Renewing Together Through Philanthropy
this Holiday Season!
With gratitude,
All of us at your Community Foundation
Need some end of year planning guidance?
Learn about our Holiday Hours and end of year giving info here and contact us with questions.
Generosity of Two
Thomas Bruce, Santa, Judith Pratt
Thomas Bruce and Judith Pratt know the workings of the nonprofit world both in Ithaca and across the country. The two spent years working in arts organizations, serving on nonprofit boards, and for the past 10 years, they have been loyal donors to the Community Foundation of Tompkins County. Read more.
"It's harder for people to see what operating money does," says Judith, "Unless you experienced working for or running a nonprofit, at which point you know perfectly well what it does, and both of us do."
Supporting Holiday and Winter Food Security
COVID-19 Response Fund Grant increases capacity
By the third week of every month, nearly 80% of even the thriftiest people using SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) have run out of food.
Demi Perry, Cornell Grad Student and Volunteer Organizer for the Food Task Force
"I am utterly grateful for those boxes and the food stuffs... ..I got food now so I'm not worried...I love Ithaca and the people that love people...nowhere else have I lived where they care for the fellow folks so much...I am utterly grateful...beyond belief..."
-West Village Resident
Before COVID (2018), Feeding America estimated that 10% of all Tompkins County residents (10,400 people), and 17% of all children were food insecure. This year (2020), food insecurity is projected to impact around 14% of all residents and 22% of all children. Many people began the pandemic already facing chronic health crises (e.g. diabetes, heart disease, obesity) induced by a chronic lack of nourishing food. The Community Foundation of Tompkins County has supported the Food Task Force to address further food gaps anticipated during the upcoming holiday break and through the winter.
Thank you Healthy Food For All for promoting
Community Health, Food Equity & Farm Viability Video link
And thank you to the donors of the COVID-19 Response Fund for making all of this possible! Would you like to learn more about the 45+ grants made from the COVID Fund? Here's the whole LIST
Addressing the Childcare Crisis
Your gifts to the COVID Response Fund supported the Community Foundation's sponsorship of the Child Development Council's
Adopt a Classroom!
- Child care is critical.
- Parents cannot go to work and contribute to the local economy without child care.
- It keeps children safe, healthy, and learning. Today's children will become tomorrow's caregivers.
- The pandemic has hurt child care centers.
- Centers operate with thin profit margins, as it is costly to deliver high quality care. Increased costs and reduced revenue as a result of the pandemic have created large deficits, leaving centers at high risk of closure.
- Women are disproportionately affected.
- One in three mothers have considered leaving the workforce or downshifting their careers because of COVID-19
Learn more about Adopt a Classroom here
Support for the Child Development Council comes from the Women's Fund, The Birth to 3 Fund, the COVID-19 Response Fund, and many Donor Advised Funds of the Community Foundation
Over $148,000 Granted in Year Two of our Fall Grant Cycle - Strengthening Communities
Over $148,000 of Grants to 11 Programs
Community Foundation is committed to fostering collaboration and strategic approaches to improve the quality of life for all in Tompkins County. This two year cycle (2019 and 2020) prioritizes methodology and processes to achieve community planning, capacity building, systemic change and solutions to complex challenges.
Comprised of $86,984 from our Tompkins Today & Tomorrow Fund, $7,500 from donor advised funds, $53,749 from Field of Interest Funds such as our Susan Christopherson Community Planning Fund, Social Justice Fund, and Environmental Education Fund.
Grant Cycle Priority Areas:
- Access to affordable housing and transportation
- Access to food security and nutritional health
- Access to living wage jobs and safe housing for those re-entering after incarceration
- Eliminating race, class, disability and gender as predictors of student participation and achievement
- Strengthening our system of prevention and treatment services for people experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis
- Access to high-quality, affordable childcare in early childhood (birth-5)
- Other
Learn about the grantees here!
Thank you to our outgoing 2020 Board members
We acknowledge, with gratitude, the following members
completing service in 2020
Welcome to our New 2021 Board Members
and New Leadership
Elected to the board for a first three year term: Kristin Dade, Ian Harrop, James Hunter, Aisha Jasper, Carol Mallison, and Reginald White.
Leadership for 2021: Keith McCafferty, Chairperson Theoria Cason, Vice-Chairperson Mary MacAusland, Treasurer Jessica Custer-Bindel, Secretary Susan Murphy, Immediate Past Chair Click here to learn more about our board
Community Foundation
Celebrating 20 years of impact
Let's Talk: Monthly Series continues to bring you a more in depth look at local issues and needs
Let's Talk continues into 2021
Each is 30 minutes, upcoming topics are:
January 12:
Let's Talk: Substance Use Disorder Services, Angela Sullivan, Executive Director, Alcohol and Drug Council
February 9:
Let's Talk: People with Disabilities, Jan Lynch, Executive Director, FLIC (Finger Lakes Independence Center)
March 9:
Let's Talk: Mental Health, Frank Kruppa, Tompkins County Mental Health Commissioner
Previous Let's Talk recorded conversations are available here
Travis Brooks, Deputy Director, Greater Ithaca Activities Center, Director, My Brother's Keeper Ithaca
- Pete Meyers, Coordinator, Tompkins County Workers' Center