Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Awareness Day 2019
Hello families and friends of our Phelan-McDermid loved ones,

As you know, International Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Awareness Day is just under a month away on October 22 nd, 2019. As promised, we are sharing some resources and ideas with you.

Light up green to spread awareness
  • Light up local landmarks around the world to shine a green light for awareness on or around October 22. Click here for a list of 100 US landmarks that light up.
  • As time runs short, don’t be afraid to think more local. Light up your porch or house. Ask neighbors, friends and relatives to do the same to raise awareness – maybe even get your whole street to do it!
  • Reach out to your local Facebook group and Nextdoor community.

Amazon Smile
  • Make one more ask of your friends and family. When requesting they light up green and sharing lighting options (see links below) with them, ask family and friends to use Amazon Smile and designate donations go to PMSF if they aren’t already.
  • Even if they don’t get the lights, maybe they’ll support PMSF through Amazon Smile.

Share on social media or by email

  • Please take pictures of landmarks and homes you help light up, share them on social media using #pmsfad and share them with the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Foundation by tagging us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
  • If you prefer to just email us photos so we can share, send them to Communications Committee chair Arturo Silva at
  • In October, we will share on the PMSF social media sites infographics you can use on social media so keep an eye out for those.

Reach out to the media
  • Especially if you are able to light up a local landmark or a whole street in your neighborhood, reach out to the news media in early October and tell them about it so they have a story for awareness day.
  • Click here to download a news release template you can fill in with your local details of lighting up green and email to them.
  • Pick a local newspaper, news website and/or local television station to approach, and get the email address of the most suitable reporter by going online or calling.
  • You want to make lighting up on awareness day the focus when pitching them, but if they do a story, they’ll most likely want to hear about your PMS journey so don’t be afraid to share.
  • If you need help doing approaching the media, the PMSF Communications Committee is here to help you so reach out to us.

Where to get lights
  • I purchased a green light which came in a two pack so I can use one for the front and one for the back of the house. This is the light that I have.·      
  • If you prefer spotlight style, and solar, try this.
  • If your outdoor light is in a place that doesn’t get wet this is a less expensive option.

Thank you for your time,

Joanna Kent
Mom of Saly age 3
If you have any questions
please email me.
Joanna Kent