Philanthropy Magnified Impact Report
Engaged Philanthropy, Inspired Communities
Thank You for Joining Us at our
Virtual Annual Gratitude Gathering!
Picture provided by Event Presenter, Healthy Food For All of Cornell Cooperative Extension
"I was very impressed with the gathering [and] with your organization as a whole. I loved the way you openly grappled with how to address the moment in this country - of racism, and whether or not to even have your event. And the commitment you made around it. Thanks!"
- Attendee at Virtual Gratitude Gathering
Missed the event or want to
view it again? Click
View our Hot-off-the-presses 20
19 Annual Report
We made funds available for grants to be made by two gathering participants selected at random. Two $250 grants from our Social justice Fund will be made by Karl Graham and Ralph Bocchino
They will be directing these grants to the nonprofit of their choice with consultation from Community Foundation staff.
Staff are
listening and leaning into creative solutions
to the issues caused by the pandemic as well as to issues of racial justice throughout our communities.
share with us your perspective, your feedback and your ideas for action steps.
We are YOUR Community Foundation!
Philanthropic Tools for Racial Justice
Our Social Justice Fund
is a field of interest fund dedicated to understanding and interrupting the traditional patterns of exclusion which prevent equal opportunity for all.
Community activist and grant review team member, Phoebe Brown, speaking at the Juneteenth Rally on the Ithaca Commons
"...we want you to think about what your time, talent, treasure and voice
can contribute to advancing what our communities need to heal,
to seek racial justice, to restructure our relationships and
our institutions and to share power."
George Ferrari, CEO, Community Foundation
Your gift to the Social Justice Fund assures that philanthropy is part of the solution in addressing systemic injustices in our community.
Additional Philanthropic Informational Resources on Advancing Racial Justice can be found
Local Funders Joining Together for Our Families
After an unprecedented loss of revenue due to the economic slowdown sparked by COVID-19, the City of Ithaca has announced that all of its summer youth programming has been cancelled. Please help to safely open the Alex Haley Pool at the Greater Ithaca Activities Center for families and children served by GIAC and the broader community.
United Way is receiving donations to raise the $80,000 needed to
keep the pool open for July and August! Please direct your gifts
heck the box that says "GIAC/Alex Haley Pool (Reopening Fund)," and
100% of your gift will go directly to reopening the pool.
We Love Our Community Volunteers!
Aisha Jasper
Community Development Liaison
VISIONS Federal Credit Union
"For the past year, I have served as a community volunteer on the
Services Committee. Being involved with philanthropy is an opportunity on every level. An
to not only do a civic duty, but also to represent the people in our respective
. For me, this particularly resonates as an African American woman and the
I have been given to voice
of my community and
them into
change. A tall order to fill, but a challenge I
Read more in our Annual Report
The Annual Spring Grant Cycle supports women, youth, aging, animal welfare and environmental preservation. Applications were due on March 16th, just as we began to see more rapid changes in response to COVID-19. We received 37 applications for $168,785 in requests. While the grant cycle was delayed slightly as we launched the new COVID-19 Response Fund Rolling Grant Cycle,
Ann Martin, Linda Madeo and Josephine Allen from our Community Impact Committee quickly mobilized to get the applications reviewed, so that we wouldn't delay in getting funds out to our local organizations.
As a result, $115,403 was made in 47 grants from 12 funds
supporting 27 programs
Our funds come in all shapes and sizes. When they come together to respond to needs, they generate
big impact!
- Our Donor Advised Funds were incredibly responsive, providing $16,810 in grants.
- $53,000 came from the Helen T. Howland Foundation held at Wilmington Trust.
- $33,708 came from Field of Interest Funds and the Tompkins Today and Tomorrow Fund
- $11,885 came from an engaged and dynamic review process by our Women's Fund
here for a full list of grants
COVID-19 Response Fund Impact News
In coordination with other local funders such as
$878,772 has been granted through June 15.
Thanks to responsive fund advisors, Donor Advised Funds have made up more than 50% of Community Foundation Support!
Gifts to the COVID-19 Response Fund from over 250 donors
have resulted in major support for our community.
Grants from this fund are supporting:
Read about more COVID-19 related grants here:
Please note that gifts to the fund have begun to slow while we anticipate an increase in need in the coming months. Your
gift will help meet increasing needs.