Debby Brown's Hocus Focus
Hi there!

This month's word is Impact.

There's always a lot of interest in the impact of photographs. Think about magazine covers and front pages of newspapers, advertisements and brochures. Then there's the whole internet/social media phenomenon where there are supposedly a couple of billion images added every day. Two billion!

But even with so many photos to gaze upon, one thing is still true.
A photo with impact can take your breath away.

As always, the DB&A photographers have their own ways of visualizing the word.


Deborah Brown & Associates
They Can Change the Course of History
Or take your breath away...or both

As surprising as this may sound, the bus system here in NYC is based on an honor code.
Here's how it works. You buy your ticket at an automated kiosk at the bus stop. The ticket is really just a receipt that indicates you have paid the fare for the bus that stops there. You wait for the bus to arrive, get on, sit down and off you go. No checking of tickets, either as you board, as you get off or anywhere in between. 
At least that's how it always worked for me.  
I happened to be on a bus last Sunday going across town and was just thinking to myself about how crazy it is that I have never been asked to show my ticket to any official. I mean, I'm pretty sure there are at least a few people on every bus that haven't bought their tickets.. But I just chalk it up to the fact that there are always those who will take advantage of an honor system.
So last Sunday after I had boarded and sat down, we pulled up at a bus stop, the doors opened, and I swear I thought the bus was under attack. A swarm of big men all dressed in black with very serious expressions surged onto the bus. It was like we were in the middle of a SWAT team operation. They starting asking each passenger individually to show his/her ticket. Within 30 seconds three people were hauled off the bus, the doors closed and the bus then continued on its not-so-merry way.
I have to admit, it was a sobering moment and had an enormous impact on me. I will never forget the sight of all these ominous-looking men overtaking the inside of that bus. But the impact of that day goes farther than that. If I ever had a twinkle of an idea to hop on a bus without a ticket (I haven't, but if I had), that twinkle just got extinguished.

While that live bus situation had a very strong impact on me, the same can be true while simply looking at a photograph. Just like I will never forget that bus ride, I bet there are photographs that will stay with you forever. Compassion, rage, queasiness, hilarity, all of these emotions and more can be brought to life by a single image. Photographs can ignite revolutions, bring tears of joy and everything in between. Talk about impact!  
I'm proud to present my photographers' images that either literally say, "Impact," or create it. Have look and see if you agree: 
  ©  Amos Chan (based in NYC)

© Rosanne Olson (based in Seattle)

  © Bill Gallery (based in New England)


© Ron Wu (based in Chicago)

  © Jon Love (based in Australia)

© Robin Moyer (based in Hong Kong) 
This image and the next 4 by Robin Moyer are of Tianamen Square in Beijing in 1989. For those of you who don't know or have forgotten, this Square was the scene of protests by over a million Chinese people (mostly students) demanding democracy and a less repressive government. After 3 weeks, government troops came through killing hundreds of the protesters.  

© Robin Moyer (based in Hong Kong)

© Robin Moyer (based in Hong Kong)

© Robin Moyer (based in Hong Kong)

 © Robin Moyer (based in Hong Kong)

© Neal Wilson (based in the UK)

By the way, if you're in the market for stock photography of Impact, click on the Bill Gallery photo below:

© Bill Gallery 

One last thing about the bus ride. I mentioned before that I always pay for my ride, even though it's so easy not to. So I have to admit, after those non-payers were "escorted" off the bus, a teensy bit of satisfying good doobee-ism crept into my psyche. Kind of like when your big sister was doing something naughty and you were on the sidelines quietly playing with your dollhouse and your parents caught her in the act and punished her and praised you for staying out of the whole mess. Yes, just a little bit of that same feeling.

Be on the lookout for next month's word: Security

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Deborah Brown & Associates is an agency providing outstanding photography services to the graphic design and corporate communications communities.  For more information, please click here .