Calflora Photo Contest Tiebreaker: Your Votes Determine the Winners!
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3. Click “Like” (lower left of photo) to vote for that photo.

Vote on one or more photos in one or more of the five categories. Each category will have one winner. In addition to the usual fame and glory, this year's five winners earn prizes!
Calochortus Category
Calochortus venustus
by Mira Lockwood
Calochortus clavatus ssp. recurvifolius
by Morgan Stickrod
Calochortus plummerae
by Elena Oey
All Other Flowering Plants Category
Lilium bolanderi
by Morgan Stickrod

Hosackia gracilis
by Steve Conger
Paeonia brownii
by Karen Swift
Grasses and Grasslike Plants Category
Eleocharis macrostachya
by Ron Vanderhoff
Juncus bufonius var. bufonius
by R.A. Chasey
Carex concinnoides
by Dana York
Gymnosperms Category
Pseudotsuga macrocarpa
by Bryant Baker
Pinus monticola
by Christopher Collier
Juniperus grandis
by Christopher Collier
Fern and Bryophyte Category
Asterella californica
by Mike Russler
Woodwardia fimbriata
by Karen Swift
Pentagramma triangularis by Christopher Collier
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The winners for each category will be announced on Tuesday June 20th. Reply to this email with questions.