Science Career Development Award for 2023-2025.

Dr. Srividya Swaminathan (PhF21) of the Beckman Research Institute recently received the National Cancer Institute R37 MERIT Award, the St. Baldrick's Scholar Award, and the Leukemia Research Foundation New Investigator Grant.

Dr. Eden Tanner (PhF22) of the University of Mississippi was awarded an R01 through the National Institute of Drug Abuse for her project, "Ionic liquid-assisted drug delivery to brain reservoirs for treatment of neuroHIV."


Congrats to these Foundation-funded researchers on their recent work.

*Indicates research directly supported by a PhRMA Foundation award.

Incorporating Added Therapeutic Benefit and Domestic Reference Pricing Into Medicare Payment for Expensive Part B Drugs, Value in Health

Kelly Anderson, PhD, University of Colorado

*HypoRiPPAtlas as an Atlas of hypothetical natural products for mass spectrometry database search, Nature Communications

Desnor N. Chigumba, University of Michigan

*Racial and Ethnic Bias in Risk Prediction Models for Colorectal Cancer Recurrence When Race and Ethnicity Are Omitted as Predictors, JAMA Network Open

Sara Khor, University of Washington

*Identifying genetic regulatory variants that affect transcription factor activity, Cell Genomics

Xiaoting Li, Columbia University

Risk Preferences Over Health: Empirical Estimates and Implications for Healthcare Decision-Making, National Bureau of Economic Research

Karen Mulligan, PhD, University of Southern California

Using machine learning to develop a clinical prediction model for SSRI-associated bleeding: a feasibility study, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Ding Quan (Quinton) Ng, University of California, Irvine

Research Attitude and Interest among Cancer Survivors with or without Cognitive Impairment, Cancers

Ding Quan (Quinton) Ng, University of California, Irvine

*Discovery of Nonretinoid Inhibitors of CRBP1: Structural and Dynamic Insights for Ligand-Binding Mechanisms, ACS Chemical Biology

Jacqueline Plau, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

Measuring time in buprenorphine treatment stages among people with HIV and opioid use disorder by retention definition and its association with cocaine and hazardous alcohol use, Addiction Science & Clinical Practice

Jarratt D. Pytell, MD, University of Colorado

*Neuro-regenerative behavior of adipose-derived stem cells in aligned collagen I hydrogels, Materials Today Bio

Younghye Song, PhD, University of Arkansas

*Development of ionic liquid-coated PLGA nanoparticles for applications in intravenous drug delivery, Nature Protocols

Eden Tanner, PhD, University of Mississippi

Selective Near-Infrared Blood Detection Driven by Ionic Liquid–Dye–Albumin Nanointeractions, ACS Langmuir

Eden Tanner, PhD, University of Mississippi

Why it is so challenging to perform economic evaluations of interventions in autism and what to do about it, Autism Research

Wendy J. Ungar, PhD, Hospital for Sick Children

Protocol for a prospective observational cost-effectiveness analysis of returning secondary findings of genome sequencing for unexplained suspected genetic conditions, Clinical Therapeutics

Wendy J. Ungar, PhD, Hospital for Sick Children

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