Parshat  Bo

  candle lighting 4:30 Shabbat ends 5:34 January 11, 2019 Shevat 6, 5779 

Thank you to the staff of Afikim Foundation and and special thanks to Esther Matmon, Akiva Sugerman, Kaykov Media and staff  (for their hospitality in letting us use their computers and facilities) special thanks to Asher Zamir for donating a computer in loving memory of his mother Nurit bat Chanom and Yehuda z'l and also Yakoby Matmon and Shoshana Matmon and Gil Winikur and Bless Diamonds for helping to publish this week's newsletter.



1)Why did  some Jews perish in the plaque of darkness? (second portion of highlight section)

2)What was the very first commandment of the Torah? (4th portion)

3)Why is the seder nights of the holiday of Pesach so important to keep? (4th portion)

4)Why were the Israelites instructed not to leave their homes on the night of the plaque of darkness? (5th portion)

In This Issue

The Steipler Gaon would often repeat this story, reminding us to be cautious with our time and not to get sidetrack by the glitter and lights that society is teaching us to follow. There is a lot that we can accomplish .... Read more...

For a zechus of finding the right match/zivug and success for Ella Rochel bas Larisa and the success of the entire Klal Yisrael, Amein!... Read more...

What's the reason that "darkness" was one of the ten plagues?  Rashi, one of the main commentaries on the Torah, mentions that there were Jews who weren't worthy of leaving Egypt and died during the plague of dark ...     Read more...

Read more...  

The Rise and Fall of the Great Pharaoh
This article was constructed with the help of either writings, lectures or shiurim of Rabbis Henoch Liebowitz zt'l, Elimelech Biderman,  Gadalya Schor zt'l, Yosef Kalatzky, Menachem Liebtag,  Asher Hurzberg,  Dovid Sacks, Yossi Bilus

The Steipler Gaon would often repeat this story, reminding us to be cautious with our time and not to get sidetrack by the glitter and lights that society is teaching us to follow. There is a lot that we can accomplish, and we shouldn't forfeit it with foolishness.
A royal family thought of a way to have some entertainment. Some fortunate people possess a certain cruelty that stems from arrogance and forgetting who really butters their bread. They look down at the meek and despondent. The princes and princesses were bored and began to toy with the poor unfortunate people in their city.  Their servants would go to a faraway city, and randomly choose a pauper for the game. The servants would offer the pauper good wine and bring him to the palace in a drunken stupor. He would awaken in a beautiful room, people were bowing down to him, treating him as though he was the king. The closet was stocked with royal clothing and they told him that he was the king. This was all a comedy for the royal family, and the pauper wasn't aware of what was going on.
The pauper would think, "I'm just a pauper; why are people bowing down to me, treating me like I'm the king? This must be a dream." But after some days, he would come to a different conclusion. He'd say that, "I really am a king; I only dreamed that I was once a pauper."
As "king," he was permitted to buy anything he wanted, and he would live several days with wealth and luxury. But then, the day would come when they would give him good wine to drink once again, and then they would return him to his hometown in a drunken stupor. The game was over.
Once, a clever pauper was chosen for the ordeal. He knew he wasn't born to royalty, and he didn't let himself be fooled: "I am a pauper, and what's happening to me doesn't make sense!" He befriended one of the officials, gave him a lot of money, and asked him to reveal the secret of what was going on.
The friend said, "Eventually, you will be served good wine. When you're asleep, they will put you on a wagon and bring you back to your hometown; back to your poverty as before."
The pauper realized that he wouldn't be enjoying this honor and wealth forever, so he began sending precious stones and jewelry out of the country. He also hired contractors to build him a house across the border.
The day the game was over finally arrived. They gave him good wine to drink, and as he slept, he was returned to his hometown. But he was prepared for that moment. He crossed the border, to where he sent his wealth, and lived there comfortably for the rest of his life. He said, "In the palace, I was pretending to be rich. Now I am truly wealthy."

The nimshal-lesson is: We are here temporarily; we will not be in this world forever. There will come a time when we will leave this world. Therefore, instead of investing in this world, instead of believing in this materialistic world, instead of worshiping the wealthy, G-d should be front and center in one's life. The wise invest in Torah and mitzvot, so they will have wealth and luxury in the next world.
The Bet Avraham of Slonim zt'l would say, "We shouldn't go around the world like a fool in the marketplace." One can earn a lot of money in a marketplace, but the fools do nothing but go about, looking around, enjoying the commotion, but without buying or selling anything. When the market day ends, they have nothing. Similarly, there are fools who go about this world, luxuriously taking note of all the many things that are happening in the world, but they don't acquire anything for themselves. When they leave this world, they are left without anything.
I have studied Chumash on many different levels, nevertheless the impact of how G-d made Pharaoh look like such a fool didn't sink in until I saw, with my then four-year-old son, an Uncle Moishy children's video of the song "Pharaoh in pajamas in the middle of the night."
Moshe warned Pharaoh with the words of G-d, "At about midnight, I will go out in the midst of Egypt and every firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die." (Exodus 11:4) In the aftermath of the Plague of the First Born, the pasuk says, "Pharaoh got up at night" [Shmot 12:30]. Rashi adds one word of insight to the phrase "Pharaoh got up" - "from his bed" ('mi'mitato'). The only thing that interrupted his sleep were the screams and shrieks from the Egyptians mourning their losses. Pharaoh had to get out of bed to inquire what was happening. Pharaoh, then, ran out in his pajamas in the middle of the night to find Moshe. When he finally located him after great difficulty, he begged him to stop the plagues and to leave. He said the whole Jewish nation should leave.
Already four hundred years BEFORE the Exodus, Pesach (Passover) was celebrated in the city of Sdom! According to Rashi (Br. 19:3), Lot baked matzot, because his guests arrived on Pesach. At first glance, this statement seems rather absurd, for what possible meaning could there be in commemorating an event which had not yet taken place!
In this week's parsha we conclude the pounding to the last seven makot-plagues that the Egyptians received in last's week parsha. One has to ask why G-d is spending so much time with the Egyptians. Let him just take the Jews out of Egypt and that would be it. Perhaps, one can also argue in reverse. Why didn't Pharaoh kill Moshe right away? After all, it seems like he was a real trouble maker. Moshe Rabbeinu's role was not merely that of a nuisance.
They were engaged in a theological dispute. It is significant that Egypt, the center of ancient civilization, recognize the existence of God and Bnei Yisrael's right to worship Him. Likewise, it was crucial that Bnei Yisrael be aware not only that the God of their forefathers has come to redeem them, but also that they be willing and ready to obey Him. (Shmot 6:2-9)

It is interesting to note that during the first nine "makkot" (plagues), Bnei Yisrael appear to be 'out of the picture'. From the time that "makkot" (plagues) are introduced to Moshe and Aharon (7:1-7) until the completion of the ninth plague (10:29), Sefer Shmot focuses exclusively on the confrontation between Moshe and Pharaoh, i.e. between God and Egypt. During that lengthy narrative, we find no mention of any instruction or commandment to Bnei Yisrael. The purpose of these makkot is stated explicitly in the introduction to this unit: "v'yadu MITZRAIM ki Ani Hashem" - "And EGYPT will recognize that I am God, when I stretch out My Hand over Egypt..." (7:5)
People are impressed and awed by status and power. The Torah tells us that Egypt, the most advanced and powerful civilization in the world was devastated by G-d because it subjugated the Jewish people. Pharaoh, the most significant monarch in existence, was significantly diminished because he did not release the Jewish people from bondage. Although one would think that Pharaoh was a person who was invincible, it was proven and shown to all that he was a mere mortal. The reason it is important to communicate to our children and grandchildren the "mockery" G-d made of Pharaoh and his people is to give them the understanding that although a person is in an exalted and elevated position, he is only there because it is willed by G-d. Only when one sees the unimaginable (such as the downfall of Egypt), can he appreciate what the basis is for every person's predicament. If one understands and is able to internalize this, he will know the meaning of "I am G-d." If one believes for a moment that achievement and success is attributed to oneself, then he will be impressed with the one who achieves that success, thus, diminishing Hashem's role in existence.
When one loses a loved one, he says the very important prayer "Kaddish". The purpose of the kaddish is to exalt the name of G-d; to bring his name out in the world, and every time we do so, our deceased loved one's soul is raised in the heavens. It's interesting to note that in the kaddish, there is that word again 've-nechamat', literally meaning 'and [be] comforted'. Who is being comforted? Apparently, we are also comforting G-d in this prayer of praise of kaddish. It seems like He is also being comforted for the loss of our loved one.
Rabbi Gedalya Schorr explains that this world is like one big symphony and everyone is here to play his own unique instrument that only he can. Every one of us came into this world on a mission to praise G-d and no one can do our mission but ourselves. When one passes away, although his mission is complete, however his departure leaves a void in the symphony; it's a loss of praise. Therefore, G-d is grieving with us at the loss of life. We see we each have a unique mission to declare, exalt, to spread the word, to shout out loud "ANI HASHEM".
Intriguingly, there lies a distinct mission that Moshe was assigned when dealing with Pharaoh, by encouraging Bnei Yisrael to become an active partner in the process of Yetziat Mitzraim. "Parshat Ha'Chodesh" (12:1-20), contains the first "mitzvah" given to Bnei Yisrael, begins this new entry.
To fully appreciate this idea, the special name of the holiday labeled Pesach requires further thoughts. A change in lifestyle, especially that of a nation, cannot take place overnight. How much more so, the transformation of an enslaved people, immersed in Egyptian culture, into a free nation willing and ready to obey God?
"G-d has Mercy" (Ezekiel 20:7-9). The fact that G-d 'passed over' their houses emphasizes this very point - that they actually deserve to be punished, but instead of smiting them, He saved them at the last minute. ["po'sey'ach" in Hebrew implies skipping over. One 'skips over' that which he should have stepped on.]
Lot's situation in Sdom is strikingly similar to Bnei Yisrael's in Egypt. Recall that Lot was originally attracted to Sdom because of its climatic similarities to Egypt (Nile & Jordan Rivers / See Br. 13:10). The people of Sdom, as a result of their natural resources, were confident in themselves. They found no need for God and thus evolved into a corrupt society.
Can Lot, a disciple of Avraham, not save that city? Upon hearing of the forthcoming destruction of Sdom, Avraham immediately assumes exactly what we have posited - that God would not punish the righteous together with the wicked: "Will you sweep away the innocent together with the guilty?... Shall not the Judge of all the earth deal justly?" (18:23-25).

Although he was more righteous than his neighbors, Lot does not merit to be saved from the destruction of Sdom. He preferred the lifestyle in Sdom over the challenges of life with Avraham. In an act of Divine Mercy (19:16), and for the sake of Avraham (19:29), God removes Lot from Sdom before He destroys the city. Lot is so undeserving that he is not even permitted to look back and watch the destruction.
It is only God's covenant with Avraham Avinu that evokes Divine Mercy. Like Bnei Yisrael during Makkat B'chorot, Lot is saved from destruction even though he is not worthy. Rashi comments on the pasuk that describes the meal which Lot prepared for the two "malachim" (who came to destroy Sdom): "And he [Lot] made for them drinks, and baked MATZOT, and they ate..." (19:3).
On the word MATZOT, Rashi explains that 'it was PESACH' that evening. After all, why else would they be eating matzah? Does Rashi need to inform us what time of year this episode took place? Do we need to know how religious Lot was, that he kept all mitzvot, even matzah on Pesach?
Lot did not bake matzot because it was Pesach. He baked matzot instead of bread because his guests arrived suddenly. In order to bake bread, the dough needs time to rise; matzot can be baked much more quickly. Rashi is saying that Lot baked matzah because it was Pesach, linking the events leading to the destruction of Sdom to the story of Yetziat Mitzraim.

One can relate to Lot, similarly in todays' day and age, in the world of enticing materialism-the mighty dollar. The American dream takes over our lives. It says that perhaps there is a G-d but "making money, and I mean real money" comes first.
The reason it is important to communicate to our children and grandchildren the "mockery" Hashem made of Pharaoh and his people, is to give them the understanding "Hevel Havalim, hakol hevel...Futility of futilities ... everything is unimportant, empty." The world is transitory; all things in our lives are short-lived, and worthless. DON'T LEAVE THE PALACE EMPTY HANDED! Shlomo HaMelech, the wisest of men, understood the heart of man and his desires when he stated "Hevel Havalim".
In conclusion the bold steps that G-d takes to demonstrate his authority concludes next week. "VAYAMINU BAHASHEM UBEMOSHE AVDO - and they believed in G-d and to Moshe his servant." Who are the "they"?
Rav Henoch Leibowitz z'l teaches us it's referring to the drowning Egyptians soldiers. At the last precious moments of life, when the towering walls of water that was split on behalf of the Jews was breaking and tumbling down and becoming whole again, the Egyptians realized the truth. They knew then G-d runs the world.

For a zechus of finding the right match/zivug and success for Ella Rochel bas Larisa and the success of the entire Klal Yisrael, Amein!

I was so inspired by Sefer Zera Shimshon, I am learning this book every day, that I felt I am obligated to share it with public.

The Segulah of the Zera Shimshon:
"...and you (who learn the Torah of the Zera Shimshon) will see the children, and children's children, like olive shoots around your tables, wise and discerning, and homes filled with everything good, and wealth and honor..." - From the Introduction to Sefer Zera Shimshon. 

Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani, the Author of Sefer Zera Shimshon, brilliant 18th century Italian Talmudic sage, had only one son who died in his lifetime, and knowing that he will be leaving this world with no kids after him, he promised that whoever learns his book Zera Shimshon will be blessed with every need/yeshua, whether it be finding a marriage partner/shidduch, to be blessed with children, improve health, livelihood/parnassah, and there are numerous testimonies with proofs that those people who took upon themselves to learn the Sefer Zera Shimshon, were blessed from above. He wrote numerous books on practical Kabballah, and told the people when he dies, to bury him with his books on Kabbalah, the only two books that he left for public - Sefer Zera Shimshon and Toldos Shimshon and was called by Chida "holy chassid- chassid kadosh", Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani's Sefer Zera Shimshon is available to English speaking public thanks to Rabbi Nachman Seltzer. There is a glimpse of its taste in the Zera Shimshon Weekly Newsletter...but you will love it even more when you learn it from the book that is filled with amazing inspiring stories and testimonies...Enjoy and may you be blessed with everything good coming to you! Amein! .
                                                                                                         Esther Matmon

What's the reason that "darkness" was one of the ten plagues?
Rashi, one of the main commentaries on the Torah, mentions that there were Jews who weren't worthy of leaving Egypt and died during the plague of darkness. G-d didn't want the Egyptians to say "you see, the Jews are also dying". All the Jews who perished were buried during this plague.
Our Sages give us another reason for the darkness. The scripture mentions that the Egyptians were struck with darkness. Furthermore, the Passuk adds an extra statement that the Israelites had light. The commentaries explain that this particular darkness and light were very unusual.
We learned in Bereshit that G-d created light on the first day. Later on, the scripture again mentions that He created light on the fourth day. The Sages explain that the "first day light" was a magnificent spiritual light that was taken away and brought into the world for the righteous to seek it.
Just how is this light seen? Who has the privilege to see it?
Actually, one can see very clear and far with this hidden light.
When Yitzchak gave the bracha to Yaacov, who he thought was Eisav, he knew it was the right son because he smelled the apples of Gan Eden. He also envisioned two shining lights in the future, Yosef of Shisa and Yakum of Tzaroros.
 When the enemies of the Jews desired to enter the Temple Mount, they declared "let a Jew enter first". This Jew was Yosef of Shisa. They told Yosef that whatever you bring out of the Temple is yours. When he brought out the golden candelabra they told him, "it's not fitting for a commoner to use this, enter again". Realizing the magnitude of what he had just done, he refused. "Enough! I have angered my Creator once already" he cried. Consequentially, they killed him for disobeying.
Yakum was the nephew of R' Yossi ben Yoezer. Once, he was riding a horse on Shabbat when he came across his uncle who was being carried on a horse on his way to the gallows. He exclaimed: "Look at the horse that my master  let me ride and look at the horse your master let you ride, I am indulging in sin and am fortunate in my lot, while you are engaged in Torah all your life and will probably be hanged". R' Yossi replied: "If this is the lot of those who anger G-d, how much more is the reward of those that do his will?" Countered Yakum: "Has anyone done his will more than you?" R' Yossi replied: "If this is how G-d acts towards those that do his will, how much more so to those who anger him!"
The impact of this reply entered his heart like a serpent's venom. Where then he went and killed himself.
Yakum had watched his uncle being led to his execution without displaying the slightest bit of compassion. On the contrary, he mocked him. Still, in the darkness that enveloped Yakum, R' Yossi's words made him see the light. The same is true of Yosef of Shisa. The sages say that they both entered Gan Eden for realizing and connecting to G-d at their last moments in this world.
Why are these two people the ones that Yitzchak envisioned when he gave the brachot to Yaacov, aren't there greater Tzadikim and martyrs in our history?
The answer is that Yitzchak saw that even the worst of the worst have potential to see the light. Because of these future descendants, he gave the Brachot to Yaacov.
What happens when one looks straight at the sun? It blinds you. This is what happened to the Egyptians and to the Jews who didn't survive. G-d said, "I'd rather blind and kill them with the spiritual light than with other plagues". It seems like the darkness was the glare of the hidden light that can only be seen and benefited by the righteous. However, it's detrimental to the unworthy.
We have to strengthen the light and minimize the darkness, the glare, the confusion. This can only be accomplished by putting value in the Torah. The Torah is written on parchment which in Hebrew is called OR with the letter AIN. OR is also called light when spelled with an ALEF. One can transform the darkness of this world into a bright light and have a clear vision straight to the heavens.

Parshat Highlights
the source for quick D'var Torah

That's a weird way to address a king: respect and a fist in the mouth!  Before the tenth plague, Moshe informs Pharaoh that all of his servants will be looking for Moshe begging him to stop the plague. Turns out, it was actually Pharaoh himself who, in the middle of the night, in pajamas, went door to door trying to find Moshe to beg that he and the Israelites should leave.
Moshe was very accurate and meticulous when speaking to Pharaoh. If so, why wasn't he more accurate by proclaiming that indeed it would be Pharaoh himself who will be parading in his nightly attire seeking him?
Moshe acted properly in treating the king with respect and not hurting an authoritative figure. By pointing a finger at Pharaoh and telling him "this will happen to you" is a gross lack of respect.
RESPECT?!-EXCUSE ME  Pharaoh was a RASHA! He tortured and enslaved the Jews; he ordered the execution of Jewish babies! You want to give this monster respect?! On the contrary, Pharaoh should be dragged around town and humiliated!!
However, the Torah is trying to teach us about respecting authority, any authority. There has to be respect for the leaders, teachers and parents. This is a very hard and foreign concept for us Americans to fathom, as we live in a democratic society where every time a politician slips, we scream "throw the bum out"! 
The National Rifle Association has taken an unfathomable position after the Newtown tragedy, in which twenty six people, mostly children, were killed; they are in favor of guns. Truth be told, the NRA represents the epitome of democracy. The NRA was created as the result of the second amendment which permitted guns to be possessed. This was to ensure that no government will turn tyranny; hence there should be an armed militia accessible, just in case.  Initially, this seems very appropriate. However, although there are plenty of positives to a democratic system, all of them are at the expense of the watering down of respect for authoritative figures.
The Torah wants to emphasize the importance of having respect for authority; a king, a president, no matter how much the late show hosts poke fun of them. They represent the people and they enforce order in society. G-d loves an orderly society, even at the expense of believing in Him.

* Again, G-d is mentioning that he has hardened Pharaoh's heart, or as we have said previously, hardened the ability to withstand the impact of the Plagues. Therefore, giving him the freedom of choice, where his true cruel personality has been shown. One may think the storyline, so far, in the book of Shemot, has been the belief in G-d. However, there is an added dimension here, as evident by the constant focusing of 'hardening the heart' of Pharaoh, and that is the depth of how low he can go in his handling of fellow human beings.

* Even his advisors suggested to him to release the Israelites, but he refused. Unfortunately, they still followed his command. History often repeats itself; this is the first of many times where 'they just followed orders' from their evil leader. One cannot do that; opposition groups should have risen if they thought Pharaoh was wrong; grass roots should have begun. Apparently, it didn't, and therefore the Egyptian nation is as responsible for their actions just as Pharaoh was.
* Moshe and Aharon threaten to bring another plague, locusts.
* Pharaoh's response was to let just the men go, and leave the women and children. Moshe obviously refused, setting the stage for the locusts.
Second Portion: * Pharaoh runs to find Moshe to beg him to stop the plague, stating, "I have sinned to G-d". Sounds sincere, no?! Ha! Only a short time later, Pharaoh returns to his stance of refusal to let them go.
* Moshe brought upon Egypt the next plague, darkness, through the command of G-d.
* Many of the Israelites who were not following in the way of G-d perished in this plague. The reason why G-d chose this particular plague is because He did not want the Egyptians to say, "We're not the only ones being punished". By the time the Egyptians arose from the darkness, those Jews were already buried.
Third Portion: * Pharaoh said to Moshe, "You can leave, but your flock and cattle shall remain". Moshe retorted back, "We will leave with all we have".
* G-d made it so that the Jews were able to take gold, silver, and clothing from the Egyptians. The Egyptians themselves honored the requests of the Israelites to "lend them" gold, silver etc.
Fourth Portion: * G-d informs Moshe of the last plague, death of the Egyptian firstborn children.
* G-d instructs Moshe and Aharon how to fulfill the first commandment of the Torah. G-d informs them starting with "This month, I will implement a calendar system". The calendar is based on the moon and is regulated by the sun. The time span between one new moon and the next is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 3 ½ seconds. Since a month has to be composed of complete days, the months alternate between 29 and 30 days. So a 12-month year contains 354 days, as opposed to 365 days in a solar year. In order to make up the eleven day difference which, after many years, will cause a problem because Nissan, a spring month (Pesach has to be in the spring), will fall out in the winter. Therefore, the Torah instituted a leap year, which adds a 13th month (Adar ll) to the year, seven times every nineteen years. This will ensure that Pesach will fall out in the springtime each year.
* The Seder night of Pesach, which we still commemorate today, is a very powerful night because that was when G-d showed tremendous mercy on our ancestors many years ago. On that night, back then, we were instructed to perform the Pesach offering, which consists of roasting a lamb or sheep (these animals were sacred and were the Egyptian gods, by slaughtering them, it's a slap in the face to the Egyptians). The blood from the offering was to be painted on the doorpost. While we were eating the Pesach offering in our homes, G-d skipped over our houses. Only the Egyptians were struck when He killed the firstborns.
* We are introduced in this portion as to how to perform our obligation on the holiday of Pesach.
Fifth Portion: * Interestingly, the Israelites were commanded not leave their homes on the night of the death of the firstborns of the Egyptians, "or else the angel of death will smite you too."  One must ask, wasn't it understood that G-d himself would kill the Egyptian firstborns? Still, the angel was specifically instructed to kill any Jews who left their homes. We learn an important lesson; one is not permitted to feel good in watching their enemy being tortured or killed. Although the Egyptians tortured the Jews, G-d still made sure not to let them see what was done to the Egyptians.
Sixth Portion: * Pharaoh ran out in his pajamas in the middle of the night to find Moshe and begged him to stop the plagues and to leave. He said the whole Jewish nation should leave.
*There were 600,000 men between the ages of 20 and 60 who left Egypt.
*In their haste, they left while the bread did not finish baking. This bread is called matzoh.
*The Jews were in exile 210 years.
Seventh Portion: * We conclude the Parsha with two passages, one is about the firstborn and the other is teaching the future generations. As we got prepared to leave Egypt, we were in essence graduating to a "nation" status. The narrative is directing us from slave status to a bright future where, now, the father of the household has a say and influence, and will be able to pass down the tradition of the gift that was given by G-d - the Torah

"Sharei Tefila" 
FREE Sunday classes for children 
ages 6-12 - 10:00am - noon, 
ages 8 - 12:00pm - 2:00pm 
with Bar Mitzvah lessons
Weekday:  Shacharit 5:45am.
Shabbat:  6:00 am   Shiur with Rabbi Yitzchak Abramov, 
Shacharit  7:30am
Youth minyan 8:30am
T'hilim with Yakov Matmon 2:00pm
Minha 1:30pm
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Abramov dedicating in loving memory of his grandfather Shamuel ben Yaffa MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN

We regret to inform you about the tragic young death of Moshe ben Adina Shaulov MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN

Mr. and Mrs. Rafi and Ruti Fouzailoff and family would like to extend our best wishes to our friends and family. May Hashem give strength, success and unity to all of klal Israel. also refuah shelema Yehuda ben tzipora

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gad in loving memory of his father Naftali ben Leah and Irina's grandmother the eshet chail Na'ama bat Chevsi MENUCHATA B'GAN EDEN....and a refuah shelema to Yossef ben Pnina

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gad in loving For memory of

Naftali ben Leah Gad z'l , Diana bat Sophie z'l, Health and hazlaha

Vanessa flora Sara bat Diana

Yosef ben Shifra

Chloe Shifra bat Vanessa Flora Sara,

Noa Diana bat Vanesaa flora Sara,

Naftali Charles ben Vanessa flora sara,

Mathis Moshe ben Vanesa Sara flora and all of am Yisrael

We would like to wish the entire Gad family Michael, Joe, Lily and Peggy and their familes hatzlacha and bracha in all their en devours, good health for their mother BEKAROV and their father Naftali ben Leah should have a ELUIH NISHMAT MENUCHATO BEH GAN EDEN

Miss Lorraine Schwartz and family in loving memory her beloved grandmother Rachel bat Tziporah, also in loving memory of her grandfather Hanan ben El-Chanan and Ester, her mother Shulamit bat Rachel, her aunt Nava and her uncle Shmuel and Teddy Sandburg MENUCHTAM BEH GAN EDEN...on behalf of their merit and leadership that they showed to their family and community may the whole family see much success

Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Fellus dedicating in loving memory of my father Zion ben Benjamin MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN...on his zechut may the family see much bracha........We regret to inform you of the passing of Shalom ben Lieza MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN......The family should not see more tza'ar

Alibayof family wishing a refuah shelema to Daniel ben Nurit Zulecha dedicating in loving memory of their mother and father Nurit Zulecha bat Malka MENUCHATA BEH GAN EDEN, father Shmuel Naman ben Yael MENUCHATAM B'GAN EDEN

Mrs. Jerry Gil dedicating in loving memory and honor of his parents Akiva and Esther Gil MENUCHATAM BEH GAN EDEN, may their ZECHUT be a bracha on the children, grandchildren and great grandchild

Mr. and Mrs. Zauderer dedicating in loving memory of her father Zalman ben Eliyahu and Rachel z'l MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN

The Haimoff family dedicating in loving memory of YEHUDA ARYE BEN PERHIA AND RABBI SIMCHA, our mother MAZAL BAT ADINA AND ISRAEL CHAI. MENUCHATAM B'GAN EDEN and Refua Shlema to Michal Bat Dvorah

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nasimov dedicating in loving memory of the Nasimov Matriarch and eshet chayil Mirriam bat Yaffa and their father Yona ben Mazal MENUCHATAM B'GAN EDEN

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Assouline dedicating in loving memory Naomi Malka bat Rachel A"H. In zechut of her children, may they see much success

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Tali Ambalu dedicating for the refuah shelema of his mother Sarah bat Rachel and wishing HATZLACHA l'kol am Yisrael, SHALOM and BITACHON in eretz Yisrael and hatzlacha L'TZA'AL.

Mr. and Mrs. Moshe (Eric) Natanov for the hatzlacha of all am Yisrael

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohen in loving memory of his mother Rachel bat Leah and father in law Eliyahu ben Sara MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN

In loving memory of our father Nisan ben Sivyea from the children and grandchildren MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN

We regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Shimon Aghajan Assil a"h, of Forest Hills NY, father of our friends Alen, Yechezkel (Keven-Karush) Yeshua Assil and Rosy z'l MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schmidt in loving memory of his mother Chaiya bat Yehuda Lev MENUCHATA B'GAN EDEN

In loving memory of Bechor ben Osnat and Blur bat Yaffa MENUCHATAM B'GAN EDEN

Mr. and Mrs. David Abraham dedicating in loving memory of his father Meyer ben Rachel MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN

DOUBLE MAZAL TOV !! Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Yosupov and Mr, and Mrs. Nissan Yosupov upon the engagement of their sons ......more to follow

REFUAH SHELEMA Minoo bat Violet

Mr. and Mrs. Yale and Wendy Zoland dedicating in honor of their children. May they see much success in all their endeavors

Praying for hatzlacha and bracha in all their endeavors Roee ben Mirriam and Nir ben Stella Esther....Amen

We regret to inform you of the passing of the sister of Rabbi Asher Hurtzberg

REFUAH SHELEMA Orah Olga bat Nekadam, Nisim ben Esther, Yosef ben Esther

Anonymous leilu nishmat Sarah bat David Levi

Dedicating a computer to "Cup Of Coffee" in loving memory of our mother Nurit bat Chanom and Yehuda MENUCHATA B'GAN EDEN from Mr. and Mrs. Asher Zamir and family.... Also in loving memory of Asher's father Itzhak ben Khanom and Ruchama bat Esther MENUCHATAM B'GAN EDEN

The Levian Family are dedicating for the refuah shelema of Yaffa bat Miryam, Yehuda ben Yaffa and Rafael ben Michal and all of klal Yisrael...AMEN!!

Mr. and Mrs. Yves (Avi) and Bracha Behar in loving memory of his mother Devorah bat Rina and his brother Yosef ben Devorah MENUCHATA B'GAN EDEN and best wishes to all of am Yisrael....we regret to in form you the passing of Yves 's father Rachamim ben David Behar MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN

Mr. Dan Samuel dedicating for the refuah shelema of his father Eliyahu ben Yeshua and in loving memory of his mother Rina bat Batya and alsoRachel bat Mazal MENUCHATAM B'GAN EDEN

We regret to inform you of the passing of Baruch Ruben ben Shaina Leah, May the Gorelic family not see more tza'ar.......refuah shelema Prumit bat Esther Malka, Yonatan David ben Prumit

From Doctor Irina Ludner in loving memory of her father Nerya Chulpayev (1938-2015) a great person and loving father whom we will never forget! Also in loving memory of an aunt-Shoshana Roza Matmon-who was a great example and inspiration in life for me!

Mr. and Mrs. David Portal in loving memory of his father Reb Avrohom Portel ben Reb Chaim and his father-in-law Reb Aryeh Leib Zisman ben Reb Shraga Feival

Mr. and Mrs. Lev Kimyagarov in loving memory of his grandfather Benchic ben Sara MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN

Mr. and Mrs. Ruslan Kimyagarov dedication in loving memory of Benyamin Kimyagarov and Raya Fayzibaev Emanuel Boruchov and the well being of am Yisrael

MAZAL TOV! Mr. and Mrs. Aharon and Shirly Ambalu and Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef and Devora Sara Alon on the engagement of their children Chaya and Eliyahu

Anonymous for the health, parnasa AD BLI DAI- B'SHEFA, hatzlaha bracha, and abundance of Torah to Rafael ben Yehuda, Gavriel ben Yehuda, Yehuda ben Avraam, and their entire family as well to all of klal Israel. BEKAROV also a refuah shelema to Riva bat broocha Berta bat Osnat

We regret to inform you of the passing of Jean Gluck wife of Eugene Gluck may the Gluck, Freidman and Weichselbaum families not see more tza'ar

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohen wishing zevug hagune l'kol harevakim v'revakot....and dedicating in loving memory of his father in law Eliyahu ben Sarah MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN

Mr. and Mrs. Pinchas (Peter) Murdakhaev and Mr. Simcha Murdakhaev dedicating Leiliul nishmat their beloved grandmother Nekadam (Nina) bat Rachel MENUCHATAM B'GAN EDEN

Mr. and Mrs. Ami Aharon dedicating l'eluyai nishmat Shoshana Roza bat Esther "she was an amazing person and positively affected everyone who knew her MENUCHATA B'GAN EDEN

Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bilderici would like to dedicate Iluy nishmat:




YAKOV BEN ROSI and all the niftarim,



Mr. and Mrs. Gil Winokur dedicating for the refuah shelema of his beloved mother Chana bat Eivel and also all of klal Yisrael

Refuah shelema Eliezer Lippa ben Yetti

Refuah Shelema Efraim ben Bruriah

Anonymous for the refuah shelema Nurit bat Rivka

Nataniella Avigael bat Zoya for the right zivug ba'karov

The Mavashev family dedicating in loving memory of their grandfather Hananel ben Betiya MENUCHATO B'GAN EDEN

We regret to inform you of the passing of the matriarch of the Meirov family Liza bat Sarah and Moshe Meirov ben Adina also their uncle Elozor Cohen Meirov ben Adina MENUCHATAM B'GAN EDEN

Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Mashkabov dedicating in loving memory of Yevgenia bat Tzilya Kusayeva MENUCHATA B'GAN EDEN

ANNONYMOUS refuah shelema Yaffa bat Rivka

Wishing hatzlacha and MAZAL TOV to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimyagarov on the grand opening of "Austin Optics" 72-20 Austin st. Forest Hills

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aharonoff, for the refuah, hatzlacha, bracha, parnasa, shalom to the whole wide world.

Anonymous for speedy and right Shduch for Adina bat Alla

Anonymous refuah shelema Gavriel ben Yocheved, Shoshana bat Yocheved. Eta bat Chaya Sarah, Elan Raphael ben Tova Rivka,

Hatzlacha to Gavriel ben Bohore

Wishing Gavriel ben Leah Yakubov parnasa b'shefa...AD BLI DAI


Mr. David Bodenhiem in loving memory of his father Naftali ben Avraham MENUCHATO BEH GAN EDEN

Speedily to find the right shiduch for Ronit bat Ester, Avraham Farzad ben Rachel Pari, David ben Sarah, Yosef ben Sarah, Aharon Yonatan ben pnina, Tzvi Mordechai ben Pnina, Ella Rochel bat Larisa, Malkiel Chai ben Yshua Shura and they should have bruit hatzlacha parnasa shalom shalva b'sorot tovot and simchat chaim

Anonymous to be Chozer B'tchuva Malkiel Chai ben Yshua Shura and Chani bat Tzipora Chaya

Anonymous refuah shelema l'kol am Yisrael


NachmanYona ben Chaih
Eliezer Lippa ben Yette
Mazal bat Yaffa
Gavriel ben Frecha
Yehudit bat Rachel
Irina bat Sonya
Shamuel ben Yaffa (Hamomi)
Shura Yoshua bat Chusni
Oshrat bat Esther
Michoel ben Rephael
Ruth bat Keshuar
Tovah bat Mirriam Leah
Moshe ben Nina
Yaffa bat Rivka
(Jerry)Chaim Yaacov Lev ben Sarah
Ruth bat Ahuva
Yitzchak ben Minu
Channa Leah bat Sarah
Tzvia bat Leah
Shimon Yaacov ben Henya Faiga
Asher ben Nurit
Meir Chai ben Menashe and Mazal
Avraham ben Rachel
Ruth bat Aliza and Jacob
Devorah bat Rachel
Anonymous Refuah shelema to all of klal Yisrael
Tovah bat Mirriam Leah.
Gavriel ben Yocheved
Leah Taub bat Mirriam
Shura bat Mira
Sharon ben Shmuel Sarah
Amnon ben Kztia
Mordechai ben Sarah
Shoshana bat Rivkah
Tzipora Chaya bat Sarah
Sarah bat Chusni
Avrahan ben Dina
Ovadia ben Rivka
Tzvi Hirsh ben Sara Baila
Yaffa bat Bracha
Liebal bat Sali
Orah Olga bat Nekadam
Nisim ben Esther
Yosef ben Esther
Liebal bat Sali
Orah Olga bat Nekadam
Nisim ben Esther
Yosef ben Esther

"Sharei Tefila" 
147-02 76th rd, Flushing
                                                      FREE S unday classes for children ages 6-12 -  10:00-noon
ages 8-12 - noon  with bar mitzvah lessons
Shacharit  5:45am.

6:00 am  Shiur with Rabbi Yitzchak Abramov,  Shacharit  7:30am
Youth minyan  8:30am   
Minha 1:30pm

Tehilim group for kids-candy prizes-with Yakoby Matmon

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