August 4, 2022
A summary of news and events,
for the people of the
Episcopal Churches of West Missouri
Central Deanery Picnic makes a splash

What a wonderful afternoon at St. Anne’s in Lee’s Summit! Approximately 120 members of the deanery were there on Saturday, July 23. Both Mother Kary from Trinity, Independence, and the Rev. Meg from St. Anne’s were good sports and tried out the water slide too!

Rain fails to dampen spirits at the Southern Deanery Picnic

Well, it poured down rain most of the day (rain which people in the south of the diocese need!), but the rain stopped in time for the picnic. A faithful 90+ people were in attendance on the cool (72 degrees!) overcast afternoon.

Redeemer holds picnic for Northland Infant Clothing Center (NICC)
One-minute read.
Church of the Redeemer in Kansas City recently held a community picnic for constituents of their ministry to Northland Infant Clothing Center (NICC). NICC has served 569 families so far this year, giving out 858 packages of diapers and clothing 681 children.
Message from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on Lambeth Call on human dignity
Five-minute read.
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry is among an estimated 650 Anglican bishops worldwide — including more than 100 Episcopal bishops — attending the Lambeth Conference in Canterbury, England, through August 7.

Letter from Bishop Bruce on the Lambeth Calls

The Lambeth Conference is a gathering of all the active bishops throughout the Anglican Communion which occurs once every 10 years. I want to share with you all why I am not at Lambeth, and my feelings about what is about to take place there.

See also this earlier statement from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

Nominations, resolutions, and reports, are now being accepted for the 2022 Annual Convention
One-minute read.
Nominations, resolutions, and reports for the 133rd Annual Convention of the Diocese of West Missouri taking place on November 4 and 5 at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral and online are now being accepted.
Download your annual pledge campaign resources today!
One-minute read.
TENS are proud to announce that their annual pledge campaign materials are ready for download.
Let Yourself Be Heard
Two-minute read.
More than ever, it is important Episcopalians across the country continue to carry out the Baptismal Covenant call to “strive for justice and peace”. Make your voice heard, make your actions tangible, by participating in the active ministry of public policy advocacy.
Mensaje del obispo primado Michael Curry acerca del Llamado de Lambeth sobre la dignidad humana
Five-minute read.
El obispo primado de la Iglesia Episcopal Michael Curry se encuentre entre aproximadamente 650 obispos anglicanos de todo el mundo —entre ellos más de cien obispos episcopales— que asisten a la Conferencia de Lambeth en Cantórbery, Inglaterra, hasta el 7 de agosto.
Carta de la Obispa Bruce sobre los Llamamientos de Lambeth

La Conferencia de Lambeth es una reunión de todos los obispos activos de la Comunión Anglicana que se celebra cada 10 años. Quiero compartir con ustedes por qué no estoy en Lambeth, y mis sentimientos sobre lo que está a punto de ocurrir allí.
Descargue hoy los recursos para la campaña anual de compromiso
One-minute read.
Estamos orgullosos de anunciar que los materiales de nuestra campaña de compromiso anual están listos para descargar
Declaración del obispo primado Michael Curry sobre los Llamados de Lambeth
Three-minute read.
Si bien esta situación está cambiando rápidamente, quiero asegurarles a todos los episcopales que la Cámara de Obispos se reunirá el miércoles en Cantórbery para discernir el camino a seguir antes de que comience la Conferencia de Lambeth. – Most Rev. Michael B. Curry
The Rev. Dr. Bill Beachy’s funeral
7 p.m. August 8
Four-minute read.
The funeral of the Rev. Dr. Bill Beachy will be held on August 8, 2022 at 7 p.m. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City, Missouri. You can also watch the service live online.
The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) August Newsletter
Four-minute read.
Read Twelve Baskets Full, The Episcopal Network for Stewardship’s latest monthly newsletter.
Transitions – July 2022
One-minute read.
Details of the churches in transition and the clergy transitions through to the end of July 2022.
What's happening
Enjoy the cool
There are shaded areas, plenty of shade trees, and a water slide to enjoy outside. The church buildings will be open for anyone who wants to enjoy fellowship in the comfort of its air-conditioned spaces.
Province VII ECW Fall Gathering — September 9 – 11

All Episcopal women are invited to attend the Province VII ECW Fall Gathering at the Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas, Texas (or via Zoom) September 9 – 11, 2022.
Love’s Redeeming Work: Discovering the Anglican Tradition — September 22-23

Increasing donor sophistication, the quickening wealth transfer in the U.S., and the pandemic have created a unique opportunity for parishes and cathedrals to shift from cash-based fundraising to beyond cash, or asset-based, fundraising.
Grand Ultreya — Rekindling Love and Kindness in the Heartland — September 24

The Heartland Episcopal Cursillo Ministry is evolving and maturing to meet the needs of future generations. Heartland Secretariat, your Cursillo leadership, will host a Grand Ultreya “Rekindling Love and Kindness in the Heartland” on Saturday, September 24, 2022 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral.
Save the Date! 2022 Annual Convention — November 4 & 5

Events & Meetings
check out the diocesan calendar and our full list of forthcoming events and meetings.
None at present.
Many churches in the diocese are offering daily prayers, reflections, and Sunday worship online.
Clergy, Administrators, and Church Leaders
Diakoneo Magazine August, 2022
15-minute read.
The latest issue of Diakoneo, the magazine for deacons is available to read online.
July issue of Lamplight
Tree-minute read.
The July issue of Lamplight, Episcopal Relief & Development’s disaster program newsletter is available to read online.
Changing the times of your online services?

Don't forget to let us know so we can keep the list of online services up to date.

Email any changes to [email protected]
Bulletin inserts and flyers
Do you have any bulletin inserts or flyers of interest to the Episcopal Churches of West Missouri? Send them in!

Second chance - In case you missed it
Bishop Diane’s reflection on the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church
Website Updates
Six steps to promoting your church event online
Spread The Word