Announcing Photo L.A. 2019 Exhibitors

Photo L.A . would like to welcome you to visit our exhibitors at the historic Barker Hangar, Santa Monica from January 31st - February 3rd, 2019 . Our curated selection of 60+ local and international galleries, dealers, collectives, leading not-for-profits, art schools, and global booksellers will offer an extensive selection of photographic works. From the Classic Masters to the Contemporary Greats, all will gather and be showcased during the 27th edition of Photo L.A .

South Dennis USA

Shenzhen CHINA


New York USA

Santa Monica USA

Kunming CHINA

Portland USA

Beijing CHINA

Lanzhou CHINA

Pasadena USA

New York USA

Venice USA

Santa Monica USA

Tucson USA

Los Angeles USA

Seattle USA

Beverly Hills USA

Los Angeles USA + Paris FRANCE

Montreal CANADA

Guilford USA

Emeryville USA

Copenhagen DENMARK

Seattle USA

Aspen USA

La Jolla USA

Toronto CANADA
Los Angeles USA

Brooklyn USA

Kunming CHINA

Seattle USA

Santa Fe USA

San Miguel de Allende MEXICO

Toronto CANADA

Paso Robles USA

Los Angeles USA

Zhengzhou City CHINA

San Francisco USA

Santa Monica USA

Santa Fe USA

Oakland USA

Boston USA

San Francisco USA

Beijing CHINA

San Francisco USA

Beijing CHINA

Los Angeles USA

Irvine USA

Birmingham USA

Culver City USA

New York USA

Lanzhou CHINA

Jiaxing CHINA
Join us at Photo L.A. 2019 and enjoy the curated roster of local and international exhibitors as well as our highly anticipated programming lectures, panel discussions, special installations, and docent tours. Take part in honoring Jo Ann Callis, benefitting Venice Arts , and mingling with the always eclectic Los Angeles photography community.

Tickets now available! Follow the links below to buy your tickets to Photo L.A . 2019 and experience A Photography Fair Like No Other!

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