Philanthropy Magnified Impact Report
July 2020
Learn, Give, Act Together
  We Encourage Your Participation in this
Important Community Read 

Your Community Foundation board and staff have committed to read and study this book together.

The book read is open to all in the Finger Lakes region and will take place over four sessions from July to September. In this political moment of national uprising demanding justice for Black lives, we hope that this book read will:
  • Provide a deepening of anti-racist education for community members
  • Increase community members' shared understanding and language related to race, systemic racism and white supremacy
  • Strengthen our ability to take anti-racist action in our every day lives
  • Allow us to address and take action on systemic racism locally at the policy level
  • Empower community members to plug into existing anti-racist work happening in our community
  • Bring together people who are committed to anti-racism in order to support each other as we take immediate action as well as build sustainable networks for the long haul
Sign-up by THURSDAY JULY 16!:
To sign up as a participant or facilitator please fill out this google form . The book read will be capped at 300 participants and 30 facilitators, first come first served. If you have an extra book to offer or can purchase one for another participant, please fill out this form.  
Purchasing the Book:
The organizers recommend purchasing from 
If cost is a prohibitive factor, reach out to and they will get a copy to you, or you can contact someone with an extra copy of the book here.
Highlights from the   Food Task Force, a
Community  Collaboration

Many local small farms and organizations provide food, coordination and delivery, including Cornell Cooperative Extension  and the  Cornell Farmworker Program . The Tompkins County COVID-19 Food Task Force received financial support from the  COVID-19 Response Fund of Community Foundation , Cornell's  Office of Engaged Initiatives  and individuals.

Families struggle less to put food on the table because of the Food Task Force   who held a free food pickup & delivery for more than 800 individuals, July 7-8.

     Food Task Force  workers distributed fresh cherries, carrots, cucumbers, garlic scapes, salad greens, lettuce and zucchini. Thanks to local farms,  Headwater Food Hub and  Healthy Food for All for their donations,  plus the  Food Bank of the Southern Tier  and  Friendship Donations Network .
Cool, cool, cool!

You did it! Local donors and foundations unite! 

On July 4th, the  Alex Haley Pool at the Greater Ithaca Activities Center opened to t he community . Individuals, Legacy Foundation and Purity Ice Cream donated $80,000  and more needed to open the pool for July and August! 

Thank you

Did you know?
You can be part of our Community Response Montage!

It is not too late to tell us what is happening for a community message 
"I am thankful, joyful, hopeful for..." montage to be shared at our  virtual 
Let's Talk: Connecting You slated for August (date TBD), see more at the end of this enewsletter.

See  what's been shared on YouTube 
Community Response Montage 

Grant from the  COVID-19 Response Fund 
to Challenge Cleaning Services 

As a result of your support, a $16,000 grant to Challenge Workforce Solutions allows nonprofits (health clinics, churches, libraries, and others) that were looking for enhanced cleaning to receive it, free!

Planning to reopen a business or office during this difficult time is no easy task. This grant provides cleaning services to local non-profits who serve our most vulnerable populations at absolutely no-cost.

Your gifts and donor advised funds came in all shapes and sizes. Together, with others, you generate big impact!

Community Foundation  COVID-19 Response Fund grants have helped many local organizations (to see more, use this link).
Taking Steps to Advance Social Justice 


Mathios Family Members Alan and Mary and daughter Erin 
surprised us with a thoughtful approach to promote the  Social Justice Fund

"Mission Accomplished! As of today, we have officially walked every legally walkable road in the town and city of It haca, as well as the Village of Lansing. For every mile that we walked, we will be making a donation to the Community Foundation of Tompkins County Social Justice Fund, which is "dedicated to understanding and interrupting the traditional patterns of exclusion which prevent equal opportunities for all."
Thanks to everyone who spotted us as it made this adventure so much  more fun and allowed us to donate to a variety of charities."

Thank you!

  Philanthropic Tools for Racial Justice  

Perhaps you're alarmed about the state of the world. Perhaps you're horrified at the risks and dangers that lurk about. 
Throughout our history our communities have survived through scary, weird and confusing times. That's what history is! At the time? Nobody knew what was happening, where it would go, what it would mean.

It's strange to think that we can take comfort from this, but we can. Everyone who's ever lived, including you, lived through history. 

That's what is going on right now. 

It's up to you whether you live through them passively, or actively. You have the chance to influence history. We all have the opportunity to face challenges by remaining calm and acting with  courage, moderation, justice and wisdom.

Giving to the  Social Justice Fund assures that philanthropy is part of the solution in addressing systemic injustices in our community.  

Additional Philanthropic Informational Resources on Advancing Racial Justice can be found  here
Let's Talk: Connecting you
with issues and needs in our community

Look for a special announcement in the next weeks about an upcoming series of virtual 30 minute check ins with leaders of various sectors in the mission driven world. We will bring you quick, clear and informative updates on issues like K-12 schools, housing, transportation and the like. Running from August through December 2020.
Think about the purpose of your email:
You want readers to respond in a certain way, so make sure to spell it out for them. Use specific calls-to-action such as visit our website, shop the sale now, or sign up for specials.

Call-to-Action Link